only4me_lori Member


  • Hmmmmm...I remember my Kuerig too....great concept, but very expensive...let ex-husband keep it in the divorce...but "Jamaican me crazy" was one on my favorites...
  • Very well said....and the elliptical is easy on the knees...
  • came to the right place for support....Yaaaaaaaaaaay for you...Good job on not taking the chocolate...That in itself is a GREAT accomplishment....(I love chocolate)...Keep up the good work....
  • Here's the funny thing about that...Your dog, even though drowning, would probably risk it's life trying to save HER children...
  • LOL...I totally agree with you...especially about the...does not hang out with drug using friends part....don't forget the...does not steal my stuff so they can score their favorite mind altering substance....
  • I like dogs WAY better than I like most teenagers..I have an English Bulldog and she is a lover....She has a personality and manners...She doesn't talk back...she doesn't roll her eyes when I talk to her...she patiently waits awhile I put my shoes on to take her outside to do her business..she doesn't do her business in…
  • 44 here and feel younger now than when i was in my 20's....spent my whole 20's near 250 lbs...and looked like hell.... i may not be a beauty queen now, but I look and feel A LOT better now, and soon will be even better...
  • I love my kinect..I have zumba, your shape fitness, and there are alot of demos you can get to try new games...It is alot of fun...We are thinking about getting more dancing games...
  • That was hilarious...and yes..there are a lot of *kitten* here in Ohio....
  • Just looked at your pic... you look great....not too skinny at all....
  • My husband cheated on me....I decided at first to believe him that nothing was going on when i found the not be like me...nip that **** in the bud now....get her her and find out the truth......
  • My allowance is 1200 me it is easy.....even eating 6 small meals a's all about portion for breakfast I have 1/3 cup cottage cheese and 1/3 cup pineapple chunks and a cup of coffee..=101 calories snacks are apples which equal 45-60 calories....salads alone without salad dressing are…
  • Why oh why are you going there? That is like taking an alcoholic to a wedding with an open not set yourself for failure...find some other place to go and research before you go, find something sensible and stick with it.. As it is, most restaurant food is already not good for you...check out the dressing on your…
  • Not exactly done in the office buuuuut...everyone decides to go to lunch as a group, the server does her best to keep your glasses full of beverage, makes sure plates are taken away after you are done, dessert is offered, she/he does their best to give your group a great dining experience, gratuity is not added to your…
  • Graduated H.S. in 1986 at 118 lbs...joined the Army 1 week after graduation and was a lean mean 108 lbs after basic training...My highest weight was 240 lbs...when i was in my 20's...I have been down to 145, went back up to 240, back down to 140, back up to 210 and back down to 169 now and shooting for 130-140 depending on…
  • Used to be addicted too...go cold turkey...this is how i did it...every time i thought of drinking a soda, I remembered 1 fact...if you cut out soda for a year, that equals at LEAST 11 lbs lost...I was off of soda and one day had a taste of it, and I was horrified by how sugary sweet it's another idea...schedule…
  • I drink A LOT of water, but I chug it..If I try to take my time and sip would never get drunk...sooooo I have a 33.8 oz bottle and i have it gone in less than 10 minutes...also I love the MIO squeeze flavorings...I do not like ice temp water goes down better for I would say I drink about 3-4…
  • Feel free to add me...I was over 200 lbs for about 17 years...(240 to be exact...) In 2008, I lost nearly 100 lbs in six monthes and like you over the last 4 years 1/2 of it creeped back) I am down 28 lbs and am working on the other 20+ right now...It takes 21 days to establish a habit...I am pushing myself out of bed…
  • little cutie patootie...keep up with your healthy lifestyle and in no time you will be looking even better and he will be begging for you to come back to him....but there will be so many other fish out there wanting you...and your confidence will be higher and you will see all the possibilities out there..
  • Okay babes...I will start tomorrow.....
  • i totally understand where you are coming from....I do better when i have someone to work out with....but using this site helps with the accountability.....I also like the little bit of competition that working out with someone provides....but sometimes other people can bring you down if their heart isn't into it, and they…
  • A 16 oz t-bone steak, medium rare, a large baked potato with extra sour cream and extra butter,a couple french fries,a couple boneless wings spun in Mango Habanero sauce with ranch to dip them in, and then a piece of Chocolate cake from Beef O' Bradys...anf then a Buffalo Zoo to rinse it all down..
  • I am in...i vow to do 150...I have an elliptical in my bedroom and a beautiful lakeside path outside my patio door....I need this keep on my A** everyday..:laugh:
  • I do not have any tips, just a Yaaaaaay for you...I am going to start p90x tomorrow...I started once, but allowed personal issues to get in the way..(found out hubby had a "special friend") Anyway..I am proud of you and you inspire me....and that is just as good as a tip!!!!:smooched: