corneredbycorn Member


  • This pretty much made my day. Calling Hershey's chocolate is just absurd. If only the US would get on that.
  • I'm going to be starting this in a little over a week. I want to get through our vacation to Disney World before I start something so restrictive. I will allow dairy though, in the form of butter, heavy cream, and full fat Greek yogurt. I'm more aiming for primal than paleo. For me, this is an attempt to just get more…
  • I definitely crave crunchy stuff, especially fried. My favorites are fried chicken, French fries, mozzarella sticks, potato chips, and those peanut butter chocolate bars that have those crunchy wafers inside. That said, some of my favorites, in general, are definitely mushy. Mashed potatoes with too much gravy, chicken and…
  • I used to do it a lot, but not so much now. When I do look, it's usually a skinny woman's cart with healthy food to get ideas for myself. I look in mom carts too for ideas for my daughter. I do admit, knowing people probably look in my cart tends to make me more finicky about what I put in it. It's just a little extra…
  • I eat breakfast the vast majority of the time. I really can't skip it or I feel like crap until lunch. However, it's usually pretty small. I will either have a Chobani yogurt cup, a packet of oatmeal, half a bagel with cream cheese, a toaster waffle, or a couple of scrambled eggs. Sometimes a piece of fruit. Lunch is…
  • I do it fairly often. If I know what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day, why wait to fill it in? Plus, then I'll know ahead of time if I have enough left over for a drink later.
  • My husband's grandma still has a bottle of it in her fridge, never opened.
  • A couple of years ago I found fishing line in a frozen egg roll. We contacted the company about it via email, but they never responded.
  • How on earth is it rude and downright discourteous to want people to show their homework when giving her their opinions? When you act offended when someone asks you to show your sources, it just makes it look like you have no idea what you're really talking about. Sure, maybe the OP would ignore it anyway and eat how she…
  • This dude lost 80 pounds in six months eating nearly every meal at McDonald's: This woman lost 37 pounds in 90 days eating only McDonald's:…
  • I'm shorter at 5'0. I'm 123lbs. I no longer track everything since I calculated my TDEE-10% and it's 2000, which is difficult for me to reach even if I try. I just eat what I want, when I want, try to eat healthy filling foods (lots of veggies and fruit) and keep my portions of unhealthy stuff down (for example, last night…
  • Fried chicken and waffle sandwiches. Basically, this bad boy:
  • I'm having this as well. I was put on Wellbutrin about a month and a half ago, also for depression. I didn't have any weight related side effects right off the bat, but about two weeks ago my weight just started dropping like crazy. I've lost about eight pounds in less than two weeks. Considering I've been stuck at 130 for…
  • I actually know someone who did this. Not on purpose though. She was just too lazy to cook and liked cereal a lot. Specifically Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
  • Calories in, calories out. I love fruit. I have it with nearly every meal and often as snacks. I buy strawberries, bananas, oranges, and grapes every week. It's relatively low calorie (especially by volume) and it tastes good. They are packed with nutrients too. Since I follow IPOARM, I have plenty of calories available…
  • The One will record stairs and sleep. The sleep function is more or less a novelty. I will not consider getting a Zip because it won't track stairs. For me, the stair step count is something I have to have.
  • BBQ ribs, corn with butter, and fruit of some sort.
  • I don't buy all of these every week, but I usually will within a two week time span: Heavy cream Whole milk Butter Boneless skinless chicken breasts Some sort of steak Ground beef Bacon Eggs Chicken broth Deli meat Cheese (sliced and shredded) Strawberries Grapes Oranges Bananas Mushrooms Raw spinach Zucchini Asparagus…
  • I'm ten pounds more than you, same height. My BMR is 1313 and my TDEE-15% is 2000.
  • This is a common fallacy. Your body can't make muscle at a calorie deficit and it needs more protein than MFP suggests to do it. Nor could you be building enough muscle to impact your weight within a month (it takes ages for people who are ~trying~ to build muscle to get to that point). The deception happens because your…
  • For someone of your weight and height, your BMR and TDEE don't sound at all unreasonable. I am 5'0, f, and weigh 130lbs. My BMR is 1313 and my TDEE is 2300. My calorie goal is set to 2000 to lose a little over 1/2 a lb a week. I just started this, but I trust helloitsdan and heybales (the latter being more in depth with…
  • Neither Atkins nor Beachbody are no carb. I don't know much about Beachbody, but Atkins always has a minimum of 20 net carbs (total carbs - fiber = net carbs). Typical low carb plans have you back off of strenuous exercise at first because it's too much for your body to handle at once. After a month or two, then you start…
  • I am currently 130. My goal is 115-120, but I would be perfectly pleased if I'm 125 and toned with a low bf%. I look sickly and frail at anything 110 and under, even with my tiny frame.
  • Weigh the part you eat. With meat, weigh raw. I don't know about the user above me, but I usually have to set the meat on something to season it, flatten/tenderize it, shape it, or cut it. I just put that something on the scale and weigh it then. Usually the something is a small cutting board.
  • I'm giving it a go too, but my setup is for 2000 calories (that's TDEE-15%). This is day three for me. Considering I would barely eat 1400 a day and 2000 was a cheat day with heaping portions of restaurant food, I'm having some difficulty reaching it with reasonably healthy food. I got to my goal last night with mozzarella…
  • A steak in Paris that was practically still mooing. It was so tender and flavorful. I wasn't asked how to cook it, which was expected, and I'm glad they didn't. Anything I would have said would have ruined it.
  • I think about the only thing everyone agrees on is that fast food should be avoided like the plague (but, even then, there are those hordes of IIFYM followers). Everything else has controversy surrounding it, including Weston Price:…
  • This is why I use a digital scale and weight everything to the gram, even prepackaged stuff. We don't go out too often so I'm not worried about those few extra calories.