

  • I'm not a vegitarian or vegan but I do eat a lot of meatless meals. I personally like chili and you can do it with just beans no meat. I use black beans, kidney beans and chili pinto beans. Also there is a website called meatless mondays and they have really good recipies on there. I just made a Meatless sloppy joe well it…
  • so true LOL
  • Hi im here for weigh in im at 236.2 and happy with that. Hope everyone else had a good weekend
  • Sorry forgot to post yesterday this weeks weight is 239.6 :happy:
  • Good morning so my weight this morning was 241.2 Im happy with that :wink:
  • :tongue: Ok so I think we live our own lives and make our own decisions right, wrong, good or bad and we live with it. I like tattoos I grew up with my cousin and he was always getting one he would always try to convince me to get one I was always scared of the needles :) Well my dad died when I was 33 and I decided to get…
  • Your so right inches are importatant but I never really know the best way to measure myself it seems I don't get a right mesurement. How do you measure :laugh:
  • You look great I hope to look that skinny LOL I think people get use to seeing people at a ceartain weight and when that changes they find it different and they say your too skinny, but theyll get use the new you just as much as you like the new you .
  • I would like to Join; My current weight as of this morning 243 I have been overweight for about 19 years and have been on all kinds of diets,but I do not think I realized how bad I have let myself go and how little I really tried, I am definatly on the right track now. Final goal 130 I would also love to go out with my…
  • Ok this sounds like fun I would like to join, need a home and more info on how to keep up k thanks
  • Well, this is how I feel. Even when I was 120 lbs and smoking hot I did not wear a bikini, Im not big on wearing something so small. But kudos to all who choose to wear one be proud of all your achievments. I have always had stretch marks and a bad scar from my gall bladder surgery but When I was smaller I did wear a two…
  • I have always had the worst time with shoes, cheap expensive I have awful problems with them. I have tried all brands, so It really does depend on the person feet and how they walk. I do want to try those glove like shoes I heard its like walking barefoot which is suppose to be good for you.
  • Your my new best friend sounds awsome can't wait to try it :love:
  • I have both dvds and it all depends on the mood I'm in to which one I use. Oh and BTW salsa, meregue, reggeton are very upbeat dances and very fun to dance to if you know how to dance :) lol
  • Ok so I tried this Sensa it comes with a book that give you good healthy recipes and recommends excersis. I realized that after using it I really did'nt feel like it was making a big different. You take this powder and put it on your meal, then your suppose to eat your meal slowly and eat whatever you want and get full…
  • I was a huge chocoholic and one year I gave up chocolate for lent it was not easy but after the forty days I realized it was all in my mind. This was 4year ago and still to this day I do not need or eat chocolate like I did. But lent can also be not only for giving up but for adding or doing something in your life as long…
  • I jusy ordered it and i hope it does work i only did the 2 month first if it works i do it for six months, i was thinking of trying nutrisystem but this is cheaper in my pocket for now i still thinking of the nutrisystem for a month just to jumpstart my weightloss. I have been doing the special k and i have felt a little…
  • Great job keep up the good work. And kuddos to you for being the brave one to post pic. Maybe I'll get there one day. :happy: