P90X users

jennifersteffen Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
so i'm in to my 7th week doing the classic p90x, and i have seen a difference, but i want a little more, any suggestions?? and i don't plan to stop either, just wondering if there was a faster way. this is PlifetimeX, not just 90 days.


  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    So ironic! I'm on my 8th week and I'm seeing subtle results, but not major. Maybe 1lb/week lost. So I just started to add an extra workout on the elliptical to help boost things.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    In my 2nd month of my first round of the X I started adding in more cardio. The book recommends that if you're hungry for more then double up your workouts. So, you can do the regular program in the morning and then add in cardio at night. Sometimes I workout at lunch.
  • only4me_lori
    only4me_lori Posts: 25 Member
    I do not have any tips, just a Yaaaaaay for you...I am going to start p90x tomorrow...I started once, but allowed personal issues to get in the way..(found out hubby had a "special friend") Anyway..I am proud of you and you inspire me....and that is just as good as a tip!!!!:smooched:
  • thanks yall so much!! i really appreciate it!! and yea, i've started adding an extra workout too, and i found a way to jazz up the yoga dvd and it's awesome!! what i started doing is, well y'know how the half of the dvd is the moving positions and the last half is balance postures? well i just do the first half and hold each position for 5 deep breaths, and then continue on in sequence as the dvd would, and just really do all of those moves with more of a fluid movement. because to me, even though you are moving, i feel that they hold those poses too long and i end up coming out of them instead of staying in them and not stopping till i'm done. i've noticed i sweat a ton more and it only takes about 25min, at least that's how long it took when i timed myself. but please, if anyone tries it, please let me know what you think of the change. :D
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