going to the gym alone !!!

i want a gym membership but i'm nervous to workout alone is this just me ? or is anyone else like that !? i really want to go to the gym atleast three times a week but i dont want to alone, and none of my friends have time to go with me


  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I go alone. It was embarassing the first few times, but to be honest, I now find it to be "my" time, away from work, my daughter, everything. I quite enjoy it...
  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    It can be intimidating, but remember you are the only one that knows you have this fear, it is not announced when you enter. I say go for it, soon you will find that it is your "me" time and you will learn to love it!
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    at frist when i went yes you get use to it and its soooooooooooooo worth it
  • sageston
    sageston Posts: 9
    i agree am like that too its horrible on going on ur own
  • anamercedez
    anamercedez Posts: 19
    Im like that too!!!!! Just take your Ipod and you will be fine:) Concentrate on what your there for!!!!:):laugh:
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    When I go to the gym it appears that about 75% or more of the people are going on their own. Nothing to be worried about.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I dont like to go alone, but I do. Everyone else there is alone too, not just me. No ones going to say when u walk in "OH MY GOD, SHE IS ALONE!!!". Just like anything in life, doing something new and different, in a place u arent familiar with, is scary. But youll get use to it, and feel like u own the place.
  • smile72101
    smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
    I am completely out of shape, have been WAY over weight for some time now...I haven't weighed under 200lbs since my 1st daughter was born almost 9 years ago.

    My husband and I have joined the YMCY and I go during the day when the girls are in school and he goes at night after work. I love going now that I am used to it. It took some time, and talking myself into it...but now, I had commited to 3x a week and I have found myself going 5x a day....

    Don't be afraid....play some great music that you enjoy while doing it and the time flies...and you start to have fun!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I usually go alone. I push myself much harder if I am by myself. It's a total half hearted workout if I am chatting with the girls. I still feel like it's a social experience even if I go alone.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    yeap..I did it for awhile - I didn't want new friends..just to get fit- time out for yourself!!
    Go for it! ANd enjoy
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I used to be like that....but why????? everyone is there to do the same thing...and really when I'm there I am focused on myself and dont pay attention to others, so probaly nobody is paying attention to me either. Just go and focus!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I used to be like that....but why????? everyone is there to do the same thing...and really when I'm there I am focused on myself and dont pay attention to others, so probaly nobody is paying attention to me either. Just go and focus!
  • Metcalf1690
    Metcalf1690 Posts: 20 Member
    I could never go to the gym alone, BEFORE. I would have a panic attack.....NOW I go alone and its awesome. You can do it. The more you do it the easier it is to do also. Good luck.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It's a little intimidating the first time - then you look around and realize that most everyone there is alone and nobody cares. You'll get used to it. Plus, you don't have to rely on anyone else and you can go at your own pace. :wink:
  • buddyroo
    buddyroo Posts: 4 Member
    It took alot of nerve, but I just walked in one day and did it. Now I'm addicted and I love my "me-time" at the gym. I have made a few friends there, but I almost find myself wanting to avoid them...chatting takes away from my exercise time! If you have a YMCA near you, check it out..."real" people...not just the "beautiful people". For me it's not nearly as daunting as say, "Gold's", where I picture a room full of Barbie and Ken!
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    i actually do better without the buddy, nobody to cut workouts short, no spending time standing around chatting vrs just doing it
    and if they cancel i use to use it as a get out of jail card and skip...
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    When I had a gym membership I always went by myself. I LOVE going to the gym alone. Blast my music and just kill it!! Whenever I went it was mainly people by themselves with the occasional group of two coming in.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I go alone and I find it's actually better! I can do as I please without trying to make conversation with friends and go at my own pace without worrying about them. Just turn up your ipod and you'll be fine. :)
  • jizenna
    jizenna Posts: 49
    I felt the same way, out of fear that people were going to "watch" me! LOL! I didn't want to go in there not knowing how to use a machine and have someone secretly laugh at me! I know crazy huh? Maybe to start with just get on the treadmill or bike, and zone out listening to your ipod, that's what I did for a few weeks until I was comfortable, now I'm fine! You can see what others are doing and how they are using machines, just get a routine down and you will be fine!
  • only4me_lori
    only4me_lori Posts: 25 Member
    i totally understand where you are coming from....I do better when i have someone to work out with....but using this site helps with the accountability.....I also like the little bit of competition that working out with someone provides....but sometimes other people can bring you down if their heart isn't into it, and they can make you feel bad if you are succeeding....It's not like 75% of people don't need to be losing weight....but people have their blinders on and do not realize that the hard work it takes to get back into shape is well worth it..To them it is easier to get on the couch with their bag of chippies...I know....I have been there...