holly3585 Member


  • Start with Insanity if you are willing to jump in and not give up!! You will be sore in the beginning, but if you do follow the calendar, the soreness won't last too long, and your results will be AMAZING!!! My biggest recommendation is to stay focused on what you are eating!! Every time I do Insanity I start eating like a…
  • What? I am so confused what this post is saying....sorry off topic...
  • Anything you can buy in the 'fresh whole food' category will fill you up, with less calories. I know personally I did not have a 'taste' for raw veggies, but I started slow, trying new things, and now I CRAVE a sliced up bell pepper, or some blackberries over potato chips or candies any day. Go to a farmers market, or just…
  • Search online. It is in some stores, but not near me. I had to look online. Search a few different sites, because some are better priced thank others.
    in PB2? Comment by holly3585 February 2013
  • I love to juice!!! measure each juice separately as you juice, and log them each into your diary!! For Carrot juice I search 'raw carrot juice' ext. I have never juiced something that I couldn't find as 'raw juice' in the database!
  • Try a sugar detox to kick it off!! Set a time frame, 1 month, or 1 week, and make a commitment that you WILL not eat any 'sugar' or 'sugar substitute' AT ALL!! Make the only sweets fresh fruit! I find it helps me to have a short lived radical change, and then you can re-evaluate the situation, and having changed you cycle…
  • [/quote] I know that this is the ideal, but I don't have the time. I don't even get a lunch break at work, so I chow down in front of my computer while I work. [/quote] If you are allowed to eat at your desk...do it! I snack at my desk ALL day. The more you eat, the more you will be hungry. Try getting up a half hour early…
  • Protein powder is a good boost, but I think you could benefit from more 'natural' protein. Google high protein food. You would be surprised at all the diff foods that are loaded with protein! No mean needed :~)
  • Eat more protein!! The automatic values here are too low!! Protein is good. Fat is good too. Not fat from a deep fried something... but fat from nuts and avocados WILL NOT hamper your efforts. Truly the hardest part is the nutrition, so just start slowly, take into account every bite you put into your mouth, and make…
  • NO bad food around......aaannnd like it or not I figured out that I CANNOT smoke during the day. As much as I like to tell myself I can control munchies, I personally can't!! Made a rule to not eat after 8pm (around which time I put my daughter to bed, and have a little me time!!) So I just have to not start eating and I…
  • All these haters. LOL if it works for you DO IT! I previously had a big problem with binge eating, and one of the things I would do, is after a bad binge one night, the next day I would do a huge workout, say an Insanity vid and then a long run, and I would log my HRM calories for the previous day. It would 'even out' my…
  • I read somewhere in a deadline like that the best thing to do is go camping!!! May not be possible w/ wedding plans but if you can....escape for a week ;~) Take only fresh veggies, a few fruits, and very lean meat to BBQ over the fire. Hike miles everyday!!
  • My 1st photo post- pretty sure it won't work!! If it does, the 'after' is my 5 weeks into 2nd round of insanity!!
  • Cute stuff....so expensive though :noway:
  • Sunflower seeds help me a lot. It takes a long time to get them down!!
  • NO!!! LOL on the bright side though after my boobs were gone my *kitten* started to finally shrink :drinker:
  • Honey don't be too hard on yourself!!! I know you didn't gain weight overnight (although we all usually gain much quicker than we lose) so you can't think it will come off quickly. #1 slow down!! If you are doing everything right, keep doing it right. You WILL see results, maybe just not as quickly/steadily as you hope #2…
  • Tequilla shots are great, Paleo even!! Natural agave instead of sugars! Do you like mojitos?? I used to take bacardi silver (I heard it was the lowest sugar) and use club soda, fresh mint, lime, and a few splendas. It is AMAZING and can be knock you out strong! That is before I really got on the wagon and quit drinking.....
  • OMG 5 years in Tyler Texas, married a Texan, and if I NEVER have to go back to that place it will be TOO SOON. :indifferent: The weather sucks, the laws suck, and from what I see the cool peeps there have all already moved to California.
  • The best advice I have is don't start Monday. Start the SECOND you read this.
  • Girl you CAN do this. it is inside of you! It sounds like before the surgery it came easy to you, and you are so lucky for that. Now it may be very tough, but YOU CAN DO IT. Success lies in each choice you make. From what you do when you 1st wake up, to the 1st meal, ext. Make every choice not so immediate, and think about…
  • Search for the Paleo group and ask questions there :flowerforyou: A lot of people in the main forums are ot too friendly with any 'style' diets/lifestyles. you can find A LOT of great info if you chat with the people who are living the lifestyle. Have fun, and remember, be 100 honest w/ yourself on the site!! It is all for…
  • Here is somewhere to start: For the next week, just DON'T eat anything in a 'bag' or a 'box'. Sounds easy, but it is tough. Eat whole fruits (banana, apple, berries, melons) you can add cottage cheese, cheese slices, peanut butter, ext. For lunch have some chicken breast already cooked, and portion out about 6 ounces. Make…
  • Free day?? Like I will eat everything in sight and blame it on a 'holiday' because obviously to connect with family and have a day off work, we all have been programmed that we MUST gorge ourselves. I think everyone is overthinking this!!! If we all have 'free day' today, 75% of us will be down in the dumps tomorrow all…
  • If you dread it, and want to eat healthy, than just do it! Do not even have one 'Splurge' Go into it like any other day. Satisfying large breakfast, and when everyone else 'feasts' make a portion control plate and skip the mashed potatos % mac and cheese. If you don't want to gorge, DON'T
  • Just look at the bigger picture and don't get caught up within a few weeks time. Just make all around good decisions.....have a few drinks and some 'unhealthy' food EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, but not too often. If you are all around making good choices and doing it in a way that you can maintain, you will lose. If you are on a…
  • LOL just because you can't wrap your brain around it doesn't mean it a crazy idea. Geez a lot of people tally weekly calorie goals and not just daily--zig zagging calories.......
  • I you have the butrition guide, then you didn't just get emailed the vids like I did, and I assume you paid a pretty penny for the program....so follow it!! 1800 net IS NOT that uch. It is a realistic goal that you could stick with, FOREVER, which is probably how long you would like your results to last, so stick with it!…