cmp_denver Member


  • I use Stevia in my morning tea and cheerios/oatmeal. I've also used it in baking and haven't noticed a difference in taste over the sugar. I also think it has less (if any) of an after-taste than Splenda.
  • Dead Like Me, ST: The Next Generation, and ST:Voyager. Murder She Wrote, Matlock, Battlestar Galactica (the most recent iteration).
  • I'm the same way, just started with kids today. I've been working on preparing my meals the night before and being sure I have a several protein snacks to eat when the kids are out of the room. I've found that having some apples and oranges around help a little bit. I have also been having a much larger (and higher…
  • Yep, I double my time in the grocery store but always read the labels, how else do you know what you're putting into your body? I've found things listed on labels that have made me NOT buy something that I would have bought in a heart-beat before.
  • A few thoughts, please don't kill the thinker. With the exception of one person, all my MFP friends are complete strangers, we don't even live in the same time zone. I don't have the same expectations, if that's the right word, for strangers as I would with someone I know in the non-virtual world. I also don't expect them…
  • I delete after one month. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they're on some fantastic vacation with no internet access, at one month though - I delete them.
  • I have severe sleep apnea, my O2 would drop into the upper 50s during the night and I would have 40 or 50 episodes per hour (prior to CPAP). I have now dropped 25 lbs and, actually, I have noticed that it's easier for me to breathe when I sleep. I can even take a nap now and not wake up gasping, should I fall asleep…
  • 24 Hour Fitness - $30/Month - includes all amenities - multiple clubs - all classes. I don't have kids, but I looked online child-care is available up to two hours per day for an additional fee.
  • You can't get stronger without building muscle (which also helps burn fat). You might want to consider getting a personal trainer - 2 or 3 sessions should be enough to teach you the basics and how to use the gym equipment/weights effectively and safely. Your trainer can give you advice and hints that you can then use on…
  • I lose weight during the summer, usually. I tend to pack it on during the school year. It's like others have said, I get less exercise and don't eat as well during the school year.
  • If you get a fitbit and integrate it with MFP it will calculate your steps and add extra calories accordingly.
  • Zip Line experience and to ride the donkeys down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I also plan a new wardrobe.
  • Riding a bike, walking with a friend or the dog, gardening, taking the stairs where ever I go - there are many ways to increase activity without the gym. You could try going to the gym with a friend instead of coffee.
  • I believe part of WW's reasoning about fruit is based on the Glycemic Index. Fruit usually has a lower glycemic index number (as compared to refined sugars). That means that it takes longer for your body to "burn" the energy it gets from fruits (and many other foods with a low GI#) thereby keeping your blood sugar levels…
  • Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend.
  • I was beginning to think that I was the only educator using MFP! Hope you don't mind if I send you a friend request.
  • I always have music on my phone/iPod that shuffles so I never know what I'm going to get. Alternatively, the gym I go to has lots of TVs going with different stations so I can tune into several shows while I work out. I've seen people who read a book or magazine (one lady uses her Kindle) but I find a hard time focusing…
  • I agree with Patch, if you haven't eaten anything that will definitely affect how you feel - your body doesn't have the energy it needs to burn for the work out (especially depending on how long it was since you had dinner/snack the night before). Also, the Shred is hard-core if you're not used to working out so hard, my…
  • Speaking as a teacher, I'd love to have the time available to teach cursive (it's not a bad skill to have). There are many peer-evaluated research studies that show that cursive actually helps kids improve their fine motor-skills, and their spatial thinking/reasoning abilities. However, the reality of the situation is that…
  • You can add me too, if you want. We all need encouragement and a reminder of what (and why) we're trying to lose!
  • I love it! I've been accused of being the grammar police one or twice.
  • If you Google, "Cooking for One" you get tons of hits for websites that give you ideas. I live alone as well, I do prepare two portions per meal that I cool, but I immediately put one of them in the refrigerator before I eat. It took some time to get in that habit but now I find that I don't over indulge if I do that…
  • I think it depends on the person. Actually, for me I do have two eggs, and a slice or two of low calorie toast each morning. Sometimes I have fat free cottage cheese, or low calorie yogurt. When I'm feeling overly peckish in the morning, I'll add some sliced tomatoes as well.
  • I think we've ALL experienced this at one time or another. One thing that really helped me was to make sure that I had a good breakfast and that I had several healthy snacks between meals. I found that keeping my blood-sugar at stable levels like that throughout the day greatly reduced my night time cravings. Also, when I…
  • Agreed!
  • One doughnut is like dropping a plate, do you through out the set because you've broken one? Just because one is on a diet doesn't mean that they can't, on occasion, have something that isn't as healthy for them. Be sure to log it and, if you're still feeling guilty, spend some extra time at the gym!
  • An elliptical is a total body work-out machine. By using the arm handles you're working your biceps and triceps. I'd say if you have them, use them.
  • I agree with the consensus, log it. It's not a big deal that you ate it, but logging it helps you be accountable to yourself. As for not having the exact thing in the DB, I prefer to err on the side of caution and log more calories for an item than to under log. Now all I need to do is find a birthday party myself!
  • I hope all goes well for you. Please let us know how things turn out.
  • Wow, congrats on your weight loss - awesome! I had elevated ALT and AST enzymes as well, levels outside the normal range but not high enough for my doctor to be overly concerned (oh, and I still have my gall bladder). To be on the safe side, my doctor ordered an abdominal ultra-sound. I had/have what's called a "fatty…