

I know i'm going to get some people having a go at me here - but, I don't eat breakfast.

And the reason I don't eat breakfast is because I am plainly not hungry. Yes, it kick starts your metabolism, yes, its supposed to be the most important meal of the day - but I don't see the point in forcing food down my throat when I don't feel as if I need it.

I seem to eat at around 11am, and it's a cereal bar or McVities fruit bars or something similar - surely this isn't too bad?!

Tiffani x


  • I eat "breakfast" very rarely. I tend to work at odd hours, and have trouble eating when I first wake up -- so if I start work at 5am, I don't want to have to get up at 3.30 just so that I can eat.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Show your food diary...what do you eat at night?
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I've just put my food diary to 'public' - I go to the gym after work so I don't generally get home until half 7-8 at the earliest. So I don't particularly want loads. So last night, I had a 'light choices' meal and a couple of slices of weight watchers bread (so a 520cal meal) around 200cals for lunch - and then 150 for a elevensies snack)

    Im not hungry for much more, and if I do get hungry, i'll eat some fruit (which I don't log) or yesturday I had some light babybell cheese (so 100cal snacks)

    I know it seems low - but I am doing well and steady at losing weight so I'm kinda happy with it right now.

    Tiffani x
  • I don't eat in the morning either. But I do drink a shake.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I've just put my food diary to 'public' - I go to the gym after work so I don't generally get home until half 7-8 at the earliest. So I don't particularly want loads. So last night, I had a 'light choices' meal and a couple of slices of weight watchers bread (so a 520cal meal) around 200cals for lunch - and then 150 for a elevensies snack)

    Im not hungry for much more, and if I do get hungry, i'll eat some fruit (which I don't log) or yesturday I had some light babybell cheese (so 100cal snacks)

    I know it seems low - but I am doing well and steady at losing weight so I'm kinda happy with it right now.

    Tiffani x

    I'm curious why you only log certain things you eat.. and not everything? Also, your calories left over seem to be high.. if it's working for you now that's cool (to you) but you may plateau..
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I'm curious why you only log certain things you eat.. and not everything? Also, your calories left over seem to be high.. if it's working for you now that's cool (to you) but you may plateau..

    I didn't log the satsuma I ate because I didn't think it was a big deal - the same if I ate an apple or a handful of grapes. Do I need to log the fruit that I eat?

  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I'm curious why you only log certain things you eat.. and not everything? Also, your calories left over seem to be high.. if it's working for you now that's cool (to you) but you may plateau..

    I didn't log the satsuma I ate because I didn't think it was a big deal - the same if I ate an apple or a handful of grapes. Do I need to log the fruit that I eat?


    Yes, WW is WW. MFP is MFP. Two different programs. See my diary.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member

    I didn't log the satsuma I ate because I didn't think it was a big deal - the same if I ate an apple or a handful of grapes. Do I need to log the fruit that I eat?


    I personally log everything because it all adds up! Some here, some there. I even logged the 5 M&M's I ate at the movie theater this weekend. (Yes, 5) It's kind of amazing to see how many calories and sugar are in a certain food. A handful of grapes and of course an apple are both healthy snacks. But again, if it were me, I'd add it into the diary.

    If you're not really hungry in the mornings, why not make a protein shake? Or a smoothie? Add your fruits and some goodies into it and drink it.

    I never use to eat breakfast either. I'm not always hungry when I wake up. But if I don't eat now, then I'm hungry come 10 am. So I eat breakfast (3 hard boiled eggs) and sometimes a banana depending if I need more. I actually feel much better energy wise after eating breakfast...even as little as 3 eggs.

    But that's just me. :)
  • Yes. You absolutely should log the fruit and other assorted things you eat.

    Fruit has calories and nutrients that should be logged for the day. An apple generally ranges from 80-110 calories and probably has a decent amount of carbs.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Yes, WW is WW. MFP is MFP. Two different programs. See my diary.

    I know weight watchers is weight watchers. But the bread I ate was weight watchers brand - so thats why I said WW

  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I log every single thing I eat. It adds up.. and right now it looks like you aren't eating enough.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member

    I didn't log the satsuma I ate because I didn't think it was a big deal - the same if I ate an apple or a handful of grapes. Do I need to log the fruit that I eat?


    I personally log everything because it all adds up! Some here, some there. I even logged the 5 M&M's I ate at the movie theater this weekend. (Yes, 5) It's kind of amazing to see how many calories and sugar are in a certain food. A handful of grapes and of course an apple are both healthy snacks. But again, if it were me, I'd add it into the diary.

    If you're not really hungry in the mornings, why not make a protein shake? Or a smoothie? Add your fruits and some goodies into it and drink it.

    I never use to eat breakfast either. I'm not always hungry when I wake up. But if I don't eat now, then I'm hungry come 10 am. So I eat breakfast (3 hard boiled eggs) and sometimes a banana depending if I need more. I actually feel much better energy wise after eating breakfast...even as little as 3 eggs.

    But that's just me. :)

    Maybe a shake/smoothie is a good idea!

    I shall give it a go. Just a bit worried that if I start eating, or even drinking earlier - then I'm going to get hungry for 'real' food quicker!

  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I log every single thing I eat. It adds up.. and right now it looks like you aren't eating enough.

    I understand that is what it looks like - and believe me, i'd eat if I was hungry - but i'm really not :-S
  • AliAtIt4Life
    AliAtIt4Life Posts: 8 Member
    I don't like breakfast either just coffee but I trying these Carnation shake called Breakfast Essentials and there really good. I found them in the cereal isle. Remember to only surround yourself with positives people and try not to respond to negativity.Good Luck
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast. I don't think breakfast is the most important meal of the day. All that matters is your overall calorie intake, meal timings are not relevant. Don't feel guilty about not eating breakfast, eat when you are hungry, no need to waste calories on a meal you're not even interested in.

    And yes, agree with above posters, log everything!! It all adds up - and don't forget to net 1200 calories minimum, huge deficits will slow weight loss as you will lose lean muscle mass and your metabolism will slow :)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Breakfast doesn't kick start anything and the breakfast cereal companies love that the myth of breakfast being the most important meal of the day, is still going strong. Sounds like you are doing what works for you and that is what its all about.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    From what I saw, you are eating enough. It doesn't matter when you get your calories in, just that you get at least 1200 a day for proper nutrition. Do log your fruit though. As previously stated, it does add to your calories count for the day. An apple and a handful of grapes is 150 or so extra calories that you aren't counting. You are exercising, so you have the calories to spare, but later on if you plateau, you will want to know why and that could be the reason.
    You are doing great! Congrats!
  • i never really eat breakfast either for the fact that i am not hungry until, like u said, around 11 a.m. i drink about 5 cups of coffee each morning though with sugar free creamer.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Yum!
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I personally think within the first hour of being up you should eat something whether you want it or not. It's just the fact of keeping your metabolism going and is very important if you are wanting to drop weight. You've been sleeping for 6-8 hours or more and your system needs something to fire it back up. Grab a handful of almonds or eat that cereal bar a little early. Or even better drink a protein shake ;)