Calories during P90X

Hi everyone! I started P90X on Monday and before I get too far into the program w/ my calories set at what the P90X nutrition guide suggests, I want to check with other females who have done the program...

The nutrition guide has me eating 1,800 calories, period. Whether I work out that day or not, I should consume 1,800 (not net). This has me worried, because prior to P90X I'd lost 13lbs netting around 1100 - 1300. Increasing now to consuming 1,800 is a big jump, especially since I don't burn that many calories during P90X workouts, with the exception of plyometrics and Kenpo X. So, if I eat 1,800 calories, I end up netting around 1,600 which is a lot more than I was previously.

Soo... hoping someone can tell me whether or not THEY followed the nutrition guide and if so, if they were still able to lose weight. I would hate to reverse all my hard work thus far because I followed a guide that didn't work for me! I know the guide figures in ~600 calories burned/workout, which is nowhere near what I burn... even during Plyo I burn less than 500.

Any help is appreciated! =)


  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I read the same information as you (starting P90X on the 12th). It says not to do a caloric deficit diet while doing the program.

    I'm on the fence with this as well because I've already lost 14lbs and I have 20'ish more to go. The last thing I want to do is start putting fat on.

    were you working out for the first 13lbs? 1800 is going to be around 1300 net for you (assuming that 500 you mention).

    Seems about right. You can always start at 1800 and monitor your progress (make sure to take all the measurements because remember we should be putting some muscle weight on)

    My current non exercise goal is 1750. I typically burn about 400 in my current routine. I try to get up around 2000 cals in each day, but I'm always short.

    My coach suggested I shoot for 2100. I don't know what I'm going to burn doing P90X, but I assume it will be more than the 400 (just got a HRM, so I'll have a better measure than just the MFP database)

    I don't know if this helps or not. maybe just helps you think about it more
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I you have the butrition guide, then you didn't just get emailed the vids like I did, and I assume you paid a pretty penny for the follow it!! 1800 net IS NOT that uch. It is a realistic goal that you could stick with, FOREVER, which is probably how long you would like your results to last, so stick with it! Yes, you could cut them lower, and drip lbs off faster, but in my experience, the faster they come off the faster they pile back on. I really think you should give the 90 day program a try, and attempt to not undercut your calories too much. GOOD LUCK!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi everyone! I started P90X on Monday and before I get too far into the program w/ my calories set at what the P90X nutrition guide suggests, I want to check with other females who have done the program...

    The nutrition guide has me eating 1,800 calories, period. Whether I work out that day or not, I should consume 1,800 (not net). This has me worried, because prior to P90X I'd lost 13lbs netting around 1100 - 1300. Increasing now to consuming 1,800 is a big jump, especially since I don't burn that many calories during P90X workouts, with the exception of plyometrics and Kenpo X. So, if I eat 1,800 calories, I end up netting around 1,600 which is a lot more than I was previously.

    Soo... hoping someone can tell me whether or not THEY followed the nutrition guide and if so, if they were still able to lose weight. I would hate to reverse all my hard work thus far because I followed a guide that didn't work for me! I know the guide figures in ~600 calories burned/workout, which is nowhere near what I burn... even during Plyo I burn less than 500.

    Any help is appreciated! =)

    I'm really surprised to hear how few calories you're burning in every workout. I've been known to burn upwards of 700 to 1,000 in Plyo. I absolutely believe that you should stick with the 1800 calories, but I also think you may want to look at your intensity level during the workouts. How much weight are you pulling in the resistance workouts? How many reps? Do you take breaks? How often? Do you really put everything you've got into every move or do you modify? (it's fine to modify btw, just helps with understanding your calorie burn)

    and yes, thousands of people have lost incredible amounts of weight following the nutrition guide verbatim. however, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, and you may have to tweak it. The guide is designed to fit the biggest cross section of people as possible, but that doesn't mean we all fit. I dont. I have to eat MORE than it tells me to. So it might be interesting to calculate your calorie needs using different methods, and then compare. Lemme know if you need help with that or if you think you've got it covered. :)

    also, what are your goals? how much are you looking to lose? Because i've worked with plenty of clients who DID use a deficit with P90X and it worked wonders.
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks everyone! You've convinced me to stick with the 1,800 cals plan and I'll modify after a month if I see the scale going up and the BF% not going down. I burned 480 calories during Plyo this week according to my HRM. I did give 100%, did the extended version, and didn't take any extra breaks. I'm a small girl already (5'3 120lbs) so I don't think burning 700 cals would ever happen for me!

    When I lost my first 13 lbs I was doing Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme and trying to net ~1400 cals. That's consistent with my cardio days now on P90X, but like tonight when I only burned 187 calories during 90 minutes of yoga, I'm obviously netting higher than that.

    You are all right that the nutrition guide probably wouldn't tell me to do something I shouldn't, or that would cause me to gain fat. My goal is 118 lbs which is 2 - 4 lbs away (depending on the day!), so I don't have much more to lose, and my main goal is to get down to 17 - 18% body fat (currently 19%). I'll hang in there for a while and see how this nutrition plan works for me... I do really really appreciate everyone's response! =) I think I just needed someone to tell me 1,800 calories isn't an insane amount...
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    I've been on the 1,800 calorie P90x diet for going on 90 days now (1 week left, but a week or so off due to strained ankle). I've lost about 20 pounds on the program. If you're only a few pounds from your goal, go with the 1,800 and see what happens. You're almost to maintenance anyway.

    Personally, I found the macros (50% protein) basically impossible to meet. I eventually went to a 40/40/20 breakdown, which is more practical. Instead, make sure you are hitting at least 100g of protein a day; the rule of thumb is 1g per pound of lean body weight, and beyond that (supposedly) your body may not be able to effectively process the extra protein.

    Good luck with P90x. It's a great program, and I am pleased with my results so far.