corneredbycorn Member


  • And another to agree and thanks for linking to this. I did heybales' spreadsheet yesterday, but came up with nearly the same number with Scooby. That gives me a lot more confidence in moving forward with the higher calorie limit.
  • If you're doing low carb, you have to do high fat. Just like the flip side is low fat, high carb. If you drastically reduce one macro, another one has to go up. Since the general consensus is that you should be eating .8-1g of protein per pound of lbm, no matter the diet, the only macro left to replace the calories lost…
  • I was pretty astonished. Heybales breaks it down by type of exercise and regular daily activities. I'm a lot more active than I really thought. The goal is to get the most fat loss with the least amount of muscle loss. I decided to give it a shot like so many others on the site have done. I know there is usually a…
  • I really don't think anybody really knows anything about weight loss, the perfect diet, or what causes heart disease. For every study you find that says fat is the culprit, you'll find one that blames the carbs. High protein is good for muscles! Too much protein will kill your kidneys! There are masses of people who think…
  • I'm 5'0 and TDEE-20% without ANY exercise for me is still around 1500 calories. I figured out how much I should be eating yesterday using heybales' spreadsheet and the calorie intake for my activity level and to lose .5lbs per week (since I'm close to goal), even being so short, is 2150. It was really eye opening.
  • I've just decided to start following the Road Map and want to let my body adjust so I'm hiding the scale for a few months. I will still measure, since the goal is to lose fat, not necessarily weight, and see what happens. I'm really hoping good things come with this because I've been stuck at 130 (+/-3) for over a year now.
  • I like to be able to see just a little of them. I've found that really exposed collar bones have a tendency to make me look really sickly and underweight. I suspect it was where a lot of the rumors that I was anorexic in high school came from.
  • I can't do the rope skipping. Every muscle in my calves and shins seizes up. Instead, I either do jumping jacks or butt kicks depending on where in the workout it is.
  • Egg white omelette are so gross. Fat is fantastic!
  • I love Penn and Teller. :) If you're ever in Vegas, go see their show. It's great! Just make sure you don't leave the area immediately after the show. They both stick around after to meet and greet the audience and sign autographs.
  • That's very interesting. Thanks for the link.
  • I did day 3 of 30 Day Sim Down. It was my first time doing No More Trouble Zones. JM can go eat rocks, especially for the surrender move. OMG. Arms with weights up straight above your head the whole time. Start standing, go down on one knee, go down on both knees, go up on one knee, push up to standing. Thought I was gonna…
  • Crib + Sesame Street = Exercise! Really though, your not even two year old should still be napping at some point during the day. Even most three year olds still need a nap. The fact that you say she goes to sleep after you and wakes up before you would indicate that a nap is even more important unless you're sleeping like…
  • If you actually look at her food diary, you can see that she is eating and her exercise has been fairly low on the calorie burning scale. She may not be eating as much as she probably should (IPOARM and all that), but she's certainly not eating so little that it would cause this over several months or even years, let alone…
  • I'm starting 30 Day Slim Down tomorrow! I sort of just finished 30 Day Shred. I skipped a bunch of days because I just can't do the same thing every day for over a week. I'm hoping the 30DSD will mix things up enough to not bore me to tears. I'm not doing any "off" days (unless I feel like I need them) and decided to add…
  • I typically eat between 1200-1500 calories, depending on what my Fitbit tells me (my BMR is between 1200-1350, depending on which calculator I use). Some days I am literally just sitting around doing nothing and other days I am more active and need more calories. I've gotten to the point where I probably don't need to…
  • Full fat only, even for Greek yogurt.
  • ~40 days is a good time to make or break a habit ~Lent goes through the changing of the seasons, from winter to spring, which is kind of like a new beginning, a fresh start ~tons and tons of other people are doing it at the exact same time, which can help with support and accountability
  • Same here. Depression isn't something you can just choose not to experience. I hate when people seem to think that just because they were able to overcome something, then everyone else should be able to as well. That's the kind of stuff that just perpetuates the myth that depression is just someone in a bad mood who needs…
  • What are those Uncle Ben's things?
  • Wear stripper shoes. Seriously, there's a reason strippers wear them besides turning people on. The way they have to stand in them, pulls their stomachs in.
  • I may eat an entire batch of brownies just for the hell of it. Really though, I won't eat much differently than I do now, just more of it to maintain. I do portion management, rather than restriction, so I'm usually not missing out on much as it is.
  • I'm drinking half a bottle tonight to finish off an opened bottle and to get my calories up. I'll be a hair over calories at the end of the day, but that's alright.
  • I had my carbs set to 25% of my daily intake, and usually averaged 15%, and I was doing really well for a while. Then I added back in exercising (C25K and 30 Day Shred) and I very nearly fainted multiple times. I increased my carbs and the shakiness and nausea went away instantly. Right now I'm trying to let my body guide…
  • I would have told them to put it back. :P
  • JM said I should be at 40/30/30 c/p/f. When I just eat whatever I want, without trying to stay within macros, that's where it comes out pretty naturally so she might be on to something there. Truly though, I really believe the mantra of calories in, calories out. If the macro makeup works for you, then go for it, but if it…
  • I like olives in small doses and only on a works pizza.
  • Fats, yay! But your post seems to be vilifying fat by giving people the choice between a spoon of pure oil or a chicken breast. Of course people are going to choose the chicken, because it's more filling for a similar amount of calories, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the oil.
  • Not how I am doing it now. Back when I was trying to get exactly 1200 calories a day and I was constantly scrutinizing my diary and changing meals up 14,000 times, yeah, I was worried it was evolving into a disorder so I took several months off from tracking. The way I do it now though is that I have a 300 calorie range I…