jmcdaniel0 Member


  • Is throw it away a valid answer?.... I hate them...
  • I am jsut following what I know... I am running myself through the army standard PFT. Also, I have added the Elliptical Set to interval Resistance 4 and incline 18 and it varies from there up to res 10 incline 20 all the way down to -3 and -14.. Simulates hilly running. I dun this for 45 minutes 5 days a week. I do the PFT…
  • I would have to say yes.
  • I let me daughter participate in what is called non-glam pageants. Meaning there is no makeup, no fake nails, teethe, or anything else... Its just the girls in nice dresses/gowns. I think that if you start a young girl wearing make up and all of that other stuff, it is sending the wrong message... You are basically telling…
  • I forgot to weigh this week, ill do it in the AM and update yall.
  • No problem... I still dont recommend eating there, but then again, i hate the place for more reasons than just the food. My personal vice is chinese food.
  • I never looked into it much, but I know the cases says 100% beef, i don't know which part of the cow it is.. Like i said, I don't like the place.
  • I was a corporate manager for McOpCo For a few years as a corporate analyst before my most recent job, I have worked in the stores, and in just about every job in between, I can safely say that is not true. it is actually cooked on a griddle(flat surface) grill. It is put inside of a metal square cooking ring, with a steel…
  • karate expert?
  • Negative... I am actually a Regional Manager for a large corporation... Cushy desk job kind of guy!
  • Ahahha I wish!
  • some sort of artist?
  • You can get by with a decent calorie count on subway, but the sodium is outrageous.... I am guilty of eating there, but still....
    in Subway Comment by jmcdaniel0 July 2012
  • I just wanted to point out, as an Organic Chemist, so yes I do have a position to speak on this subject, that just because person A can eat cheeseburgers and lose weight, does not mean you can. Everyone is different. The BMR for me is not the same for you. In order to lose weigh with any efficiency, you gotta know that.…
  • MY GOD SHE GETS IT!!!!! just say what you want, would that be too hard!? On a more serious note.. Sorry to hear about your bad day... As for the food, meh it happens.! I had Funnel Cake!!!! and I loved every deep fried sugary bite!
  • Simply Put. If food is the Gasoline for you body... then Water is the oil. With out it your body will lock up and burn out. Water is vital, and can not be replaced by soda, or any sports drink... Drink water and lots of it.
  • I agree with this. Sometimes family and spending good time is more important. Personally I think that as long as you don't kid your self, don't cheat yourself, and work hard throughout the week, if you want to indulge every now and again, I think that's ok... Use Moderation of course. I mean, anytime you go off plan, you…
  • Same here.. I woke up with indigestion, a terrible headache ( I didnt drink any alcohol.) my skin just felt greasy... I dont regret it, i had a blast with my family, but man I am paying for it today. But yes, you do adjust to you lifestyle... Healthy in, and healthy out... Crap in, and well you get the idea.
  • Maybe it was spiked watermelon? You know, cut a round hole, shove in a liquor bottle and let it absorb... Or maybe he just really really loves some watermelon?! and he as a case of the trots today!
  • If nothing else more convenient...
  • Echo, Love the fifth pic in... Nice fish!
  • OK, I started this challenge at 265 one week ago. I weighed today, as usual, and I have lost 3lbs. So now my weight is 262
  • That is why my most recommended tool would be a ranged one. I highly favor the Foam OC spray. Non lethal, and easy to use. with no real training needed. i do advise getting a couple of practice units and trying them out, just so you know how it sprays. but otherwise the premise is pretty simple. Point bad end at attackers…
  • Always fear a woman scorned... That is life lesson number 1 !!! However, a fist to face conflict can be quite painful for both parties involved. Broken knuckles are no laughing matter. and Tae bo does not count as a self defense class!
  • The is sound advise here. I shoot on a weekly basis.
  • I think can help here. A trick the women do in the Army. Get a sports bra that has a wide back, and a tight as possible. Put it on, take some standard grey duct tape, and wrap it left to right, all the way around your chest area. Make sure to go directly across the middle of your breasts... Make that same circuit a couple…
  • I agree that if you are in a really bad area, it is safer to walk/run inside. Its hard to argue against that. But Strict gun control does not always equal better safety. I can do just as much damage to someone with my fists, a strong stick, or a knife, that I can with a gun... Now you put me up against a female that is…
  • Sadly, Violent attacks do not stem only from guns. Violent offenders are world wide, and if a gun is not readily available they will just use another medium to do the job. Take Estonia for example, I have several friends there, They have very strict gun control... There is a 0.1 percent of crimes committed with a firearm.…
  • Also, A good portion of hunger pains is misinterpreted, you are really just thirsty... make sure you are getting the needing amount of water.
  • You can pick up some small .22 pistols really cheap that hold 7-9 rounds, and weigh around a pound loaded, the 380 i mentioned above is just a 1.5 lb or so. You can get a back holster that you wear similar to a back back, and it puts the weapon in the small of you back, and it s back faces you dominant side.. With it there…