30 Day Shred - starting on Friday March 15



  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    Hi guys,

    Enjoy today!!! Tomorrow Jilian will kick our butts!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    OMGoodness I can not wait! This is the first time in about, oh I dont know....EVER that I have actually been excited about 1) working out and 2)..... waking up early!! I mean I wake up early as it is, usually around 6, but I gotta tell ya, I hate it. But I'm hoping this will be different, mainly since my hubby is gonna wake up and do it with me.
  • twinsmom7602
    twinsmom7602 Posts: 55 Member
    Sure, I am in.. How would we log that in the exercise portion of MFP? How many Calories would one burn doing this for 20 minutes, I know each body is different! I guess I am going to get the video's off You Tube. :) I was going to start April 1st, but hey, I am cool with starting a little early. :)
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Log it as circuit traing for 20 min
    I just started last night. Do you know how to calculate how many calories you burn in those 20 minutes since you are combining the cardio and strength?
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I did it everday for 10 days then i switched to ripped in 30 big mistake..I like "the Shred" better..I will start with you!
  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    Cassea what did you like better about the Shred?
  • I'll do it!!! Plus I am still going to do my Leslie Sansone videos as well! I love those too!
  • yurika975
    yurika975 Posts: 71 Member
    I have been doing this for the week. I have done levels 1 and 2 before. I had a shopping incident and came home to workout lol. I am doing lv 3. I like it the best (though I don't care for those jumping lunges)I combine it with another workout like Taebo ultimate. I have lots to burn.
  • tmarch13
    tmarch13 Posts: 4 Member
    When you do the 30 ds, are you doing any other workouts. I run 3-4 days a week so i like to do this workout on my "off" running days. Just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat.
  • mbar2010
    mbar2010 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll join you all too! Did 20 days last month then fell out of the routine - was totally loving it as well!
  • prat1975
    prat1975 Posts: 14
    I'm in!!!
  • micmunk07
    micmunk07 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!!! I did the 30 day shred when I started my weight loss journey & lost 40lbs. I have hit a plateau so I need an incentive to do the DVD everyday again. Need to lose the last 15lb.
  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    micmunk you lost 40lbs in what time?
  • Amaya_S
    Amaya_S Posts: 2
    I would love to join, I was going to start on Monday but no reason I can't start tomorrow instead.

    Also looking for friends so anyone can add also :flowerforyou:
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I'll definitely join! I ordered the DVD a couple days ago, and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow, so fingers crossed it comes at a reasonable hour! Is anyone else doing this alongside C25K or any other similar program? I'm thinking I'll just push through and do both (meaning do 30 DS every day and continue C25K three days a week) but I don't know if that will be too much. But I don't want to compromise the results I would get with the 30 DS by taking rest days.
  • Bekahoe
    Bekahoe Posts: 9 Member
    Im in....i just started it for the first time two days ago. I havent worked out like that in forever...my muscles are soooo sore just from level one! Ill do it again tomorrow afternoon. Should be ok by then:)
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    When you do the 30 ds, are you doing any other workouts. I run 3-4 days a week so i like to do this workout on my "off" running days. Just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat.

    I've been running (well more like jogging) 3 times week (following C25K) and I started 30DS on March 1st. I managed to complete L1 but I've had to rest now as my knees began to hurt. I need to finish week 9 of C25K (hopefully today) and then I'll carry on with L2 of 30DS possibly from Monday. I will continue to jog 3 x week as well.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Ok... perfect timing. I'm in. Are you going to start a group??? How are we going to keep track of and motivate one another? :smile:
  • kedlyo
    kedlyo Posts: 19 Member
    Are all the videos available on youtube? I see level 1, but don't even know what the system is. (Level 1 first day only? So are there 30 levels?) If you can give me a brief overview, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!
  • RobinsonDawn
    RobinsonDawn Posts: 40 Member
    I started the other day, so I'll be a bit ahead of you but I would love to support one another!