xenl Member


  • I still eat out. It's important to try to make lifestyle changes that you can actually stick to. Are you never going to eat out again? I just try to be more deliberate about my selections. When possible, I review the menu ahead of time so that I can pick out what I may want and how many calories it may be. Keep in mind too…
  • I eat vegan. Like another person said - it is all about calories in vs calories out. My sister also eats vegan and healthy and thought she was taking in way fewer calories than she was. One day I calculated it for her and by mid-day she was well over what she needed. Starting out I would still weigh/measure just so you can…
    in Vegan diets Comment by xenl May 2015
  • Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Did you stay under your calorie limit? Were you active for at least 20 minutes? I track everything I eat and drink that contains calories. I do not track my water intake. I have stayed under my calorie limit every day. Yes, I am actually in the midst of a run…
  • I did the Basic today. It was challenging - but mainly because my dog and my roommate's two dogs decided they wanted to be right where I was. At one point I was doing push ups over two of them. My plan right now: Days 1-4 YAYOG plus Sworkit (core for now) and run Day 5 Yoga and run Day 6 Pilates and run Day 7 Stretch and…
  • I did a few 10ks, 5Ks plus a 10 miler last year. My goal is to do the same races with a better time.
  • I decided to download the app and do one of the 10 week programs. I chose the "first class" cause I was like, "pfft, I can do more than 10 push ups". Well, I can't do the 'let me ups' with a straight leg so back to basic it is lol.
  • My goal is to do a run streak for January by running at least 1 mile every day. My distance goal is 60 miles.
  • BTW, I see a lot of people that are around my height and weight. For those of you that are - do you also stare at the scale in disbelief. I don't think I look like I weigh as much as I do and most people are surprised when I tell them.
  • 5'7.5" (that .5" comes in very handy :wink: Age: 35 Highest: 171 Current: 166 Goal: 140 My weight was a roller coaster this past year. I managed to get down to 155ish but then of course sabotaged myself. I'm really good at getting down to 160-162 pounds but then I manage to gain 5-7 pounds. In early 2013 I was 145 pounds…
  • Okay, first I had never heard of YAYOG so I had to google it. Wow, this is exactly what I've been looking for. I don't want to join a gym (commitment issues :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ) so I've been trying to find a body weight routine that is more than just push ups and squats. My only concern would be whether or not…
  • Yeah, people forget that counting calories isn't just about making sure you don't go over a certain amount. It's important to make sure you're getting enough calories as well. I think a lot of people don't take in enough calories and as a result their bodies aren't properly fueled.
  • Olive oil is the one fat I can't/won't cut. I just love it so much. I love adding olive oil and salt to my dishes.
  • Same. I tried doing the 1200 calories net a day but it was not sustainable. Now, I aim for 1700 net although I don't care if I'm over by 200. I really wish some of the "enthusiastic" people in this thread would take the time to calculate their BMR and use that as the baseline.
  • I really don't think it's healthy to eat under your BMR. That's how many calories your body needs just to function every day.
  • Okay - time to jump in the fray. I probably eat 95% vegan but I wouldn't call myself vegan. I'm still just a vegetarian. How veg*ns choose to label themselves actually impacts other veg*ns. Fish eating "vegetarians" are why some restaurants offer fish as their vegetarian option. It's why every time I tell people I'm…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/62-happy-herbivores < Veggie message board here on MFP. I'm vegetarian myself although I lean more towards eating vegan.
  • ^ And what do you think are adequate protein levels. Quite frankly, you don't have to consume a lot to get "adequate" levels. OP, as most have said, just track your calories. You might be eating more than you think. There are so many myths out there about a plant based diet but really at the end of the day what matters is…
  • I don't like bacon either. I've been told that makes me un-American. C'est la vie.
  • I think the main concern people have is when people go to extremes. Some people, will label certain foods as "bad" and completely deny themselves those items. The end result is that a few days/weeks later they end up binge eating that food item. Calories in vs calories out is very important. Of course, if someone eats the…
  • Tempeh and seitan. Both are really high in protein and there's no cholesterol.
  • 42.4 miles down! Close to my goal of 55 miles. 3 more runs planned for the rest of this month. 01/24 - 5.10 mi. 01/22 - 3.26 mi. 01/20 - 4.61 mi. 01/18 - 3.06 mi. 01/16 - 4.04 mi. 01/14 - 2.28 mi. 01/13 - 4.28 mi. 01/10 - 2.67 mi. 01/08 - 4.04 mi. 01/06 - 2.87 mi. 01/04 - 3.14 mi. 01/02 - 3.04 mi.
  • *I DO NOT EAT MCDONALDS* That out of the way - you can actually eat nothing but McDonald's and lose weight. Just do a search for John Cisna a teacher who did just that for 90 days and lost 37 pounds. He kept within his calorie and nutrition guidelines.
  • Hold up. How the heck are you 30% body fat? How did you measure this? You're at the lower end of what's considered normal weight for your height.
  • In the Army we do what they calls 30/60s or 60/120s. I find that those help a lot. Sprint for 30 seconds/jog(or walk) for 60 seconds and repeat 8 or 10 times. Once you're comfortable with that increase the intervals to 60 seconds and 120 seconds. It helped me a lot. I went from doing my two miles in 18:30 seconds to under…
  • I just started with it today as well although I'm thinking I might prefer to do a P90X/Insanity hybrid. Love the first workout though and how quickly it goes by.
  • Same. I calculated my TDEE and eat under that for weight loss.
  • As long as you restrict yourself and consume too few calories you're going to find yourself binge eating. I used to try to adhere to 1200 net calories per day since that is what MFP had me at but I would be hungry and every few days binge eat. I saw NO results. I've been upping my calories every few days now to find that…
  • I am late to this. I have been running every other day so far in January. I also do walks for exercise. I'm not including activities that were just walking in my challenge. So far I've run 29 miles this month which is pretty good for me because that's probably how much I ran combined the last 4 months of last year. I've…
  • I'm curious how tall you guys are. MFP had me at 1200 calories net per day and I can honestly say that no good for me. No energy and I wasn't losing weight. I've upped my calorie intake to 1600 and in the first month dropped 5 pounds. I think it's important to not deny your body or starve it.
  • Goals for the next two weeks: 1. Continue running every other day (so far this month I have kept to that - even when the weather was not that great) 2. Start Insanity. I think I might be crazy running and doing Insanity but I have the time to do both and feel I have the endurance to do both. 3. Figure out my real TDEE by…