Full Figured Women On TV (My daily Rant)

While I know every woman on this site is out to change their body image or perhaps tone up a part of their body I just want to say please don't be offended by what I am about to say. I promise you it is nothing negative towards you.
I am and always have been attracted to women with curves rather they be curvy, voluptuous, full figured or plus sized. My lovely girlfriend would be beautiful at any weight (She is just trying to become more beautiful in her own eyes by losing weight along with me)
My complaint is on television there is a weird absence and double standard when it comes to full figured women. When I wake up in the morning and turn on my local news channel the two lead anchors are chunky and overweight (one would be considered obese) while the two lady co anchors are so skinny you could see their rib cage through their clothes.
On sitcoms big guys always have skinny wives (King Of Queens, According To Jim, and so one) I mean every time there is a plus size female character her husband is just as big (Rosanne, Mike & Molly) or in the case of Drop Dead Diva the full figured character is really a skinny model who dies and is returned to life stuck in the body of a big girl (Ouch)
Is it too much to ask for more characters who waist size is more than that of my 10 year old daughter? I am not saying I want more women on TV to be a certain size but it wouldn't hurt to have a wee bit more diversity. Women can be shown as attractive and beautiful even if they are not size zeroes right?
I guess I rambled on too much but I was just curious if anyone else feels the same way or am I just being a nut who is grumpy because I am on a diet lol


  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    Yeah, it bugs me too. I remember noticing that even the extras on some TV shows are really skinny woman. It looks unrealistic to not have any normal sized or heavy women at all. The skinny wife, fat husband sitcom thing is annoying.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    While I know every woman on this site is out to change their body image or perhaps tone up a part of their body I just want to say please don't be offended by what I am about to say. I promise you it is nothing negative towards you.
    I am and always have been attracted to women with curves rather they be curvy, voluptuous, full figured or plus sized. My lovely girlfriend would be beautiful at any weight (She is just trying to become more beautiful in her own eyes by losing weight along with me)
    My complaint is on television there is a weird absence and double standard when it comes to full figured women. When I wake up in the morning and turn on my local news channel the two lead anchors are chunky and overweight (one would be considered obese) while the two lady co anchors are so skinny you could see their rib cage through their clothes.
    On sitcoms big guys always have skinny wives (King Of Queens, According To Jim, and so one) I mean every time there is a plus size female character her husband is just as big (Rosanne, Mike & Molly) or in the case of Plus Size Diva the full figured character is really a skinny model who dies and is returned to life stuck in the body of a big girl (Ouch)
    Is it too much to ask for more characters who waist size is more than that of my 10 year old daughter? I am not saying I want more women on TV to be a certain size but it wouldn't hurt to have a wee bit more diversity. Women can be shown as attractive and beautiful even if they are not size zeroes right?
    I guess I rambled on too much but I was just curious if anyone else feels the same way or am I just being a nut who is grumpy because I am on a diet lol

    Drop Dead Diva. It is called DROP DEAD DIVA. Hahahaha.
  • Rockontoothpicks
    My bad. LOL I watch the show too....
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Unfortunately, women drive the industry. We're our own worst enemies and biggest critics. I don't know the actual psychology (psych majors, were are you??!), but fashion magazines, commercials, and sitcoms wouldn't feature [only] skinny women if the average American woman would stop criticising her fellow female.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member

    On sitcoms big guys always have skinny wives (King Of Queens, According To Jim, and so one) I mean every time there is a plus size female character her husband is just as big (Rosanne, Mike & Molly)

    I never noticed that until you pointed that out. But you're right. I'm curious to know why that's going on as well.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    From a girl's perspective, yep, this bugs me a lot, to the point of anger sometimes. Just once, Once can we please have a protagonist with a bit of chub, doesn't have to be heaps, (although that would be fine too), just sick of only ever seeing healthy BMI girls on the telly,
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    That sitcom thing really bugs me too. So many 'fat funny husband' and 'skinny shrewish wife' formulaic shows, unfunny, unoriginal, unwatchable.

    And I'm grateful for the fact that various men appreciate women of various sizes. And even some who love us regardless!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.
  • LittleMissDoll
    in the case of Drop Dead Diva (which i LOVE) she actually doesnt mind being bigger. Her friend tries really hard to help her lose the weight after she first gets stuck in that body but she decides, you know what, i have more important things to worry about than something silly like my weight! and shes confident and gorgeous and happy (for the most part) and is still intimate with men in her new body. I find that show actually very empowering in the sense of bigger women :)
  • LittleMissDoll
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.

    easy answer, that would be boring to watch.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.

    That's in commercials too. Where the husband is some bumbling, mouth-breathing idiot. For example the Hanes Sock commercial or the commercial that was talking about wireless internet (I forget the name)

    It's so stupid.
  • Rockontoothpicks
    I love Jane (or should I say Deb) I was just pointing out the fact that there is a pattern.... If my girlfriend thought I was dissing Diva...I would be the one dropping dead lol
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok but what about shows where thin attractive women are treated like they are fat and ugly? I am thinking of Liz Lemon on 30 Rock and Dee on Always Sunny in Philidelphia. It's weird.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    I dont know if you watched Reba but Barbra Jean started out as a big girl. In the end when she lost all of her weight her and her husband split up. He liked her better like she was I believe.
  • DominoFrost
    This is why I love Mad Men. Christina Hendricks' character is a full figured woman, men find her hot, she knows she's hot, and it's just really nice to see once in a while.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.

    easy answer, that would be boring to watch.

    So our options are boring or negative toward men? ... there's a reason I only watch the History channel ...
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    I can think of one - Tisha Campbell-Martin from My Wife and Kids - she is beautiful and curvy!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Ok but what about shows where thin attractive women are treated like they are fat and ugly? I am thinking of Liz Lemon on 30 Rock and Dee on Always Sunny in Philidelphia. It's weird.

    IMO women perpetuate the stereotype that even if you're hot and/or smart, you're going to be put down for one thing or another.
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    Drop Dead Diva

    I just started watching that show from the beginning, and one episode I watched I LAUGHED. I work in a plus size clothing store, and when the character said she was a size 16, I just had to go PFFFFFFTTTTT! And then there was a judge that said she was a size 16. Now compare those two characters, and I would say Miss Drop Dead Diva, is actually an 18 or 20.

    That pissed me off too. They lied about the size. Shows need to be MORE realistic.
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    It's always bothered me, even more so now that my son is preteen and noticing these things and now I have a daughter. I always want my kids to know people are beautiful inside and out, no matter how they appear. But unfortuantly it get's shoved down our throats, to be beautiful you have to have perfect skin, great boobs, ribs showing and a waist that's smaller then the average child's. I'm not saying don't be healthy, but there are all kinds of beautiful and that is the message that should be shared more often.