Help, I'm Dying.



  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    You have already achieved something. And I am not even talking about the "standard" 'accept that you need help/change'.

    You said alcoholism runs in your family. I guess you are around alcohol a lot. Keeping away from alcohol and drug addiction while being depressed and around other addicts is a tough thing and you did it. You showed strength of mind, which is something that will help a lot with dieting and getting healthy and fit.

  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I read through all the other replies before posting. I was like you. Not quite as heavy, but close and on my way up. I had been on several different programs, but my recurring downfall was that I was hungry all the time. Then when something came along that was stressful or in some other way derailing, I would throw my hands in the air and self medicate with food.
    Last October I had bariatric surgery, specifically the sleeve. My insurance covered it (most do) and I can honestly say it was the best thing I ever did for myself. IT IS NOT A CURE!! It is a tool.. I can emphasize that strongly enough. It's not the easy way out, but it is an effective way to help you control your eating. You still would have to make changes in the way you ate, but because you aren't hungry all the time, it is easier to stick with a healthy eating plan. I have lost 106 lbs in less than a year and I feel amazing. So.. something to consider. Good luck in your journey, whatever you decide to do!
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I want to echo the above comments that say you need more joy in your life. Go out and grab it, even if depression and self-doubt tell you not to. It's your birthright. Take it!
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited July 2017
    TLH9109 wrote: »
    Hey, so I'm not new to diet thing. But I am new to asking for help. I'm 5'8, 30 years old, no children. I'm starting my journey at 350lbs.

    I've had a battle with weight ever since I was a young girl. In my 20s it was the smallest I had been at 170lbs. I got that way from overexercising and phentermine. Needless to say that didn't work and I gained all of the weight lost plus another 100lbs. I've had jobs where I sacrificed both mental and physical health and now here I am. Thirty years old, severely obese, depressed, and suicidal.

    Why am I airing out everything in this post? I don't know what else to do. I need help. I know I have support from friends and family, but I'd like to meet people here that will hold me accountable. I have nothing else to lose by being honest. I can exercise, but it's the food that's the hardest for me to control. Due to my job I can't really resort to drugs and alcoholism runs in my family so food it is.

    I know I'll be dead by the end of the year if I keep going at this rate. I need help. I want to find similar people with similar struggles to help me daily. I'll do the same for you.

    Sorry if this was long to read. Thank you ♥️



    You've taken the hardest step. Now it's time to BELIEVE only then will you ACHIEVE. I don't care how cheesy it sounds.

    I tell you what, send me a private message I'd like to help by offering some free tips and support as and when you require it.

    Know for now that it's a case of:
    0. Be brave again and find someone you can speak to about your suicidal thoughts.
    1. Get more active. (Get out doing some walking)
    2. Get your nutrition right. Start by using MFP to log ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you eat. You can then start to work out how to best adapt your diet.
    3. Enjoy the journey, know it's all about becoming the BEST version of you.
    4. Continue with that amazing bravery you have shown to ask for help.
    5. Work with someone to set goals that are SMART, they will help you achieve.

    I know I'm not in your situation weight wise, but I have helped many that were in the same head space.

    I attempted suicide when I was 13 following the awful events that included finding my Mother's lifeless rigid body following her own suicide.

    I failed. It wasn't that I didn't go through with it... My plan to go failed. Had i been successful in that desperate act, it would have been a huge mistake.

    I couldn't be happier now, 15 years on.

    I managed to overcome my situation and consider mine a story of success now in overcoming suicide. I have learned over time, just how fantastic it made me feel to help others in similar situations.

    I also now contribute to the Mental Health community by getting involved in presentations about Suicide and Mental Health awareness.

    I know you can be a success too. You're only 30, you likely have 50+ years of happiness ahead of you and you have taken that first step already.
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    You've not been on for a few days.. Much love and support coming your way <3
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    edited July 2017
    Our stats are similar. I'm 35, SW 363 and my CW is 273. I know you can do it because I'm doing it! Feel free to add me
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    Just so you know, I was severely depressed when I got started. I wasn't suicidal, but I definitely had given up on everything. I'm willing to help support you!