jessimurph Member


  • I did 7a today (stage one) and squatted 75lbs. My 6a deadlift on wednesday was 65lbs. I feel really strong, but I realize I'm a weakling after reading through this thread :). Most of you can DL higher weight then squat....interesting. I find DL's much more challenging.
  • bump. just started nrol4w two days ago and hope to be adding my own pictures is a few months :)
  • For the most part you don't need special recipes. You can use any type of alternate milk (I prefer almond), for butter there's a soybean butter called willows end (I think that's right). The big problem is cheese and yogurt. Most that you would think would be dairy free have casin and whey in them. There's an ok vegan…
  • Me. I've had to give up dairy breastfeeding both of my kids. They both have a dairy protein allergy (whey and casin)
  • No, just because I drink a ton of water.
  • If you lost an inch off your hip I'm not seeing what the problem is... I'd much rather be smaller and stronger than weigh less.
  • I am not eating nuts, dairy or wheat due to my breastfeeding sons allergies and I eat all of my calories. I think it's definitely helped my weight loss because I'm eating super healthy, but just because you have allergies doesn't mean you can't consume a healthy amount of calories and nutrients in a day. Originally I said…
  • I have made changes to my diet and activity level that I hope to keep up. I think if I'm not focusing on 'the number' (cue scary music) that I can keep doing what I'm doing without obsessing. It sounds good, but I'm pretty curious about 'the number' (more scary music).
  • I actually eat very similarly...mostly due to my sons allergies. No wheat, dairy or nuts and I stopped eating grains and just do quinoa now. I'd love to look at your diary the days you were there! I have never heard paleo until you wrote it. How did you decide to start eating that way?
  • We're not going till early December, and I have made all the dining reservations already BUT right now I'm thinking I should be picking places that I know have healthier options. I'm going to keep researching and change some reservations.
  • I'm pretty sure those turkey legs are over 1,000 a pop!
  • Meh, my pee is fairly consistently beet pink and asparagus stinky. I still don't think you can eat too many veggies in general. Maybe if you ate avocados all day... There are maybe a few others, but in general that's a silly statement.
  • Dumbest thing I've heard in a while. I hope you called them out on that bs.
  • This. Drop that boyfriend quickly. Life's too short to Keep someone around that doesn't appreciate you. If he's into anorexic types let him find someone else. You look great in the first and third pic.
  • Wow, I hadn't really considered this until my 12lb was born 4 months ago. My skin is spent. 12lbs of baby is more than a lot of twin moms have in then at once... It looks awful.
  • Awesome work! You look great!
  • Two servings of ice cream is empty calories and has no positive health benefit. Two tablespoons of healthy oil has many positive health benefits. You can certainly eat your allotted calories however you see fit, but if we're talking about long term health and still being able to lose weight your argument has not been a…
  • I love my raw coconut oil. It smells heavenly, and does taste coconut-y. It's my favorite healthy fat. I'm going to start budgeting my calories so I can add it to my after workout protein shake. I slather it all over me after I shower and people always comment about how lovely I smell subtly of coconuts. I have two…
  • I forgot to say soy, so yes that's currently out. Our pedi has not said anything about shellfish, eggs or corn yet but I don't eat a ton of those items in general. I'm hoping we get this figured out soon. I feel so guilty that something I'm eating is giving him issues, but I'm eating so clean I just don't know what it…
  • This sounds amazing!
  • I wonder if this would be ok with no oil? Sounds like a fantastic snack!
  • I'm a huge fan of quinoa porridge for breakfast! I found a bunch of recipes online, but now I just make a big batch of quinoa once or twice a week and heat up a cup in the morning with some milk and stevia.
  • I eat it every morning for breakfast with a little bit of milk and stevia.
  • My most requested recipe is adapted from here I don't eat dairy so I don't add the cheese and I add waaay more veggies and use ground turkey breast instead of sausage sometimes....or do half sausage half ground turkey breast. It is very filling and nice…
  • I exclusively breastfeeding my 4 1/2 month old and add it to my evening snack. If you type breastfeeding into food you'll see it. I wonder if there's a better way to enter it so your protein/carbs/fat go up and not just 500 more calories. I was very worried about my supply in the beginning, but now that I feel more…
  • Whoops! It is now :)
  • 'good health' really isn't eating junk food when you feel it is moderate, when you gave the calories and when you want it. I'm not saying it's bad, but I wouldn't call it goid health either. It is probably better than most of us were previously doing with our diets...
  • This. I am unable to limit treats like ice cream, sugar and fried foods so i am learning a new lifestyle where treats are fresh fruit and healthy fats like guacamole and fresh coconut meat. I'm happy others are able to eat junk in moderation, I wish I could.
  • I would put her on an elimination diet excluding all the common food allergies (lactose, dairy protein, nuts, gluten, soy, oats, eggs). My kids have food allergies, but are young so it's easier. A 12 year old may take issue eliminating things especially if she's picky. I really sounds like a food allergy to me which can…
  • I think it's pretty surprising that most people (me included until recently) don't know what's in the processed food we're eating and don't really care to know because it might make us not want to eat to.