How many calories to add for breastfeeding mom?

Hello all! I am finally back on this site and ready to lose serious weight after about a year! I became a mommy and I am breadtfeeding, I'm wondering how many calories I should consume/add so that I can lose weight but not have it affect my milk supply? Thanks for the help!


  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    If your baby is exclusively breast feeding (no supplementing, no solids yet), then add 500 calories. (I would add it in the cardio section...I think MFP might even have it in the database?)
  • jessimurph
    jessimurph Posts: 50 Member
    I exclusively breastfeeding my 4 1/2 month old and add it to my evening snack. If you type breastfeeding into food you'll see it. I wonder if there's a better way to enter it so your protein/carbs/fat go up and not just 500 more calories. I was very worried about my supply in the beginning, but now that I feel more comfortable with my diet I rarely eat my breastfeeding calories. I make sure to always eat when I'm hungry, but I'm making much better choices. My diary is open if you want to see how I add it.
  • nickiejohnson
    Thank you both, I was worried about how to do it and losing my supply. I also have an, almost 4 1/2 mth old and he eats like crazy!