All you can eat buffet...! HELP!


Tonight, my friend and fellow MFPer KayleighLaing and I are going to an ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET with friends. Surely this is going to be the hardest thing in the world to do when on a calorie controlled diet?!

Kayleigh thinks she might just go for it - have a cheat day - afterall, she's been under calories every day this week and worked out three times.

I too have been under calories and worked out but don't want to put all my good work to waste in one foul buffet.

It's not even like the food is nice at the buffet - it's your usual all you can eat trash that tastes like salt and MSG, but we all know that that doesn't stop us stuffing our faces.

I suppose the real issue is "I've paid £12.99 for this, so I'm going to get my money's worth".

What would you guys do? Have a cheat day and enjoy yourselves (and go for a run tomorrow) OR keep your iPhone with the MFP app on the table and monitor everything you eat to stay within your calories?


Becks xx


  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I recently went to an all you can eat Indian buffet. I logged everything and stopped when I had reached about 1000 calories (which was about my limit for Indian food).. the food wasn't worth me going over with. If I'm going to spend calories, every thing I put in my mouth is going to be worth it!

    Remember, you are paying to be satiated - which can be achieved with even a small plate if we are hones with ourselves, not to eat more than what you really need or want.
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    You could go the middle ground, set your calories for the day to maintain instead of lose and make the healthiest choices available.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i monitor while i pick and choose. I too am in the "going to a buffet" boat this weekend. Of course you pick LOADS OF VEGGIES and some salad. but soups can be a good choice. even some sushi ( maybe they have brown rice options)

    they usally have good fruit choices and even jello.

    :D best of luck!
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    I used to waitress at an all you can eat buffet, so I've seen lots of "trying to get my moneys worth" people, but honestly, they leave feeling dreadful and sick for the rest of the day. I don't see how that is getting a good deal for your money.
    If you try to make good choices while you're there, you'll feel much better about yourself with you leave, regardless of how much you paid.
    Still have some of the stuff you like - just smaller portions, and fill up on the healthier options. That way you wont feel like you're missing out, and you'll still feel good when you leave.
  • logansmom6106
    logansmom6106 Posts: 27 Member
    Im having the same problem my son has a free kids meal at Applebees and wants to go tonight for dinner and after looking at the menu they dont have much thats going to keep me under my calorie goals. Ive just started to get back on track so I dont want to mess up to bad. Ill be getting lots of extra water in today to try to help with the salt.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    Go half way in between

    Have a cheat day and treat yourself to some extent, but don't use it as an excuse to eat everything in sight just because you've paid for it.

    Then workout like hell the next day.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I'm going to one next week, and I'm already worried about it lol. I've decided to have a very light breakfast/lunch and then try to make healthy choices at the buffet. Although if I want something unhealthy, I'm just going to go for it. If I go over, I go over. I don't have cheat days/meals so I guess it's okay. It's only one meal, don't stress too much. As long as you know you haven't grossly overeaten, you'll be fine :)
  • emmey1979
    emmey1979 Posts: 8 Member
    can you order off the main menu? sometimes where there are all you can eat, they also have a menu where you can choose set dishes and something healthy. Or, make sure you go for lots of salad/vegetable type bits and steer clear or the creamy or deep friend things (or limit yourself)... good luck :)
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I recently had one of those family dinners at an all you can eat buffets. It was at golden corral and they had all their nutrition stuff online so I was able to post those as we went. I avoided the breads and desserts and loaded up on salad and veggies first. You may just have to estimate your serving size but if you've been measuring and stuff you should be able to do that pretty well. Whatever you decided I hope you enjoyed it. I was able to stay within my goal but I had pretty much fasted for the day which I do whenever we are going out to eat.
  • jim_n_virginia
    jim_n_virginia Posts: 59 Member
    I can't go to a buffet anymore ... I ALWAYS say and do the same thing ... walk in swearing to myself that I will eat lots of fruits and veggies and no fried foods. Get in there and lose control, go home try and count up all the stuff I ate (if I can remember everything) be horrified at how much I ate after I add it all up, then I am kicking myself for going.

    Kudos to those who can go in and have self control ... I just don't have it so I avaid the buffets like a plague. :(
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I suppose the real issue is "I've paid £12.99 for this, so I'm going to get my money's worth".

    I would look at it this way, £12.99 wouldnt actually get you too much in most restaurants nowadays anyway so you definelty dont have to eat a huge portion to get your moneys worth. Just have smaller portions of the "bad for you stuff" you want and fill the rest of your plate with healthy options, remember you dont need to fill your plate a second time. Enjoy your food but like someone else said people who eat and eat at these places just feel sick later from all the extra food they have consumed, it is all about knowing when to stop.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    You will be just fine, I go to them often with my husband and step son. I make myself go for the salad section first. Fruit and fresh salad veggies, and I try to use squeezes of lemon juice for my salad. Or many times they have vinegar on the salad bar. I have a tendency to take a small bottle of balsamic to restaurants now. The really good balsamics are so good and low in calories, you don't even need dressing. Then for your sedond trip, try to pick things that are not fried, or very small amounts. Limit the starches, just make the best choices, with the ideal that if you are still wanting to eat, you can always go back for more. Chances are you will get full on the good for you things, and wont even go back. Remember that also it takes 3500 calories over what you burn to create a pound of fat. So if you do splurge and go over a bit, you are most likely not going to ruin the whole thing in one meal. And last but not least, remember there are more ways than one to pay for your food, and the price you pay in what it can do to your body could be alot more pricey than the dollars spent.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Assuming you have a good idea of the kinds of things that'll will be at the buffet, try pre-logging the selection you'd like to eat and try and make it within today's calorie budget. A little margin of error either way won't do any harm.

    Edit: Oh, and don't overdo the rice, especially if it's fried *shudder*.
  • therebeccajones
    Thanks guys! I think you all agree that a tiny bit of something naughty topped up with lots of salad and veg is the way to go.

    Thanks in particular for the tip about drinking more water to combat the salt - hadn't thought of that! Pass the water!!

    And, I LOVE the soup idea - we can start with a nice big bowl - wait ten mins for it to fill our tummies and then we won't want to pig out.

    You guys have been amazing as ever! Please add me as a friend - I need your brilliant advice.


  • R8uge
    R8uge Posts: 41 Member
    I agree - loads of water and look at the menu online prior to going - you can then choose the healthier options,, soups, salads, protein, veg.

    The key ingredient is if you are out....... enjoy yourself, join in, have a great time and then moonwalk out, patting yourself on the back knowing that you have choosen wisely.

    Eating healthy is for life, not just January.

    Have a tip top night and a great time
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member

    Tonight, my friend and fellow MFPer KayleighLaing and I are going to an ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET with friends. Surely this is going to be the hardest thing in the world to do when on a calorie controlled diet?!

    Kayleigh thinks she might just go for it - have a cheat day - afterall, she's been under calories every day this week and worked out three times.

    I too have been under calories and worked out but don't want to put all my good work to waste in one foul buffet.

    It's not even like the food is nice at the buffet - it's your usual all you can eat trash that tastes like salt and MSG, but we all know that that doesn't stop us stuffing our faces.

    I suppose the real issue is "I've paid £12.99 for this, so I'm going to get my money's worth".

    What would you guys do? Have a cheat day and enjoy yourselves (and go for a run tomorrow) OR keep your iPhone with the MFP app on the table and monitor everything you eat to stay within your calories?


    Becks xx

    I did that yesterday [see diary]
    And when confronted with such a challenge, I put diet aside and count this as a "free day".
    I only do it once per week.

    I ate 1600 or so calories in one sitting. We all had a great time,.
    And then I went home, changed and did 1 hour more of cardio on top of my usual workout.
    I remained within my daily goal, so even though I counted it as a "free day", in the end, all went well.

    Again, either balance it all out with more exercise or have a free day.
    And have fun at the buffet!
  • marylou1976
    marylou1976 Posts: 105 Member
    I suppose the real issue is "I've paid £12.99 for this, so I'm going to get my money's worth".

    I would look at it this way, £12.99 wouldnt actually get you too much in most restaurants nowadays anyway so you definelty dont have to eat a huge portion to get your moneys worth. Just have smaller portions of the "bad for you stuff" you want and fill the rest of your plate with healthy options, remember you dont need to fill your plate a second time. Enjoy your food but like someone else said people who eat and eat at these places just feel sick later from all the extra food they have consumed, it is all about knowing when to stop.

    I like this answer, I'm going to a Indian buffet on Sunday and already dreading it (and it's only £7.95!!) so I will keep in mind that if I ordered off the menu it would have only got me a chicken tikka salad, and try and stick to that!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Sit down and drink a glass of water before hitting the buffet tables. It will help fill you up so you won't pile a ton on your plate. Have a salad or bowl of soup as a appetizer. It is possible to hit a buffet and still be good. It's all about choices.
    I'm one who doesn't deprive myself though. If you want it, eat it .. just work it off later (I'm not as hard core as others are).
  • only4me_lori
    only4me_lori Posts: 25 Member
    Why oh why are you going there? That is like taking an alcoholic to a wedding with an open not set yourself for failure...find some other place to go and research before you go, find something sensible and stick with it.. As it is, most restaurant food is already not good for you...check out the dressing on your salad...don't do it...
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I personally think you need days like this every now and then to remain successful. It's good to have those cheat days (I usually just do cheat meals) and just not worry about it.

    If you are working out 3+ times a week and are staying around your daily goal then a cheat meal/day once a week isn't going to hurt enjoy ;)