Runtastic app

Has anyone used this app? I need to find a good one that will help me track my steps and is free. Advice much appreciated.


  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have it and I love it but it doesn't track steps, it uses the GPS in your phone to figure out distance and speed.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I love it, but I wouldn't use it for short distances like walking around the block or across the street. The margin of error in your phone's GPS wouldn't make short distances worth tracking. I use it for runs and lunchtime walks that are over 1 mile.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Look at their Pedometer app.

    It can link to your MFP account and automatically log your calories here. I've done that with the Runtastic original that I run/walk with.
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    I use it and love the app...even upgraded to the "Pro" app for the iPhone. It measures time, distance, pace, etc and you can it the notifications to whatever you want. It gives my per mile pace and then I know if I need to kick it up some.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I have it, what is everyone's id's? Message me for mine.
  • kijoneko
    kijoneko Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a bit of a Runtastic addict, I use several of the apps regularly, and log all my work outs there to keep track (some I have to add manually). I love the fact it syncs with MFP but there's also a great community spirit and I really enjoy seeing the photos others post during their runs etc.
    The pedometer is handy too for short walks or if your phone is running low on charge.

    Happy to add anyone, just message me for my id. :)
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    I use runtastic and find their workout calories more accurate than mfp. I don't use it to track steps. And I would actually never track steps with intention to log it as a burn. I only log what I intentionally do as exercise. When I go powerwalking in the summer, I use runtastic to track it. But just regular steps, nope... although as a numbers person it would be interesting to just know: )
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,902 Member
    I use it and liked it enough to buy the Pro version. Only problem is when I am walking several hours at a time while on vacation it eats up a lot of battery. Ended up buying a secondary battery for my phone.

    Runtastic calorie burns for walking look reasonable to me. More conservative than Endomondo.
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    I bought the full version and use it regularly. You can set your own intervall training and set your paces. I found the app pretty intuitive. Only disadvante for me is that calorie usage is calculated without your heart rate even if you link runtastic to your hrm but I it is not very far off. I use icardio/digifit for a better calorie count and runtastic is overestimating only by 2 to 30 calories. I think that's quite good.
    Their Website is great too you can add friends and see where they run and how much.
  • 6ronXtreme9
    6ronXtreme9 Posts: 416 Member
    its a good app but doesn't shows the right amount of calories u have burned.
  • juanpegler
    juanpegler Posts: 92 Member
    Noom Walk tracks steps all day and is free and does not use extra bat.