HELP 5 weeks till wedding

I'm getting married in 5 weeks and I HAVE to lose about 10 lbs. Like my dress won't fit if I don't...any suggestions?
Also, has anyone ever tried those slimming body wraps? What do they do? Do they actually work? There is a groupon for one now and I'm considering it. I work out for at least an hour every day and have really changed my diet. But I'm still not seeing any results! It's so frustrating!


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Depending on how much you have left to lose, 10 may or may not be reachable.

    The wraps only work temporarily. They just remove water from your body making you lose an inch or two but that loss comes back as soon you eat or drink anything.

    You can try low carb... You will lose weight which will most likely be water and the like... Not all fat but it can help you slim down a bit. Once you go back to eating carbs the weight will most likely come back.

    Why did you get a dress that would be too small if you lost weight? Get a good slimming under garmet to help.

    I'm sure the dress will fit if you don't lose the full ten lbs. 10lbs doesn't make much of a difference unless you are small to being with in which case it would be difficult to lose ten lbs in five weeks safely.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    10 lbs in 5 weeks is a reach, to be honest.

    It took me nearly a year to lose 15 lbs, and I eat well and work hard on my fitness.

    Unfortunately there is no "quick fix" but what you can do is eat plenty of nutritious, filling foods (when you shop, think of things that line the outside of the store -- diary, lean protein, fruits, vegetables). Drink plenty of water and get a lot of rest (hard with a wedding coming up, I know).

    Although it took me a long time to lose weight on the scales, the major difference I saw in my body were a direct result of lifting weights and short, intense cardio workouts. The key is consistency and really pushing hard. 15 lbs down, but 30-something inches in half the time it took to lose the 15 lbs. It's amazing really.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    no on the wraps...just be in a calorie deficit and exercise.
  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    I think you can do it. Cut out salt to flush out water weight, I lost 7 pounds in ONE week doing that once. I have heard the wraps are good for a quick fix and they only last a couple days.

    Make sure to eat plenty of protein and fiber to stay full! Drink a lot lot lot of water too!
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    You can do it, lots of times you'll lose weight rather quickly in the first couple of weeks. Count your calories and move your butt!!! Congrats on the wedding.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    There's no guarantee you'll lose weight from the trouble areas, even if you do manage to lose 10 pounds in five weeks.

    Have you talked to your seamstress? Sometimes they can let a dress out a half-inch, but there really isn't much to work with when you're talking about seam allowances.

    It's much, much easier to take a dress in. That's why bridal shops always measure people and encourage them to order the size they measured at, not their usual street size (bridal often sizes things differently; many women have to order a gown that's two sizes above their regular size).

    I'm not saying you did that. I'm just warning future brides. ;)
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Go and start doing heavy lifting, if you're not already (Stronglifts 5x5 is a good programme). I was steadily losing weight for 12 months, and after 4 weeks of lifting, I finally had people noticing and remarking on how I looked. Everything tightens and firms and you feel AMAZING after a few weeks - strong and confident. That will make a huge difference to rockin' it on your wedding day. (I've got 12 weeks until mine, and lifting is doing wonders!)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    What they said, and get some "spanx' undergarments. Or a corset. The spanx will be more comfortable though (I wore a corset for my wedding - not the easiest thing to wear all day)
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    There is no quick way to lose real weight. You may be able to lose water weight but no guarantees that it will amount to 10 lbs and if it does, you may want to get that checked. You will need to eat at a deficit and work out. Lifting weights will tone you and make you look better in that dress than tons of cardio but in 5 weeks again, no guarantees on much of a difference.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Depending on how much body fat you have left, it may be possible to drop a few lbs of fat in that time and the rest of the lbs worth of water by 'drying out' the day before. It's not healthy by any means, nor is it perminent weight loss, but fighters, wrestlers, etc do it all the time before weigh in.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I read somewhere in a deadline like that the best thing to do is go camping!!! May not be possible w/ wedding plans but if you can....escape for a week ;~) Take only fresh veggies, a few fruits, and very lean meat to BBQ over the fire. Hike miles everyday!!
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    I think you can do it. Cut out salt to flush out water weight, I lost 7 pounds in ONE week doing that once. I have heard the wraps are good for a quick fix and they only last a couple days.

    Make sure to eat plenty of protein and fiber to stay full! Drink a lot lot lot of water too!

    SALT (at least for me) is a BIG one. I just came off of a 3-day BluePrint cleanse. Where I previously consumed 2000+ mg of sodium a day, I went down to about 50mg or so. I lost 4.5 lbs in those 3 days. I still worked out and such too because my energy levels on this cleanse were through the roof. If you have the money to spend, it might be worth looking into the cleanse. I didn't do it entirely for the weight loss (though not gonna lie, it was awesome to take off the holiday weight) but my skin looks flipping amazing and was proud of myself for not letting food control my life for those days. I feel amazing too! I'm getting married myself in May and considering going on the 5-day cleanse at least for the skin/energy benefits. AND contrary to belief you actually can nibble on stuff during the cleanse. I came out to about 1,350 calories a day for those days and lost the weight. Good luck!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Have you been dieting to this point? (adaptations to long term dieting will make it a lot harder to do, it will be much easier if this is where you are starting).

    However that is not a reach at all. Most of the comments of the healthy loss blah blah mindset. You have a large amount of motivation to hit a specific date in the near future where maintenence afterwards would be nice but not part of the equation right now.

    Crash diets work (in the short term), and this is the sort of application they are best used for. The best (and safest) crash diet that is fairly heavily used is Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook (google is your friend). Anybody that knows anything about bodybuilding has heard of it.

    Basic gist is that its a protein modified fast. You eat practically nothing but protein. The only exercise you do is limitied heavy weightlifting (cardio will ruin everything, stress hormones will mess things up). It is frickin torture, but you'll drop upwards of 4 lb/wk, and it works for already lean people. Granted this is very much for short term application only (2-3 weeks tops), before settling into a more reasonable diet. Unlike the crazy losses at the start of low carb diets which are just glycogen, this is legit fat loss.

    The diet is designed for fitness models with unexpected photo shoots popping up in the next couple weeks and is very, very well proven (lots of guys use it for cutting between bulking cycles too).

    Trying to do things the slow and steady way will probably not work for you. You should have started 1-2 months ago to lose that amount the sustainable way.
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    Hate to say it, but the best thing to do would probably be a crash diet :( will get the weight off quick, but of course will come back on once you go off of it.

    Try the soup diet. 7 days, can lose up to 10lbs. Try it for 2 weeks if you can manage! It will suck..but losing 10lbs the healthy way in 5 weeks is really really hard unless you are extremely overweight..

    here's the soup diet:

    cannot believe I am advising this...I NEVER support fad/crash diets just for the record!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD, on amazon for like $10, 20 minutes a day, everyday. In FOUR weeks you will fit into that dress! I lost 15 pounds doing that and minding what I eat.