Sharon31847 Member


  • Hello, I am in my mid 60s and I need to lose 15-20# more. Motivation would be a very big held.
  • Congratulations on giving up smoking, and training for the half marathon. I have never smoked, I enjoy eating, and I eat to much. I started phase 1 a week ago and I have lost over 5. I could use the extra motivation also. I exercise 3 times a week for about one hour at a fitness center, do little or no exercise the rest of…
  • I am having a similar problem, but I haven't given up regular sugar, tho I limit it. I try to eat only the types of food that is recommended by the DASH Diet. Some days I have great success and on others I bomb badly, but I am still losing weight every week.
  • I had a 10 rating for today!!
  • I try not to eat after the dinner hour, but sometimes I just have to have something swee so I indulge. I have tried not to send my diary through until just before bed, that way I am able to add extras if neded. Today is a 10 for food and a 7 for exercise, as I was not able to go to the gym to exercise. I washed clothes &…
  • did 100 ab crunches this morning @ the gym
  • I finished the ab crunch last evening.
  • Today started out to be a 5; but turned into a 9! I did not go to the gym, but I had some clothes to put out on the lie instead of in the dryer and some weed to pull out of the garden. Then I gabe myself permission to go to Bob Evan's for supper; with everything concidered I was still with in my goal when all the number…
  • Rate today an 8; had a good day with diet & exercise but didnt get do some things I have ben eeding to get done. Tomrow will be better.
  • Having a fantastic day. Weighed in and was down in weight. Stayed under my calorie goal and over y exercise goal. I'd rate tuesday July 10, 2012 as a 10. Hope everyone has as good a day.
  • Sorry I haven't rated my day this week end It was a busy one, but I did stay on target. Today July 9, I will rate a 9; I was able to stay within my calorie goal, but was not able to go exercise; although I did do laundry, and I took the clothes out side and hung them on the line there was 4 loads. so I feel pretty good…
  • Today is July 6; and I would rate it a 7. I did not finish my work out instead I answered an important phone call. Went to Pizza Hut for lunch with my husband. It was a buffet; I tried to keep the calories down and not undo the few exercise calories I banked. Will try again tomorrow. Ther is always tomorrow.
  • I had a good day today; I will rate it a 9. I will take it "One Day @ a Time".
  • I really do not have any willl power. I thied to watch my calorie count today and went way over. Picnics are not for me. celebrating special day is not for me. Twice this week I have found myself in this situation. the struggle is on for me this summer. I am not in control. I rate this day a 2.
  • I was off to a bad start this week. Today, I was able to exercise one hour and 15 minutes, and I was able to control the foods I eat; therefore keeping my calorie count around the signed amount withour the exercise calories added to it.
  • I would rate my day as a 4; I got up feeling under the weather and unable to eat much for breakfast; by noon I was feeling better and we stopped @ Wendy's for lunch. When I got home I made our supper with fried foods. Not to healthy but I do feel better aind tomorrow is another day. We were away for the week end and our…
  • I would rate today as an 8; I did well on my calories bu I did go over on the fats and protein. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
  • I think it would be interesting to see everyone's rating at the same sight. I rate today as a 10; food intake was below the suggested calories & I had a very good exercise session.
  • Today is a 10 day. I am watching the wa I eat, and trying to follow the guidelines of a healthy diet.
  • I have had a 10 day. my food calories were less than suggested and adding my exercise calories to it Icame out on top.
  • I had a good day today. MMy husband & I went to the exercise center and I walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes, then went gro cery shopping & came home to put the groceries away & do 5 loads of laundry which I hung out on the line to dry. I feel like I accomplished something today & I still have energy left for this…
  • Hi, I am new to this type of form but not to dieting. I want to relearn how to eat healthy meals & to control my cravings as well as my emotional responses to food. I feel these go right along with weight loss.