kijoneko Member


  • I'm a bit of a Runtastic addict, I use several of the apps regularly, and log all my work outs there to keep track (some I have to add manually). I love the fact it syncs with MFP but there's also a great community spirit and I really enjoy seeing the photos others post during their runs etc. The pedometer is handy too for…
  • I'll join in, hopefully this will help me keep up my running. I'm going to aim for 100km in December as I know it's easily achievable inbetween all my mtb sessions, as long as I actually get my shoes on and out of the door. [/url]
  • You Are Your Own Gym (bodyweight exercise program). Think you have a choice of DVD, book or an app. I also like the Sworkit app, which covers the sort of things that mjpTennis has listed :)
  • I bought a head torch and go run my regular trails in the woods in the dark. Things I meet in the woods in the dark are much less scary than people I'm likely to meet around town at unsocial hours. :D
  • The advice in the FAQs of the iphone app are just to modify the number of reps you do accordingly. If you can only do 4 that's fine, by the end of 10 weeks you should be able to do more. :) The program gives you an idea of how many of each exercise you should be able to complete before moving up a level, so you can always…
  • Runtastic Pro has the ability to program intervals into it. I can't say if it's better or worse than any of the other running apps around but it's the one I use. :) If you have the 'voice' on it tells you when to increase pace, if you aren't quite moving fast enough (or going too fast), then it tells you when you are…
  • I asked similar not so long ago and someone pointed me to Alpkit headtorches. I'm using mine to run the trails at 5am, when the woods are in total darkness and the rain has been lashing down (so hardly any moonlight either), it's brilliant…
  • There are warm up/cool downs included in the app. You do need to go to the settings menu and switch them on though. :)
  • Which ride are you doing? I didn't realise registration was still open.... :)
  • I find Runtastic pretty accurate for my activities. It calculates about 30 calories over what MFP does. My heart rate monitor calculates calories burned somewhere inbetween both but usually closer to Runtastic. You can edit your calorie burn after it has exported to your MFP diary if you want though.
  • Toying with the idea but not quite ready to commit yet! :) I know I'll need to make a decision really soon though or all the places will have gone.
  • I haven't been but if you have runtastic or mapmyrun you should be able to find some routes. :)
  • Definitely this!
  • I'm not in Edinburgh, but I visit a lot (my daughter is the same age as you and at uni there). :) I do know there's a Park Run at Cramond every Saturday morning which is free, and Arthur's Seat is always a great walk. I'm not a member of PureGym either but the 24 hour access is quite appealing. I do know a few folks that…
  • I've just started using YAYOG too, I just log it using the strength training option MFP provides since the app tracks your progress anyway. Good luck with the program. I'm using it for variety rather than following it 3 days a week, but I really like it so far.
  • Ditto :D
  • Sounds like a good plan to me. :) Your plan is pretty similar to the way I work out. I'll run/cycle before work then go to the gym when I finish. All too often things come up in the evening which stop me working out (and my motivation seems to be non existent after a certain time!). I'd guess since you have an athletic…
  • I cycle back and forward to work via tracks, towpaths and road, about 25km a day, and I live pretty close to decent mountain bike trails which can be a tough workout. My one tip if you are looking to spend any kind of extended on your bike is to buy a pair of cycling shorts or leggings! You will be able to cycle for much…
  • I've done a few with :)
  • I always figured it simply averages out over your ride. Unless of course you are only using your bike to travel from the top of a very steep hill to get the bottom and not going back up!? :)
  • My running hat has become my 'creature comfort'. I bought it to keep the rain out of my eyes, but it also keeps the sweat from running into my eyes, isn't too hot in the sun and stays on when it's windy. However the best thing about it is it makes me feel invisible! Weird but true. :)
  • Sometimes I run with my Springer Spaniel, he will can do 10k with no problems as long as there are puddles/streams to drink from. He just keeps on going and going... pity he ends up so wet and dirty or I'd take him more often! I used to run shorter distances with one of my greyhounds but she was only walking while I was…
  • I was using it to do strength training before my workout was refreshed. Ten minutes on the plate was about the same as 30 minutes strength training if that helps any.
  • August 25th.... which I think is before the Spartan? I signed up for Tough Mudder cos I thought the Spartan looked harder ... or at least more competitive. :)
  • No Scottish one? :( It looks great fun, but Manchester is just too long a drive. Maybe if they get a good turn out there will be more UK dates next year.
  • MPW? ***15-20 miles What's your favorite distance? ***10km Brand of shoes? ***New Balance Indoor or outdoors? ***Outdoors Music or no music? ***Music although once my ipod lost charge and I never even noticed the music had stopped. Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc) ***Downhills, hate running downhill. Gadgets?…
  • I started the 30ds again a couple of days ago after having to take a couple of weeks recovery after an injury. My plan is to workout at the gym/run or do bootcamp on the same days though so I can have 1 full rest day every week.
  • Do you drive to work? I started to increase my activity levels by parking elsewhere and walking twenty minutes to work (then obviously I had to walk 20 minutes again at the end of the day as well). It kind of snowballed from there, once I was moving I seemed to gain the motivation to move more and more! You can do this!