deagh93 Member


  • I miss blue cheese. My partner is very allergic to the mold in it, so if it's in the house, he has respiratory problems. So no more blue cheese for me. :(
  • Me too! Although I'm also left-handed, but it was marching band that made it so I *always* step off with left foot first.
  • Confession: I don't really like bananas. I eat them because my partner pushes them at me and he really likes them but won't buy anything that he's the only one in the house who eats it, but unless they're a bit underripe the texture is just bleh and even if they are a bit underripe I can totally take or leave them. I know…
  • When your breakfast oatmeal is too hot to eat and you're in a hurry, a scoop of ice cream cools it down quickly. Just saying.
  • I still do that in our garden. Well, quick rinse from the hose, but still. I know we don't use pesticides or anything, so I'm not worried about poisoning myself.
  • Today was a good self image day. My waist comes in at the sides, my gut is smaller than my chest. Wearing a well-fitting shirt helps, there. Don't know if it will last, but today is a good day.
  • Sounds totally normal to me. We had neighbors shooting off fireworks at the end of the cul de sac. Our one cat was absolutely terrified, and the explosions were so loud even the deaf one occasionally raised her head. (she's about 95% deaf, we think - the small bones in her ears have fused in her old age). The cordite smell…
  • I second this! They aren't as froofy as some places, and they have some really neat-o stuff. Like they're the ONLY place I can get unsalted tortilla chips. I'm not really a salty food fan - I find regular chips far too salty. And if I want lightly salted, then I just mix them with regular chips and it's perfect!
  • Yeah, I'm also not a teenage boy, but you are looking good! Most teenage boys, in my experience, are all about the boobies, and you has dem going on in that pic, so I'd guess that's what they were talking about.
  • Didn't get dinner until after 10 last night, so I was starving. Ate everything I could find. Almost just said eff it and didn't track it, but I sucked it up and did. Remembered some more stuff this morning, added that in there too. So I ended up 500ish calories over for yesterday. Maybe as much as 700. I don't *think* I…
  • This is really an SV, but I"ll still take it. As of last weigh-in, I'm in the Obese Class 1 range, "moderately obese", versus the "severely obese" range I started in. Hoping to make it to "overweight" by the end of the year, but that's about 35lbs off, so I'm going to call that my "ambitious" goal. As long as I keep…
  • I'd like to weigh less than my partner. And since getting a new one isn't an option (he's a keeper!) I'm gonna have to get to a healthy weight, myself. 63lbs to go!
  • Thanks, y'all, for listening and for the kind words. I weigh 242 at the moment, by the by. So 31lbs heavier than my lightest adult weight, but I'm back to 20lbs down from my heaviest, so that's something. Endurance is starting to come back, too. That first time back on the stationary bike? That was not a good scene. And…
  • I realized something today. I'm still carrying around something my foster dad (the real relationship is more complicated - "family friend who he and his wife took me in after my mom died when I was 18" is more accurate but longer to say) said to me. I was getting my life together after my divorce, I'd lost 50lbs and was…
  • I stopped reading after "intestines as big as a football field". An American football field is ~100 meters from end to end, give or take, and we have about a meter and a half of large intestine and about six meters of small. So maybe the beings from whatever planet the original poster of this woo is from has 100 meters of…
  • I ordered some new trousers because they were buy one get one half off, and I looked at the measurements and apprehensively ordered the 18. They're here, and they fit! There's something on MY butt that has a 1 as the first digit of the size!
  • I'm guessing that he's assuming the choice is between chocolate milk and white milk. For some kids, the choice is chocolate milk or no milk, because they just will not drink white milk. I'd rather see a kid drink chocolate milk than no milk, assuming the kid isn't allergic to milk or lactose intolerant. If it's the…
  • So they won't be thanking you for your support? (Had to - your comment put that phrase in my head and it won't go away, so I'm sharing the pain.)
  • That's how I feel about Jaeger, thanks to a New Year's Eve incident. I can't even eat licorice or pretty much anything with a lot of anise in it (some sausages are pretty anise-heavy)
  • This works for slugs, don't know how it would do for caterpillars. Take a yogurt cup (one of the individual ones - 4 or 6 oz size) and bury it near the plants so the top is flush with the ground level. fill about 3/4 full with beer. I use the cheapest stuff I can find, but it all works. The slugs are attracted to the smell…
  • Omg you are a genius! I've noticed that when I'm low on one day I'm almost always high the next day, usually by about the same amount (if I'm 300 under one day, I'll be 300 over the next). I am so gonna start doing this.
  • I lied to my food log yesterday. I had a crazy day and ended up just having cheese and crackers for dinner, and that was after a fairly light breakfast and lunch, so when I logged it all in I came in at 1157 calories. I didn't feel like having MyFP complain at me for being under 1200 so I told it I had more cheese than I…
  • This is an odd one, but I'll take it. I misjudged distance when walking around an ottoman in the living room and hit the wooden leg with my ankle, and it hurt like a you know what because my ankle bone sticks out and no longer has padding. Now if I can just lose the knee padding!
  • I have to freeze pizza. Reheats from frozen just fine in the oven. If I put it in the fridge, though, forget it, I'm going to eat it.
  • Thanks :) I may or may not have made up a little spreadsheet telling me what all the weights are where I get to drop a half pound on MyFP, and also when the two numbers will meet. (218lbs is the magic number)
  • I'm glad I found this thread. I feel a lot less alone than I did. :) So I have one. I stopped tracking for a few years and put quite a bit of the weight back on. Have been back for a month, but I can't bring myself to put the real number in the MyFP weight. So every time I lose two pounds IRL I mark down half a pound lost…
  • 5'10" 248lbs L or XL top depending on the cut (I have big boobs) Size 16/18/20 trousers - also depends on the cut - big hips, too :)
  • Oh I doubt you'd have been able to win with them, regardless. If you'd still been obese it would have been "Pfft, she's getting the Zero, like she thinks that's gonna help. She's already fat, might as well get the one with the sugar." Or something. That kind always finds *something*. As for me, I'm not down a lot yet, but…
  • Good! The hurdle I ran into (which made me quit and gain a lot back) is trying to cut back too much. It's not sustainable. I'd rather be able to sustain a small deficit and end up losing even a quarter pound a week than going gung ho for a month and then quitting. Rather than doing all the things at once, at least for me,…
  • I don't know. I have struggled with low self esteem (I'd go so far as to say self-loathing) most of my life because of my weight. My biggest struggle with being healthier and the weight loss that follows that is most of the time I don't actually think I'm worth the effort. I'm fat, therefore I'm worthless, so why bother?…