30 Day Shred - starting on Friday March 15



  • prat1975
    prat1975 Posts: 14
    I'm in!!!
  • micmunk07
    micmunk07 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!!! I did the 30 day shred when I started my weight loss journey & lost 40lbs. I have hit a plateau so I need an incentive to do the DVD everyday again. Need to lose the last 15lb.
  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    micmunk you lost 40lbs in what time?
  • Amaya_S
    Amaya_S Posts: 2
    I would love to join, I was going to start on Monday but no reason I can't start tomorrow instead.

    Also looking for friends so anyone can add also :flowerforyou:
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I'll definitely join! I ordered the DVD a couple days ago, and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow, so fingers crossed it comes at a reasonable hour! Is anyone else doing this alongside C25K or any other similar program? I'm thinking I'll just push through and do both (meaning do 30 DS every day and continue C25K three days a week) but I don't know if that will be too much. But I don't want to compromise the results I would get with the 30 DS by taking rest days.
  • Bekahoe
    Bekahoe Posts: 9 Member
    Im in....i just started it for the first time two days ago. I havent worked out like that in forever...my muscles are soooo sore just from level one! Ill do it again tomorrow afternoon. Should be ok by then:)
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    When you do the 30 ds, are you doing any other workouts. I run 3-4 days a week so i like to do this workout on my "off" running days. Just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat.

    I've been running (well more like jogging) 3 times week (following C25K) and I started 30DS on March 1st. I managed to complete L1 but I've had to rest now as my knees began to hurt. I need to finish week 9 of C25K (hopefully today) and then I'll carry on with L2 of 30DS possibly from Monday. I will continue to jog 3 x week as well.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Ok... perfect timing. I'm in. Are you going to start a group??? How are we going to keep track of and motivate one another? :smile:
  • kedlyo
    kedlyo Posts: 19 Member
    Are all the videos available on youtube? I see level 1, but don't even know what the system is. (Level 1 first day only? So are there 30 levels?) If you can give me a brief overview, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!
  • RobinsonDawn
    RobinsonDawn Posts: 40 Member
    I started the other day, so I'll be a bit ahead of you but I would love to support one another!
  • kijoneko
    kijoneko Posts: 56 Member
    When you do the 30 ds, are you doing any other workouts. I run 3-4 days a week so i like to do this workout on my "off" running days. Just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat.

    I started the 30ds again a couple of days ago after having to take a couple of weeks recovery after an injury. My plan is to workout at the gym/run or do bootcamp on the same days though so I can have 1 full rest day every week.
  • salmaosman
    salmaosman Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in, I'm on day 4, please feel free to add me, I am a very motivated person.
  • allyokay
    allyokay Posts: 1
    What is the 30 Day Shred and how can I join?

    Oh Ive just seen the videos on Youtube - Ive got a rotator cuff injury at the moment and cant exercise too much - I'm a Zumba and Pilates instructor tho. Tore my calf a year ago and have had to be careful with it for ages! I've put on 25 pounds on :-(
  • smurphf
    smurphf Posts: 16 Member
    count me in!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi log it as circuit training 20 min
    I just started last night. Do you know how to calculate how many calories you burn in those 20 minutes since you are combining the cardio and strength?

    Would like to know that too. Don't have a monitor/tracker at home either (about to go get one). But have no idea what to log as excercise for level 1 day 1.
  • blibby33
    blibby33 Posts: 53
    I do the 30 day shred and my exercises on my wii fit right after each other. I was very sore but I stretched and kept going. it is alright as long as you stretch and not push yourself too hard.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    I'm starting tonight :drinker:
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Day 1---Done!! Well sort of. I had to go super light on the last circut because I felt myself getting dizzy, and let me tell you.....


    I had completely forgot how important it is hydrate until this morning. Please!!! Please if you are going to do this, or any workout, please keep yourself hydrated. A good start is 2 liters of water a day, and no soda and coffee dont count has hydration because the caffine will actually dehydrate you.
    Now, I am super out of shape right now, and I'm not (nor will I ever be) a personal trainer, but there are a few words of wisdom that I would like to inpart on those that want them.

    1) EAT!!! Weither it be before of after you workout, please eat. I personally cant eat before because I will always throw it right back up, but thats just me. Try both ways, and find which works for you, but it is super important to eat and eat right if you are going to do any kind of workout.

    2) DRINK!!! Like I stated above..... hydration is SOOOO underrated!

    3) STRETCH!!! After a really hard workout, I like to take a really hot shower or bath (if I have the time to really soak) and stretch while I'm in the tub (just be careful that you dont slip and bonk your head.) The heat will losen you up so you can get a really deep stretch, which will keep you from cramping and getting too sore if you are first starting out.

    4) LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!! Only you know if you are pushing too hard, or not hard enough. Muscle pain is good, strive for it. But joint pain is not good. If you feel pain more in you knees and hips than in your muscles, look at how you are doing the exercises, because most likely you are doing something wrong. If you cant figure out what it is that you are doing wrong, ask someone else to watch you do that exercise and tell you if it looks just like the way the trainers are doing it. Breathing hard is ok, but try really hard to keep it controlled. If you feel yourself getting dizzy or lightheaded, DONT STOP but slow down and give yourself a little bit of time to cool down slowly. Drink some water (sips) and walk around, but dont just plop down on the floor. More than likely you are getting overheated because you are dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, your body heat can spike to unsafe temps like 103 or 104. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you feel yourself start to pass out or black out, go take a COLD shower. No hot water at all, only cold. Of course you could avoid that all together, if you simply drink the water to begin with!

    But obviously, I am not a doctor. This info I share is all stuff I learned while in the military, and is practiced readily by the military. I have been a heat casualty before. Meaning I didnt hydrate, went on a group run, got over heated, and almost passed out. Now, the Marine Corps response to that is to molest you with a thermometer because that is the fastest and most accuate way to get a body temp. Yeah, mine was 104.3. At that point I got covered with ice and sheets soaked in ice water! Not a pleasant experience. This is my warning to everyone else. Learn from my mistakes..... and drink the flippin water!!!!

    That is all.
  • I want to join you all! I logged in for the first time in a long while and I'm embarrassed to say that I have gained all my weight I originally lost so I need to do something. I have tried the 30 day shred several times and never get passed the first day. I simply cannot move the next day! Any advice on how to not be so sore after an intense workout? I read in a magazine to drink cherry juice before a workout. Has anyone tried it?
  • Great advice!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Cassea what did you like better about the Shred?

    Ripped in 30 has alot of Plank jacks its hurts me to do them:sick:
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I want to join you all! I logged in for the first time in a long while and I'm embarrassed to say that I have gained all my weight I originally lost so I need to do something. I have tried the 30 day shred several times and never get passed the first day. I simply cannot move the next day! Any advice on how to not be so sore after an intense workout? I read in a magazine to drink cherry juice before a workout. Has anyone tried it?

    I was able to do ten days in a row..Make sure diet has lotsa whole veggies and fruit..Lotsa water and do extra stretching after, also magnesium from nuts and spinach..that will help relax muscles hope this helps..I also di a yoga routine as well some days it helped too
  • lovely411
    lovely411 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Oh yeah, staying hydrated will decrease muscle soreness also. Basically, love your water. LOVE IT!!!!!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Day 1 done :)

    AWESOME !!..I will be starting in ten min
  • I'm In!
  • My husband and I are starting tomorrow! We are both standing up to my sister-in-law's wedding on July 20 so we have 18 weeks to get in shape! Has anyone done the shred for the full 30 days straight, and if so, what was your weight loss? I need some extra motivation!! LOL!!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Just did it!! feel GREAT!! I have bad Knees and so when the jumping jacks are up..I do the best i can..bouncing and arms..I have 2 sets of weights..5 lbs and 3 lbs..I switch them up..The side lunges and anterior raises I use 3 lbs and everything else 5 lbs..3 weeks ago when i started..i could hardly lift 3 lbs..I have lost 3 inches off waist and 1 inch off arms and 2 inches off of each thigh..one inch off hips.. By the end of it during the bycycle crunches i am pouring sweat..I took some days off when i really needed them and did other workouts. You will lose if your diet is right..Eat lotsa veggies and protein..I dont eat much bread at all. Oh yah and water water water
  • I want to join you all! I logged in for the first time in a long while and I'm embarrassed to say that I have gained all my weight I originally lost so I need to do something. I have tried the 30 day shred several times and never get passed the first day. I simply cannot move the next day! Any advice on how to not be so sore after an intense workout? I read in a magazine to drink cherry juice before a workout. Has anyone tried it?

    I was able to do ten days in a row..Make sure diet has lotsa whole veggies and fruit..Lotsa water and do extra stretching after, also magnesium from nuts and spinach..that will help relax muscles hope this helps..I also di a yoga routine as well some days it helped too
    Thank you Cassea! :smile:
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Your welcome! :flowerforyou: