I need serious reality check.View my food diary.Oh God :(

I have some serious issues when it comes to my choice of food.Its not even just eating when I'm bored,its the incessant rubbish I put in my mouth. The weight is coming off but I dont feel its happening the right way.

I need to snap out of this habit of saying "oh Im way under my calories so I can still eat 5 bags of crisps per day". A harsh stark truth is what I need to stop.

I have lost and regained 50lbs in the last 2 years so that should be clue enough for me to wise up.Yet I haven't

What is wrong with me????

Its ok,be direct and say it like it is.... I need to stop this.


  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    You need to open your diary.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Open your diary, please.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Before even looking at your diary, you might want to increase your portion sizes, start eating correctly so you maintain your weight loss (large deficits usually result in you gaining that weight back when you start eating), and stop buying the foods that trigger your eating habits. That way you don't have all those extra calories, and you won't say I can just eat some chips because your under calorie.. you won't be and you won't have that food to eat. Buy some veggies (carrots, celery) and eat those for a snack.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Here is somewhere to start: For the next week, just DON'T eat anything in a 'bag' or a 'box'. Sounds easy, but it is tough. Eat whole fruits (banana, apple, berries, melons) you can add cottage cheese, cheese slices, peanut butter, ext. For lunch have some chicken breast already cooked, and portion out about 6 ounces. Make a salad out of romaine or spinach and put some chicken on top. Use oil and vinegar or salsa for a dressing!! For dinner have a large portion or MEAT! Add in some steamed broccoli or carrots, or a mixed veggie variety. If you aren't feeling full and NEED a carb fix, make some cous cous, or whole wheat pasta. One decision at a time, if it doesn't 'sound good' then don't eat for a few hours, because when your truly HUNGRY, even broccoli sounds good :happy:
  • Sweatinglikeapigtolooklikeafox
    Start by trying to eat some breakfast :)
    I know its hard, what with working in a hospital but it will take up some of your calories
    There are plenty healthy options, I tend to go for porridge as its quick and easy.

    I also see no fresh fruit or veg :( always try to get some during the day, I tend to fill my plate with veg/salad then have a little amount of meat, otherwise all I would eat is meat :).

    Dont buy crisps...I found that if I had a 6pack in my cupboard they would all be gone within a day. The occasional packet to fill your lunch up is fine but always choose healthier options.

    Hope this helps x
  • starfish1783
    I do the same thing. Instead of changing my eating habits, it's like "oh, well i can still eat crap as long as it fits in with my calories". It's just being lazy and not making a lifestyle change. I'm so guilty of this!!!! It just takes time, you may keep losing but then when it comes time to maintain your weight, you'll discover that you have to change. It's tough, believe me - others say it isn't, but no one has the same mind set. Don't beat yourself up, just start making small changes and eventually it'll stick. :smile:
  • Phoenixchichima
    well, good for identifying a problem & owning it.now quit beating yourself up. how about quit saying I CANT.... "eat 5 bags of crisps" (potato chips on this side) try saying, "I need to eat my vegs FIRST. eg, a bag of crisps AFTER your broccoli, spinach, toMAHtoes (I can speak brit lol) beets and zuchini. I"m gonna guess by the time you bulk out with the vegs you wont want 5 bags of chips, maybe 1-2 but not 5. and do it every day & you are likely to not want even 1 very often. not only do you hit the nutrition, but get the "crunch" which we sometimes miss. focus on eating all the good food you are supposed to & then you'll likely want less & less of the foods you need to eat in moderation only.
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Oh I thought it was open already...I'll go back and have a look

    ok fixed...its public now
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Without looking at your diary, I suggest logging in your food for the day in the morning. I have started doing this to eliminate large calorie deficits at the end of the day like you are describing. I just fill my calorie allotment with healthy choices spread throughout the day. I do usually leave around 200-300 for the end of the day that are my "fun" calories that I use to eat a snack that I'm in the mood for.

    Also, don't buy junk food that you know you'll binge on. Fill your pantry with tasty, but healthy snacks and treats.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I think opening your diary will help us to see what you are doing, if you want us to look.

    I like what one posted- go a week without eating anything in a bag or a box (good info for us all!!)

    Here is the thing, you can't eat it if you don't buy it, so that means a plan, and a grocery list (not while hungry). If you are eating 5 bags- you are either starving (which means you need to eat real food!), or this is a trigger food for you, and should never be brought home.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    You really need to be eating more 'real' foods...I only went back a few days but it's a lot of candy/chips and carbs, no veggies, no fruit, no protein.
  • StrawberryThief
    You're definitely using all your calories in the wrong places! Eat big, yummy, healthy main meals and you'll be less likely to want crisps and chocolate.

    You're right - the weight is coming off but you're definitely not eating well. It won't stay that way, and your diet will negatively affect your health as well. Look after yourself - try thinking about it from the point of view that you're trying to look after your body rather than to lose weight. Once you start caring for yourself, the weight loss follows!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Too much processed food, and you are eating too few calories. Try getting in some fruit and veggies and protein from whole foods sources.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Ouch..400calories used for chocolate? You could have had some eggs or oatmeal instead, less calories spent and fills you up. If you're craving something sweet I find that a glass of soy chocolate milk with cinnamon helps a lot.
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    Don't bring the stuff in the house! You put off eating until later in the day so by then you're ravenous for anything. I know because that's what I used to do too.

    Have you heard the phrase: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper? Start the day with a larger healthy meal. Then a smaller portion for lunch and even smaller portion for dinner.

    I think if you at least start with some breakfast that will help put off your hunger for junk later in the day.

    A favorite of mine is a serving of oatmeal with an egg cooked over easy mixed in with a little sprinkling of crushed red pepper or some hot sauce. I don't like my oatmeal sweet... I like it savory.

    How are you doing with your waters? I hate drinking it but the more I drink, the fuller I feel throughout the day.

    Good luck!
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i would suggest making more of your own meals . buy fresh fruit and fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables..dont buy anything boxed or canned or frozen dinners .. you dont seem to eat much for breakfast which is an important meal of the day .. i do understand the junk food passion because i wouldnt be on here otherwise ..however it all boils down to choices. its your choice what you eat ,end of story
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I looked at your diary. I absolutely think you need to eat more. You're eating crisps because you're starving and they're fast and easy. And imo you need to add a lot of fruit and veg to your diet, either cooked or raw, but more veg than fruit. You can do it!
  • ManEnMotion
    ManEnMotion Posts: 73 Member
    Don't bring the stuff in the house! You put off eating until later in the day so by then you're ravenous for anything. I know because that's what I used to do too.

    Have you heard the phrase: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper? Start the day with a larger healthy meal. Then a smaller portion for lunch and even smaller portion for dinner.

    I think if you at least start with some breakfast that will help put off your hunger for junk later in the day.

    A favorite of mine is a serving of oatmeal with an egg cooked over easy mixed in with a little sprinkling of crushed red pepper or some hot sauce. I don't like my oatmeal sweet... I like it savory.

    How are you doing with your waters? I hate drinking it but the more I drink, the fuller I feel throughout the day.

    Good luck!great points. - I would look at cutting your carbs for a week or two and see if that works. Also see your doctor to make sure there is no other issues
  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    Definately not eating enough and not the right stuff. Try to eat all "real" food - veggies, fruits, whole grains, dairy, proteins... these things will help you stay full longer and you wonlt need the other stuff. I didn't look at your water intake but definately try to get all 8(or more) cups a day. You will feel much better and your weightloss will last longer if you are treating your body better. :) But for sure you NEED to get meeting 1200 a day - below that is not good for you.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day, so don't beat yourself up too much about it. When I started in February, my approach was "as long as it fits in my calories, it's fine." And that worked for me, for a while, but then I wanted to start eating healthier, and so I started taking baby steps. Purposefully adding more fruit and veg into my diet, cooking a lot more things from scratch rather than relying on frozen or prepackaged foods, cutting back on chocolate, etc. Something I found was that I had a lot more energy and felt a lot fuller eating more whole foods and cutting back on processed foods. A big heaping bowl of my homemade stew has fewer calories than two pieces of frozen pepperoni pizza, but keeps me full for far longer. Basically, I found that you get a lot more "bang for your calorie," when eating healthier. Start thinking about things like chocolate and crisps as "treats," i.e., not *every day* foods. It also does help to not have them around to tempt you, so you may want to limit your purchases of these items for the next little while.

    You can do it and it does get easier!!