

  • I don't believe this "you're fat because you psychologically want to be" stuff. In my experience, eating carbs over about 50, 75 gm/day leads to craving sweets. So I'm trying low-carb (40-75 gm/day, depending on the day.) I eat virtually no grains and don't add any sugar, so my carbs come from fruit, dairy, nuts, and…
  • If I don't keep track, I overeat.
  • Fruits and dairy make the sugar numbers add up really fast. I am struggling to get my sugars lower, and it looks like I can eat a big salad OR berries in a day, but not both.
  • Yes, that's my experience too. The first few weeks are rough, though, getting over the carb cravings.
  • I let MFP add up the carbs; try to keep it around 50 gm / day but don't sweat it if I go a bit over. I try to keep the sugar <15 gm/day.
  • Crystal Light (depending on the flavor) contains artificial sweeteners - aspartame (aka Nutrasweet) and acesulfame potassium. Some people prefer not to consume artificial sweeteners when they are trying to lose weight; you can google the pros and cons.
  • Like people have said above, it takes a couple of weeks, even a month to get your body not used to bread, rice, chips, etc. We are so used to the meat / vegetable / starch pattern for meals, that it involves re-learning cooking, as well as getting your body used to less carbs. For a lot of people, though, it's not possible…
  • You might try a low-carb approach (around 50 gm/day); keep sugar very low (<10 or 15 gm/day), as well as cutting out all grain, bread products, chips, stuff like that, for just a few weeks or so to see what happens.
  • When I lose 10 lb I plan to reward myself with this nice lavendar bath / skin treatment. It smells like heaven and leaves you very relaxed.
  • I "get" the low carb part but not the low fat. Ten grams of carbs a day is even lower than the starting point for Atkins, if I recall. A lot of people can eat around 50-100 gm carbs/day and lose weight. Some tend more towards the 50, others can go higher. Also, do you have access to a swimming pool? Sometimes people with…
  • I got mine after having a bunch of kids. Some women lose it; some don't. It has to do with the elasticity of the skin, as well as age (skin loses its elasticity with age.) Like the poster ^^ said, sometimes cosmetic surgery is the only way to get rid of it (although I think they like you to be of "normal" BMI first -…
  • Since most people drive to work, I would think it's a win-win situation.
  • My personal choice is to keep sugars below about 15 gm/day, even though MFP allows 24. I don't pay attention to the source of the sugar (fruit, vegetables.) Nor do I add sugar to any of my food. I'm losing weight so I guess it's working.
  • It probably depends. I am trying to stay between 50-100 gm carb a day, more on the 50 end. But everybody's different.
  • I have found that fruit is generally too high in sugar, if I want to stay under my daily sugar limit of 15 gm / day. Instead, I'm trying to eat more low-sugar vegetables like celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, etc.
    in Sugars Comment by benegesserit July 2012
  • Some people think it's because of too many carbs, combined with not enough protein and fat. Personally, I am trying to stay under 50 gm / carbs per day, and no grains whatever. It seems to help a lot with food cravings.
  • If I eat the "recommended" amount of carbs/day, I don't lose weight. For me, I need to limit carbs. It's useful for me to look at both the carbs/day and the sugar/day. I try to minimize sugar as much as possible. Your mileage may vary.
  • Personally, I do not find body shaming to be helpful in achieving weight/fitness goals. It is possible to love one's body, love ones' self even when trying to lose weight.
  • Hi, just got started, but I am interested in modified Paleo. In other words, I do eat some dairy, mostly cream, butter, and cheese, and try to keep the carbs <50-75 g per day.