Full Figured Women On TV (My daily Rant)



  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    The problem with judgements made on clothing size, or weight alone is that it's just a number. A 16 can look very different on two different people, as can a size 4, or 180lb or ... I'm tall and built like the proverbial tank. In a UK 16-18, I look 'normal', squeezing into a UK 12 (US 8/10), my doctor told me I had gone too far, and needed to gain a little back, despite my BMI still registering as 'overweight'. For someone else, that size or weight might have looked perfect, and my 'normal' would look very overweight.

    Coming back to the original topic, the camera notoriously adds 10lbs, so imagine how unhealthily small some of the women we are being encouraged to emulate actually are off-screen, if you can see their ribs when they are on TV. It would be better for women's mental and physical health if the 'ideal' was a)achievable for the average woman not built like a ballerina and b)actually healthy in the first place.
  • cryspetstalerson
    The problem with judgements made on clothing size, or weight alone is that it's just a number. A 16 can look very different on two different people, as can a size 4, or 180lb or ... I'm tall and built like the proverbial tank. In a UK 16-18, I look 'normal', squeezing into a UK 12 (US 8/10), my doctor told me I had gone too far, and needed to gain a little back, despite my BMI still registering as 'overweight'. For someone else, that size or weight might have looked perfect, and my 'normal' would look very overweight.

    Coming back to the original topic, the camera notoriously adds 10lbs, so imagine how unhealthily small some of the women we are being encouraged to emulate actually are off-screen, if you can see their ribs when they are on TV. It would be better for women's mental and physical health if the 'ideal' was a)achievable for the average woman not built like a ballerina and b)actually healthy in the first place.

    So true!!!! besides one person may have more muscle than another person, who is the same size, or even same weight!!! When I was younger I used to see women 2x my size fitting into smaller clothing. At that time I was a healthy weight, and would be considered full figured. I had a flat tummy, and all, but I am bigger framed, with more muscle. So while they were fitting their extra weight into a size 8, I was a size 16..
  • botography
    botography Posts: 95 Member
    I too share you opinion. I am so tired of double standards. Women have to BE a certain way, usually on the skinny side. And men seem to have more leeway as to size and facial appearance as regard to being distinquished with lines and wrinkles. No gal on tv would be acceptable without "facial" correction... multi-billion dollar industry. And the "heavier woman" are used for comic relief, while the men seem to have more license to be who they are.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    If you have ever watched Glee, there are a couple of plus sized girls on there that have had romantic relationships with "normal" sized men. Mercedes is an ongoing character and has a plus sized boyfriend now, but had a relationship with a skinny guy last season. I can't remember the other characters name, she was only on one season, but she had Puckerman panting after her and he is the school womanizer. They are a very diverse show in many ways...
  • clarkie57
    clarkie57 Posts: 8 Member
    Thats exactly who i was thinking about while reading this post. She is STUNNING. I asked my husband who he thought was more attractive on the show." Joan" or" Betty". He picked Joan hands down, but he said some of it had to do with the fact she had more confidence than " Betty" . She carries herself WELL!! .
    I read an article that Christina had a problem borrowing a dress from a designer for some award event. Apparently they only have sizes 2 and 0. She is a 14, just goes to show how we have dictated what equals a " perfect" size. Good luck everyone on your weigh loss goals.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Okay haven't seen the show since she first started. But still to me there is a difference in full figured vs fat.

    You can have extra fat and look good with it but its still extra fat.

    The stereotypes are downright cruel. The actresses lose weight to keep their jobs. A man that skinny would look emaciated and wouldn't likely be hired to act. But the skinnier the women, the better. This is unfair and unhealthy.

    All man that woman like are less then 10% body fat and they look good because they have muscle but they are still skinny as hell.

    And honestly if You think that Victoria secret models are unhealthy skinny you are just jealous.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Rather than casting agents/producers etc only choosing skinny women for their shows I think it may be more a case of the majority of actresses and people who want to appear on tv caring about being thin. I think it's the women who drive it. They don't want to appear on tv fat so they make sure they are thin. So the producers have a disproportionately small sample of fat women from which to choose.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    This reminds me of that Criminal Minds episode - the one where Penelope meets a hot guy and Derek tells her to be careful - she gets pissed - hot guy shoots her. Like a hot guy could never really be interested in someone like her... sad.

    That being said - if people stopped watching the shows they are complaining about - they wouldn't continue to air.

    I watch very little.... lots of garbage on TV these days.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I so agree with you! Thanks for saying so:happy:
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Love Drop Dead Diva, as does my boyfriend. He even commented during a show that she's sexy because she's so confident in herself, dresses well, and simply shows pride in how she looks. (In his opinion, my perfect weight loss would include healthy curves. He wouldn't want a girl so skinny her body could be confused for a prepubescent boy's.)

    Having said that, I was commenting to an MFP friend the other day that I love BBC America and British shows /because/ their actors look like real people. Not everyone is a size 0. They have physical flaws. But they'd never pass over here in America. Now, that isn't to say there aren't stunning people in British television, I just don't think they perpetuate the same body (and "looks") standard we do in America (I could be wrong). Look at Absolutely Fabulous or The Vicar of Dibley, though those are older shows. The movie Calendar Girls was a celebration of age and differing body types. I think that's a healthy thing. No one /has/ to be perfect. And though I'm here to lose weight and be healthy, I refuse to obsess about ending up looking "perfect."

    If I end up a size 12, and I feel good about how I look and how I feel, I'm absolutely okay with that.
  • cryspetstalerson
    Okay haven't seen the show since she first started. But still to me there is a difference in full figured vs fat.

    You can have extra fat and look good with it but its still extra fat.

    The stereotypes are downright cruel. The actresses lose weight to keep their jobs. A man that skinny would look emaciated and wouldn't likely be hired to act. But the skinnier the women, the better. This is unfair and unhealthy.

    All man that woman like are less then 10% body fat and they look good because they have muscle but they are still skinny as hell.

    And honestly if You think that Victoria secret models are unhealthy skinny you are just jealous.

    There are victoria secret models, and fredericks of hollywood models, who ARE full figured as well. They have good tone and no fat. Are you going to sit here and tell me they are FAT? I think a lot of you are confusing the meaning of Full figure. There are women who are considered full figured just because of their bra size.. There are women who have flat stomachs, but are considered full figured because of their frame.
    Marylin Monroe was considered full figure..
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    [And honestly if You think that Victoria secret models are unhealthy skinny you are just jealous.

    SERIOUSLY??? Wow, you have a poor self image if that's your ideal. IMO that's a bit like wanting to look like a Barbie doll with all her disproportions.

    My hubby is 6'4" and built like a NFL linebacker. I jokingly said I wanted to look like one of those VS models one day and he said "Ew! WHY?? I'd be afraid to have sex with you. I'd worry that I'd snap you like the twig that they are." I'm 5'6" wear a 10W shoe (mens - womens shoes don't fit me) and have a ring size of 9. When I weighed 129 I was told that I needed to gain a few pounds by friends, family, and my doctor. My sister was worried I had an eating disorder. If I got down to a size 00 like some of those VS models I'd be in the hospital if I was fortunate enough to be alive at all. My goal is a size 10-12. Anything less than a size 8 makes me look unhealthy skinny. I want to look like a woman. I don't want to have to get a boob job or pad my bra just so I don't look like a 12yo boy.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I definitely agree with you OP, especially about the skinny wife bigger husband - I've noticed that too!!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    That being said - if people stopped watching the shows they are complaining about - they wouldn't continue to air.

  • cryspetstalerson
    [And honestly if You think that Victoria secret models are unhealthy skinny you are just jealous.

    SERIOUSLY??? Wow, you have a poor self image if that's your ideal. IMO that's a bit like wanting to look like a Barbie doll with all her disproportions.

    My hubby is 6'4" and built like a NFL linebacker. I jokingly said I wanted to look like one of those VS models one day and he said "Ew! WHY?? I'd be afraid to have sex with you. I'd worry that I'd snap you like the twig that they are." I'm 5'6" wear a 10W shoe (mens - womens shoes don't fit me) and have a ring size of 9. When I weighed 129 I was told that I needed to gain a few pounds by friends, family, and my doctor. My sister was worried I had an eating disorder. If I got down to a size 00 like some of those VS models I'd be in the hospital if I was fortunate enough to be alive at all. My goal is a size 10-12. Anything less than a size 8 makes me look unhealthy skinny. I want to look like a woman. I don't want to have to get a boob job or pad my bra just so I don't look like a 12yo boy.

    God forbid you lose weight, and get down to a size that is still plus size, and are told you can't lose anymore weight or you will get sick.. Then we have these idiots calling us "fat" because we are healthy but full figured. Some peoples bodies can't handle it.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    God forbid you lose weight, and get down to a size that is still plus size, and are told you can't lose anymore weight or you will get sick.. Then we have these idiots calling us "fat" because we are healthy but full figured. Some peoples bodies can't handle it.

    Well i never said i have anything against people with extra fat on them. Do whatever You want with your body. Maybe You have some hormonal dysfunction and You cant loose fat.
    I dont go around saying omg she/he is fat but the real fact is that if You are in plus sized clothes mostly its because You have extra fat on You and that kinda makes You well fat.

    And to Bahet (I am a man) and I find those models good looking.
    And I do understand that You would maybe look unhealthy and Your body isnt the same as theirs.
  • cryspetstalerson
    God forbid you lose weight, and get down to a size that is still plus size, and are told you can't lose anymore weight or you will get sick.. Then we have these idiots calling us "fat" because we are healthy but full figured. Some peoples bodies can't handle it.

    Well i never said i have anything against people with extra fat on them. Do whatever You want with your body. Maybe You have some hormonal dysfunction and You cant loose fat.
    I dont go around saying omg she/he is fat but the real fact is that if You are in plus sized clothes mostly its because You have extra fat on You and that kinda makes You well fat.

    And to Bahet (I am a man) and I find those models good looking.
    And I do understand that You would maybe look unhealthy and Your body isnt the same as theirs.

    I guess everyone just has their own opinions. My opinion will always be that full figured, and fat are two different things.

    Other full figured celebs... Mariah Carey, and Angelina Jolie. They have large frames and are considered full figured.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I totally agree that there should be more diversity regarding body size, and there are examples of successful shows stepping outside the norm. I saw that Glee was referenced. Not sure if Grey's Anatomy was referenced or not.

    However, as much as I agree that the norm should change, I can't help but have an "are you kidding me?" reaction to these on air relationships. Right or wrong, I just don't view Miranda Bailey having two good looking & fit men lusting over her.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member

    I dont go around saying omg she/he is fat but the real fact is that if You are in plus sized clothes mostly its because You have extra fat on You and that kinda makes You well fat.

    Er, actually, under the current definition of plus-size, even when my doctor told me I was too thin and to gain some weight back, I was technically 'plus-size'. At my normal, healthy-for-me weight, I am definitely 'plus sized'. The way women's fashions are made dictates that anyone who has a medium-to-large frame will almost automatically be 'plus-sized', whether or not they have extra fat on them. Size does not necessarily equate to health or otherwise. Please try to understand this, and be less general in your assumptions.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I totally agree that there should be more diversity regarding body size, and there are examples of successful shows stepping outside the norm. I saw that Glee was referenced. Not sure if Grey's Anatomy was referenced or not.

    However, as much as I agree that the norm should change, I can't help but have an "are you kidding me?" reaction to these on air relationships. Right or wrong, I just don't view Miranda Bailey having two good looking & fit men lusting over her.
