dawnal1028 Member


  • We are close! I am older, though :ohwell: Age: 56 (57 next month) Height: 5'7" CW: 194 GW: 150 Send me a friend request if you'd like! :happy:
  • I wish I could do Insanity. But my first try of it killed my knees. I wish I could do it...we have a group of teachers after school who are starting Insanity workouts again tomorrow. But it's not worth killing my joints. My admiration to those of you who are able to do this VERY tough workout program!
  • Wonderful! You look fantastic :happy:
  • October 28th. Scorpio Power :happy:
  • Sounds like me! I became vegan last November because of health concerns. I read Dr. Neal Barnard's book and decided I was going to jump in and go for it all. I quickly lost 15 pounds without even any exercise, and I felt SO much better. For the last few months, my husband and I have added fish maybe once or twice a week,…
  • Fantastic! It is amazing how much healthier our bodies are as vegans. The inches definitely come off even when the scale doesn't show it. That's been my experience for sure.
  • When I became vegan back in late November, I quickly lost 20 pounds without even working out! The weight loss then definitely stabilized. So now I am trying to work out regularly as well as logging everything on here. I will never go back to a meat-based diet. Becoming vegan has made a world of difference in how I feel!
  • I'm a teacher and can relate so well to this and a few of the other comments from teachers! I became vegan last November, lost 20 pounds pretty quickly, and no one said anything at school. All I hear is, "When are you going to eat meat again?" or get weird looks at my healthy lunches. I've been teaching a long time but it…
  • [/quote] Thanks so much for this reply! We only get 220 minutes per week planning and it seems I need every minute to prep my hands on first grade lessons. Also, we lose our planning periods due to meetings and spot subbing. We have trouble getting subs in our building because our school is broke and they pay subs such a…
  • A group of teachers at my school did this last year and I wanted to join, but they were doing the Insanity Workout. I tried it once and my knees were absolutely killing me (that never happens with any other exercise)! If they wanted to do videos that were a little better for us older teachers, I would join them for sure.…
  • Hello! I am 56 and will be 57 in October. I'm from the Seattle area and an elementary school teacher. I have been vegan since last December and quickly lost 20 pounds but it's been slow going since, and I want to lose the rest of the weight! I'm hoping more exercise and the food diary here on MFP will be helpful. I've had…
  • Hello everyone! I am a veteran elementary school teacher. This will be my 16th year of teaching coming up! I will have a 5th/6th grade combination class this year. I'm pretty excited because it is basically the same class I had last year as 4th and 5th graders...I am "looping" them up. It's nice to meet you all :happy:
  • Hello! It's nice to see this thread! :happy: I'm 56 and will turn 57 in October. Post-menopausal and it's feeling like that is really affecting my progress. That said, I was on vacation for a few weeks and got off track a bit...so now it's time to stick to the plan! August Goals: 1. Faithfully log in all food, every day 2.…
  • I went vegan right after Thanksgiving last year after the bloodwork at my annual physical REALLY scared me. My husband decided to join me in veganism although he didn't need to :) I lost 20 pounds very quickly after switching to a vegan diet. That was great! The weight loss has definitely slowed down, though, and I am…
  • I am battling this issue and am feeling very frustrated because the weight (at least on the scale) is NOT coming off! I am trying to keep to the calorie restriction on MFP, and want to work out (fast walking on the treadmill) at least 5 days a week. It seems like in the past when I was dieting and working out, the pounds…