divinenanny Member


  • Hi there! I am Sara, 32 years old, from the Netherlands. Before I became a mom I lost about 90/100 lbs by using MFP (eating right and exercise). Then I got pregnant, and all that good eating went out the door... So I gained a lot of it back (about 75 lbs of which I lost a bunch giving birth). Now my girl is 7 months, I've…
  • Check here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/4982-nederlanders-en-belgen-op-naar-een-gezond-leven
  • 1600 is based on doing nothing extra. If you exercise, you burn calories. To make sure you are not starving yourself, you eat those calories too. You'll still lose weight just as quickly as without exercise, and you'll stay healthy by eating enough.
  • No, you didn't eat that many calories over. Because you went out for lunch, there was probably a lot of sodium in it. You're probably retaining water. Just go back to what you know works, and in a couple of days it should be gone again (I have this when I go out for Chinese...)
  • I'd say recalculate your TDEE as sedentary, and then use your excercise as a bonus. If you use MFP cals for exercise (instead of say a HRM) I would only eat half (because MFP over estimates). I lost nearly 90 pounds on processed 'crap' and feel good, so I have no comments there. If you are truly measuring correct (enough)…
  • I didn't run fast enough for my 5K program either (5K in 35 mins). But for me the goal is to run, and I'll become fast later. And 5K in 30 mins is pretty fast (At least, I don't see myself running that fast for a year or two).
  • I'd eat more, because even if you aren't hungry right now, you'll feel the effects of many days like these in a row. And for me, the less I eat, the more my stomach shrinks (that is how I think of it), so the less hungry you are. If you eat a bit closer to Net everyday, it gets easier. You need fuel too ;)
  • Well, forget about the starvation/1200 cals you see thrown around on the forums here. I'm not saying those people don't have a point, and I don't want this to turn into a discussion about that. All I mean is if you eat 1300 cals, and burn 600 through exercise (legitimately, so tracked through a HRM and not MFP*) that…
  • You can do it! Tips: - Be careful to weigh your food (over-estimating portions is so easy) - Be weary of calories that MFP allots to your exercise (they always seem to be so high) - Keep a balance between food intake and exercise (Net cals)
  • My mom did this. True, she lost a lot of weight (I think about 20 kilos), and true it is still off. But that is because she hardly eats. And when she was doing it, she felt faint a lot. Her words: "Yeah, I can't work in the garden anymore because I faint when I do this". Not healthy! (Even though she did it with doctor's…
  • I drink green tea with mint. I also tried lemon but that was no good, and with jasmin, that was nice too.
  • I used to be fat, I'm fat now (never mind the 80 pound difference) so why should I do anything, I'll always be fat.
  • Congratulations to you all! I myself am on a mission to never fit in my wedding dress again, my wedding was on the 13th of March 2012, and I was at nearly my highest weight. But my hubby offered a re-shoot of the wedding photo's when I reach goal, if I wanted. I'm not sure yet...
  • What a cultural difference (I guess). You can only get pre-boiled eggs here around easter (usually pre-colored too, and the color leaks inside, yummy, pink eggs!). A boiled egg is prepared so quickly and easily (even I can do it), why buy pre-boiled?
  • I have no tips for you right now, just the reassurance that for me, my red, purple stretch marks (that I had everywhere, belly, legs, arms, breasts) have faded. They are now just a bit lighter than my non-scarred skin, and you can only see them if they fold over or if you look up close. I didn't scrub, I didn't moisturize.
  • Same here, not so much with pants, but I never seem to throw out shirts. I keep finding cute ones. It helps that I am back at my overweight weight that I stayed at for many years before gaining a lot more. Anything I lose now will result in a need for new clothes, I've never been so small ;) Primark here I come!!!
  • Looking at your diary, I see days where you are skipping meals, and I never see a day (looked back about two weeks) where you eat any of your exercise calories back. 1200 cals is a pretty low goal (I need 1466 to stay in a coma, and I figured that's the least I can give my body). Don't be afraid to eat. I lost my weight…
  • Well see, then you are half way there! You know what you have to do... Doing it is difficult of course (I NEVER cooked before MFP and still don't really like it) but you can find great (easy) recipes out there to make whatever you want.
  • One way to lower sodium intake drastically is not to use (that many) ready made ingredients/meals. Try to find recipes for sauce or soups that have you make them, using 'natural' ingredients like tomatoes, basil etc. Another thing is to compare the list of nutrients while shopping. If you really want a can of ready made…
  • I love satay sauce, and just take the full fat version. The main ingredient is peanuts, which are pretty fat (so I doubt there is a good low fat option) and those fats are good. I don't eat it that often (about once a month) and just enjoy it!
  • My goal weight on MFP is one I change in small increments (every 5 kilos + every 5 kilos lost, so 80, 77.3, 75, 72.3 etc) so I have a small and reachable goal to aim for. My main goal weight has changed from 70 (the last weight I remember being before gaining fast) to 65 (because it is below the top threshold of healthy…
  • I have days where I am not as strict. I don't log those days, but neither do I go overboard. This weekend for example, I had two BBQ's. I ate whatever I wanted, but stayed away from the pork, the fatty bits of the other meats, and just had a bit of everything. And I said no quite a bit. I was probably over my cals on both…
  • Remember fuel. I find that dieting (because restricting calories below normal is still dieting to me) impacts it too. If I haven't eaten enough, I have less energy and things like running are harder. I really need to eat some high energy foods before running (I love a peanut butter sandwich before a mid morning run). And,…
  • You say "and my diet is ruined.". Maybe you can do something with that. I might assume to much here, but if you are saying this and then keep binging (today is ruined anyway), maybe you can do something to attack that thought. Yes you ate something you shouldn't have, and that's that. I know (from reading, not experience)…
  • Feel free to add me too, runners. I started 5K runner in Februari, have been training 5K's since this month and did my first race last Saturday. I hope to register for a Colorrun in August (they sell out crazy fast) and have registered for my first 10K on September 21st!
  • I'm no doctor, but when I had knee pain (nothing as serious as you) before my first 5K, I got the advice to rest. You know from training that you can do it, and a couple of days of rest won't change that. "When in doubt, wait it out". Better rest and have a better knee on race day, than a bum knee on all runs...
  • I'm not a medic, but I do know, that for me, focussing on breathing deeply fixes it. I can't seem to stomach breathe while running (even though it is my 'natural' breathing style), but taking deep breaths (counting out with steps ie. three steps in, three steps out) works wonders.
  • Thanks for all the advice everybody! I took a rest day yesterday and started keeping the knee warm (because I read warm = more blood = more healing). I've always had painful knees too, and a reumatologist once assured me it is all muscle, not bone, and that I couldn't damage anything. Probably not quite true, but good to…
  • I run. I am a runner ;) No but, I started considering myself a runner when I finished 5K runner (like C25K) on the treadmill, bought 'real' shoes and started running outside. Looking at it through my old-self eyes, anybody who can run for a short while (more than a sprint) is a runner to me.
  • I just want to say that for some people, a card or flowers can be right. I lost my father when I was 14, and I am never one for talking about emotions (just with DH). If someone calls on that day, I don't find it as comforting as most. A card lets somebody know that you are thinking of them, empathising with them, but…