stacdjen Member


  • Truly an inspiration! Congrats on your current sucess and your future ones because I get the feeling there is going to be more!!
  • I've seen where I have been sneaking little junk foods in my diet here and there so I've had to make myself just not having them anywhere near and always a healthy alternative available. It is so hard on some days!! I limit myself to those guilty pleasures. Just keep reminding yourself where you have been and how far you…
  • I've been maintaining since last October and I'm sure I'm won't be the first to say that it's been hard. I quit logging every day for a few months. It got to be too much worrying. I stressed if I ate too much...I stressed if I didn't eat enough. You get the picture.. I had given myself a 5 pound range that I wanted to stay…
  • I get low-fat cereal bars (Wal-Mart brand, Nutri-grain, or Special K) and 100 cal. English Muffins. I pair it with a glass of skim milk or hot chocolate. That usually holds me over until my mid-morning snack.
  • Chicken Tacos I packet of McCormick chicken taco seasoning enough frozen chicken breast to cover bottom 1 can of Rotel tomatoes put seasoning in bottom of crock pot, add chicken, pour can Rotel on top plus 1/4 cup of water. No need to stir or anything. Cook on high 4-5 hours or low 8-10. Shred and stir. Cook for about…
  • I'm planning on making my food contributions to the meals the healthy part. :) Whether it's the salad or veggie/fruit tray. Just so I will have something available when I start to mindlessly graze. And then on those days where it's not the huge family affair I will eat the most possible healthiest food I have available.…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Stacy, 37 years old, married with 3 kids and I'm from Parkersburg, WV. I enjoy crafting, reading, photography, and right now working out. I also love Vampire Diaries and Duck Dynasty but those really aren't relivant. lol I started my journey this past June and I've lost 28 lbs. and I'm actually…
  • Welcome to the board. There is a lot of info on here. I'm also close to maintaining but scared out of my wits. I did actually change my settings and after 2 days got nervous and changed things back to lose 1/2 lb. I didn't like having that much leadway with my calories. I will figure it out....feel free to add me as a…
  • Thanks for the laugh. I can only imagine that feeling when you realized what he had done. One of those where you don't know if you should be mad or somewhat glad. :)
  • Don't get dicouraged. Weight is a tricky thing. Weigh yourself in a couple of days and you might be surprised. And I've always heard that your lose more inches with the 30DS than you do pounds. Keep at it and enjoy your weekend.
    in Weight Comment by stacdjen October 2012
  • I'm starting to think that if you can actually finish the 30DS in 30 days then you are just amazing! lol I'm on the extended version as well. I can't seem to get motivated on level 2. I'm finding it easier to just not do it and I don't like that. I've done it once this week. I am going to the gym so it's not like there…
  • I pack 5 lunches every night - myself, husband, and 3 kids. I usually eat a salad for myself sometimes sandwiches but not very often. I throw in a can or pouch of tuna for something extra on my salad. For cheese I cut up a low fat cheese stick. I love my cheese on salads. :) I also enjoy wraps. I get the chipotle mayo from…
  • I sucked it up and did level 2 last night. If my math is correct it would day 4 of level 2. It completely wore me out and I zoned out for about an hour afterwards. Legs are sore today so that's a good thing. Now hopefully I can continue for the rest of the week.
  • You don't know how happy it is to hear you guys say this. I was feeling like a quitter because I am having a hard time sticking with level 2. I honestly just don't want to do it and I can't pinpoint why. I had no problems with level 1 and no major problems with level 2. At first I thought it was just my TOM but now maybe I…
  • Glad to hear that I'm not the only one that is bored with Level 2. I'm so bored that I haven't had it in me to do for about 5 days - 2 of those days being rest days so they don't count. I know that it's a great workout and I feel great after I do it but if given the opportunity to skip out of the house and go to the gym…
  • I'm really feeling level 2 today. Whole body is sore. It's a nice sore....I think. I wish I could push through the 30 days in a row but I've been having fri/sat rest days for so long that I count on those days to get caught up on things I have neglected during the week. I was actually going to try to workout one of those…
  • My motivation got upted last night as I was looking back through pictures of just this year and I couldn't believe the way I looked and how much I have changed in the past 3 months and how much more I can do. No plans on stopping EV-ER!
  • I started level 2 last night and yes it was definitely harder. I now hate the word "plank." lol Hoping to get better at those as these days go on. I actually had to take a breather on the last cardio circuit. I was so kicking myself but it will get easier. :) (positive thinking there) I was glad for change and ready to…
  • Congrats on your accomplishments! So many reasons to be proud of yourself. I am currently doing 30DS and I just started level 2 last night. And I so shook my head in agreement about hating "planks." lol. Best of luck with your journey.
  • I have a major love of chocolate as well and I'm sure a ton of people on here are going to cringe when they read what I eat to calm that craving but oh well. I would be going crazy if i tired to cut out chocolate/sweets altogether. I get the 100 calorie bags of snackies. Its just enough to calm my craving without me…
  • I'm working on being a hot momma! I'm a mom to 3 kids, a 16, 7, & 4 year old. My oldest one goes to the gym with me and the little ones like to do the videos with me when they can. I have an amazing, supportive husband that helps with the kids so I can workout and always giving me amazing compliments on how my body is…
  • I am also putting in about 40 minutes at the gym at least 3 days a week. This week has been bad with my hubby being out of town. I get a great workout with the video but I almost feel guilty that I'm done in 20 minutes. Silly, I know. But I'm finding that the video and the gym is almost too much for my body to do everyday.…
  • I think I'm going to get that next. I've heard good things about it.
  • I use 3lb weight but I think I might pull out the 5lb for a few of the exercises. I know I won't be able to use the 5lb for all since I struggle with the 3lb on some of the exercises. :)
  • 30DS is definitely a good workout. It's really up to you how many days in a row you do it. There is some on here that go the entire 30 days with no break some that do 10 days then break, it really varies. I'm keeping with what I was doing before I started the 30DS and only working out 5 days in a row. Your body will need a…
  • Hello ladies! I am 37 years old, married for 8 years and mother to 3. I have a 16 and 7 yr. old daughters, and a 4 yr. old son so I stay super busy. I was introduced to MFP almost 3 months ago and became completely obsessed. I've lost 22 lbs. so far and I'm loving it even more. I have a gym membership where I enjoy the…
  • I finished day 6 last night and I'm still having trouble with the squat/presses. I can do the push up but I guess my arms are still too weak to go completely into the presses. I did this video over a year ago and then got busy and quit but I'm really enjoying it this time. Plus, this time around I started the video 2…
  • I usually have a Nutrigrain cereal bar (120 cal) or the Kellogg's pastry crisp are really good, the are 100 calories. I eat at work also and these are usually a good start. I do have a snack about 10 so they don't hold me over for too long. Hope that helps.
  • I'm 5'8" and I'm actually struggling to pick a goal weight right now. I have it set for 135 but I'm down to 150 and my size 8 pants are already getting too big. :) I'm afraid 135 for my body frame is going to be too low. Right now I'm just going to keep working. I still have a lot of toning and muscle buiding left to do.…
  • I started out walking 3 minutes and running 2 minutes. And at the jog speed I was going MFP conisidered it a fast walk. :) I did that until it felt like it was getting easy and then I raised the speed. Once that stage was done I then flipped it and now I walk 2 minutes and jog the 3. I've been doing that for awhile now…