homeport51 Member


  • I read through all the other replies before posting. I was like you. Not quite as heavy, but close and on my way up. I had been on several different programs, but my recurring downfall was that I was hungry all the time. Then when something came along that was stressful or in some other way derailing, I would throw my…
  • I'm 6 weeks out and I have no regrets either. I have had a few hiccups along the way, but that is because I was eating too fast. Listen to your doctors and your nutritionist, take your vitamins and your medication for acid reflux, even if you don't think you need it...
  • Went back to work today. I'm feeling pretty good, but I get jittery (like I've had too much coffee, but I'm not drinking coffee). Today is the first time I have felt hungry too.
  • Only hours to wait now... I'm very excited!
  • I went to the hospital this morning for my final meeting with the Nurse Manager and my last bloodwork. It's getting very real now. I am both sad and excited.. I am definitely a stress eater and I was on my way home tonight thinking I wanted ice cream, because I still could eat ice cream.. then I yelled at myself and said…
  • Thank you both for the advice.. I definitely need it! I am on facebook too. Please look me up and friend me. I think it is easier to communicate there. Jacki Caruso Lussier. 4 weeks to go now... I'm so ready!
  • I know a few people who lost after surgery and ultimately gained again. I don't want to go there. I know I could easily go back to bad eating habits so I'm hoping to continue to avoid trigger foods. That's my goal anyway. So glad to have met you both! Thanks for the advice!
  • The real answer here is that you can only be responsible for yourself and your own program. He will do it his way when he is ready and no amount of nagging, begging or threatening is going to change that. As my mother always said... "Keep your eyes on your own plate."
  • I have had wonderful results with acupuncture. I had a trigger finger that was stuck and I couldn't bend it. I was scheduled for surgery and went to my acupuncturist. She cured it in 3 treatments and no problems since. She has treated me for chronic pain in the past... problems with my shoulder... even weight loss. All…
  • Age restrictions are different and quantifiable. Either you are in your 20's or you are not. Size is subjective. Size 12 is considered fat by some and a goal by others. How would you determine who was too fat?
  • I guess my main question would be.... where is the cut off line? Who determines who is too fat and who is an acceptable weight? Do they weigh you at the door and compare you to a chart or something? The concept is too general. One person's fat could be 10 lbs. over ideal weight... so who is to say who is too fat to attend?…
  • The weight didn't seem to be an influence one way or the other... I had the mesh sling put in by a urologist. Made a huge difference. Good luck to you!
  • Even if it is just water weight, it is still numbers on the scale. Personally, I noticed a huge difference in the way I felt after I lost the excess water.... oh.. and 12 lbs for me...
  • I actually went and looked at your diary to see if I could make some suggestions. You haven't logged enough to see where you could make some changes. 1200 calories is your goal and that obviously isn't enough for you. Based on what little info there is, I would say up your daily calorie intake and do some exercise to off…
  • Jacki from Torrington here. 60 years young... wanting to live healthy for what ever years I have left! Glad to meet you all!
    in intros! Comment by homeport51 May 2012
  • Hi All, I just joined the group, but July 14th sounds awesome. My fiance is an MFP member too and I'm certain he will want to come. We love hiking! So put us down! Thanks for organizing this!
  • Ok... me personally.. I wouldn't mention the ex... I would just say, "Honey, what do you say we get really decked out for this event? Would be fun to dress up!"
  • If you have ever watched Glee, there are a couple of plus sized girls on there that have had romantic relationships with "normal" sized men. Mercedes is an ongoing character and has a plus sized boyfriend now, but had a relationship with a skinny guy last season. I can't remember the other characters name, she was only on…
  • I had the same problem. I started tracking my fiber and eat probably 1.5-2 times the recommended fiber. Two things that helped me the most... I added a couple of tablespoons of ground flax seed to my yogurt. Also, Kellogg's makes Fiber one bars that help in that area too. Keep up with you water and add more fiber...
  • That is too funny! :laugh: I absolutely love it!
  • From what I saw, you are eating enough. It doesn't matter when you get your calories in, just that you get at least 1200 a day for proper nutrition. Do log your fruit though. As previously stated, it does add to your calories count for the day. An apple and a handful of grapes is 150 or so extra calories that you aren't…
  • I weigh every day. Same time... first thing in the morning after I have gone potty. I see nothing wrong with that. It is a good indicator of what is going on with my body. I don't have the TOM anymore, but if I eat too much sodium, I will have a temporary gain. Helps me stay on track.. It is different for everyone. No harm…
  • What is shape wear?
  • My suggestion would be to go to the yoga class and just do what you can. As you go along you will gain more and more flexibility as time goes on. Worth a try... I'll go with you!
  • Fast food is designed to make you want more. The typical meal is usually a burger, fries and a soft drink. The combination of fat, salt and sugar creates cravings for more of the same. The only cure for it that I know of is abstinence. Like you, I ate a ton of fast food. Usually in the car on the way to somewhere. I…
  • I use it the same way I use spinach.
  • Kernel Seasons makes a spritzer for popcorn that is pretty good and lo cal, if you only spray a bit. They also have a line of popcorn seasonings that are only 5 cal. per teaspoon... both sweet and savory. I use it on my popcorn, but I also like the Ranch or Parmesan/Garlic flavor on steamed veggies. Link below to the…
  • This is the best... thanks for posting!
  • I'm a hairdresser... and yes even though it says it will wash out, there is a reason why it is called semi PERMANENT... doesn't ever come completely out. What you can do however is go to a beauty supply store and ask for semi-permanent color remover and just follow the instructions... it's pretty easy and will take most of…
  • Once I reach goal and begin maintenance I will still log. The difference between losing and what I need to maintain is only about 300 calories a day. That is easy to go over. I don't want to ever have to be in a position where I need to lose a significant amount of weight again. Logging is easy and part of my life.. so…