


  • running4myfuture
    I had no difficulty at all in giving up meat. It was like turning off a light switch. I quit and walked away. It's been much harder to give up processed junk and eat an overall healthier diet. I'm doing a lot better than I used to, but it's still a work in progress.

    Oh, and for the best way to go about eating a plant-based diet I suggest The Engine 2 Diet. You can get a pretty good intro by checking out the Engine 2 videos on YouTube.

    I'm planning on buying this book! Have you read it?

    Multiple times, it's sitting right here on my bookshelf.

    Is it easy to understand? Easy to follow?
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Very easy to understand, and the plan itself is pretty simple. Sticking to it might take some adjustment and commitment, just like any other significant change.
  • dawnal1028
    dawnal1028 Posts: 29 Member
    I went vegan right after Thanksgiving last year after the bloodwork at my annual physical REALLY scared me. My husband decided to join me in veganism although he didn't need to :)
    I lost 20 pounds very quickly after switching to a vegan diet. That was great! The weight loss has definitely slowed down, though, and I am hoping to get it going again.
    I do NOT miss meat at all. I feel so much better eating a plant-based diet, too. Several months after the initial bloodwork, I had it checked again and both my cholesterol and blood glucose levels had dropped quite a bit. They are still higher than where my doctor and I want them to be, and I am hopeful that with continued veganism, weight loss, and exercise I can get them into the normal zone.
    Any vegans out there, feel free to send me a friend request!
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    I recently did a Vegan Pledge run by Vegan Campaigns in London to take up a vegan diet for a month. As an omnivore for almost all my life I was really surprised how easy it was. I learnt to experiment with all kinds of different foods. It had a really good impact on my digestion. I would quite happily follow this diet for good. I'm not quite there yet, but for all kinds of reasons: heatlh, financial, ethical, it's something I'm thinking about doing for good now. It strikes me that the high-meat, high-dairy consumption is very much a Western thing and doesn't reflect what's happening in other parts of the world. But the West is where you find the highest rates of heart disease, diabetes, and yes, for all that dairy food, osteoporsis is higher in the West than in Asian countries where dairy might not even figure. I think we've been fed a lot of rubbish about dairy and calcium to be honest. Anyone agree, or not?:happy: