200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    wigglentwink: Your NSVs this week are AWESOME!!! Congrats! Also, most of us have our name somewhere in our signature so it's easier to respond personally to us.

    Sarah: I love your "he smells kinda good" comment about your husband. I love a lot of things about My Hubbs but the way he smells tops the list (not just his cologne - his natural smell). I saw a show once on the discovery channel that said that kissing developed as a way for people to smell each other because people who "smell good" to us (very subjective) have genetic material different enough from ourselves to be a good mate. (And now you know what a huge geek I really am that I have info like that in my brain) All I know is I like the way he smells!

    Karen: I am learning SOOOO much now that I am working on my degree. There are a lot of vitamins/minerals that help increase the absorption of others (Vit C helps you absorb iron) and then there are vitamins/minerals that inhibit each others absorption (Calcium inhibits iron absorption). Learning all this stuff definitely makes a case for getting your nutrients though whole foods rather than supplements (especially since you can't possibly overdose on nutrients in whole foods while you can from supplements). I would say that if your doctor is telling you to take something, you should do what he says. Is he treating you for anemia or just trying to keep you nutritionally sound? You can have blood drawn to check for an array of nutritional deficiencies (not all of them though). Your body is a pretty cool machine though, you don't have to get ALL of the vitamins and minerals recommended every day. As long as you eat a variety of foods during the week, you should be getting most of the nutrients your body needs.

    Allie: 1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    I am an emotional eater. I know this about myself so if something stresses me out or makes me sad, I make sure that i bypass the kitchen and go right to a workout. Usually the impulse to eat my feelings has passed by the time I've finished my exercise.

    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    I look forward to waking up and being with my family each day. I nearly died twice in 2009 (once from blood clots in my lungs and once from a major tumor removal surgery) so I have a strong realization that life is a gift and it can be taken away without warning. I try to "live like I'm dying" every day.

    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    I make 99% of my food at home. I eat out rarely and when I do eat out, it kinda never lives up to the expectations.

    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    I don't give up no matter what. I've had injuries and fallen back into bad eating habits but I don't give up and this time I'm not giving up on myself.

    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?
    My 8 year old son is my biggest cheerleader. (My hubbs is a big cheerleader too but honestly, it goes to the Kid- hands down) He celebrates every partial pound lost like I just won the World Cup and seeing him get all excited about my 0.2 pound loss makes me feel a bit better about it not being a whole pound.

    Ashley: There's a German girl in our village who in spending a couple of years in Nepal teaching English for a church thing. Is that what you plan on doing? That's really cool.

    Lacey: VS is my fave place for bras & undies - I'm so glad I fit into their sizes again.

    It makes me happy how many of you like the idea of "rage calories"! Today is Sunday and I'm thinking it's gonna be a lazy day. I'll get some Zumba or something in but mostly I want to sit on my butt and vege out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I really will try to find the time to make some individual responses later today. DH and I went to a freinds 50th bday party last night. We actually walked since it was 1/2 mile away. People thought we were crazy for walking. I also felt very thin. Many of the people were former co-workers and have gained weight while I've lost. I felt great and DH told me I was looking sexy. It's all your fault with the sexy underwear talk. I only have 1 "pretty" bra which was too small for a long time. I had to search hard for it but now it's a bit loose in the cup. It's a frigging 36G... I am cursed with big boobs (*sighs*)...

    I had another record calorie burn day - 4654!!! 8 mile run, 1 mile walk and tons of yardwork... I don't even feel like a bulldozer hit me today:) Today will be a lazy day with some yardwork and lots of paperwork/computer catch up...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    189.25 is my weight today. Down .75 of a pound.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I keep forgetting to post my check in information. Here's my check in for Saturday: 3043 calories burned/ 2009 calories consumed/ 1034 deficit. My Check in for Friday was: 2628 calories burned/ 2366 calories consumed/ 262 deficit (not bad for a "cheat day").

    Side note for you peeps doing BeachBody programs (P90X, Insanity, Asylum, etc). I just became a Beach body coach! (I really just wanted a discount on the Shakeology as I cannot continue to choke down that Vega meal replacement stuff -it's just too gross.) Yay!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2815/1958/857 deficit. I am up .2 lbs this morning...is my deficit too high this week or am I simply retaining water weight from two work outs yesterday or what? Ga! I have until tomorrow for my "official" weigh in, but that *kitten* drives me insane. I know my sugar/processed foods content is too high this week so this is the last day of that, next week I will cut that stuff out...but my cals have been way within range. Grr.

    Today I take pics for the 30ish day mark and remeasure myself. I will NOT be disappointed if it isn't noticeable etc. Its just a good thing to do.

    Amy - I don't blame you for not wanting to drink the Vega stuff lol. I've never tried the shakeology stuff..I LOVE the spirutein powders. If I could get the shakeology locally I might try it. I hate having to order that stuff online for some reason. Maybe one of these days..

    Victoria - Wowza thats a cal burn!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Maybe you are eating more sodium than usual (I just glanced through your diary for the last couple of days and saw a few processed foods that might be high in sodium while completely within your caloric range). It could be your muscles retaining water, how sore are you from your workouts? I guess it could also be wherever you are in your menstrual cycle too. Are you drinking enough water? I know it's super-annoying to see any kind of gain on the scale but don't let it get you down. You could also play with your deficit amount and see if that helps. I went from about a 1000 cal deficit to 500 but honestly, it didn't really do much for me. I've only lost 8 pounds since March - so I totally feel you pain. Just keep at it.

    Victoria: Yay for a killer calorie burn!

    So I made a recipe from Vegetarian Times' May magazine and it was honestly so bad that I had to throw it away and eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Gabe said, "It's been a long time since you've made anything I didn't want to eat." I guess I should take that as a complement...?
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi all!

    There's no way I can catch up at the moment. Made it to England, the private car got us lost a couple times on the way from Heathrow to my hotel in Oxford, but I still got to the hotel WAY too early to check in (9am for 3pm check in) so I stowed my bags away and was sent out to explore. 5 hours later of walking nonstop, I hobbled back to the hotel to see if by chance they had a room and they did. 9 hour flight in which I didn't sleep, and a 5 hour exploration of a new city and all I ate was a single scoop ice cream cone. Needless to say, I'm feeling a little exhausted! But happy... Oxford is GORGEOUS and the weather is amazing today.

    Tomorrow the audit (not fun part) begins, so I'm glad I got to walk around today.

    As for weighins... I weighed in on Thursday and it was the same weight as last week, so I guess I can use that? Or I'll actually literally HAVE to take a pass as there is no scale in this hotel room.

    Hope everyone's doing ok!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    - I ask myself am I REALLY hungry or am I just *insert emotion*? Do I NEED to eat? Am I about to pass out from not eating?? Normally the answer is NO, I'm just *insert emotion* I'm like Sarah(thes) though, I eat when I'm bored so I tend to be better if I have plans or chores or something.
    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    - working out. Even though I haven't been able to do it for a long time cause my stinkin' foot.
    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    - externalize the weightloss. "ME" and my body are not the same. Just cause my inner voice is telling me to eat something does not mean my body is telling me to eat it. My body thanks me for making better eating decisions and for working out. I recognize that certain foods will make me feel like crap. I used to eat fast food a lot in high school, but now I hardly touch the stuff cause its like paying someone $7 for something that gives you no nutritional value and makes you feel fat, bloated, greasy and gross later. It's such a waste of money.
    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    - I have confidence that I didn't have before. I feel so much stronger and I know I will only get stronger. Instead of watching someone do something and be jealous that I can't, it motivates me cause now I think "I can't right now, but I can train for that!" and it gives me a great goal to work towards.
    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?
    - honestly, I will come to mfp. I've been with some of these ladies since October 2009 and we know each other so well, know the daily struggles, know how hard I've worked.

    So even though I was 213.6 Thursday, I'm going to use my weight from this morning. 215.0. BAH! I ended up dumping ALL the tea I made yesterday cause it just wasn't right. Plus I think all the sugar might have given me the runs. :sick: TMI, sorry.

    For breakfast I made this AMAZING mushroom and spinach omelet with feta cheese and salsa on top.

    WOW Sarah(wigglentwink)- you did an AMAZING job bumping up your run speed!!! Great job recognizing how your body responds to eating less than healthy foods.

    Amy and Sarah(thes)- isn't it weird how you can miss the smell of a guy when you don't see him for a while? I sometimes feel like Sarah Catherine Gallagher cause I like to smell the sheets after Mr. Reunion is gone........

    Nava- maybe the hotel has a gym with a scale in it? Or call room service and ask for one. I don't think that's a completely ridiculous request lol
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Kendal- I totally agree that an amazing bra and panties set can change your attitude for the day! Love the story about Mr. Reunion's nifty hands!

    Karen- I would say that LB bras do run true to size for most of the styles. I have had a few of the decorative ones not fit just right so I have to adjust and go up a size in the band (not cup). When I worked there it was something we told people as well. I wear the Full Coverage Back Smoothing Bra. I like it because it goes down far enough to cover. Here is a link: http://cacique.lanebryant.com/full-figure-bras/view-all/full-coverage-unlined-back-smoothing-bra/15023c17299p69546/index.pro?Mrsavf=Brand&Mrsavf=Size&Mrsavf=Color&Mpper=16&Mpos=1&Mrnam=Price&Mrnam=Size&Mrval=[C1F00000|C21FF5C3%5D+30+%26lt%3B%3D++%26lt%3B%3D+39.99&Mrval=44C&Mreft=2&Mreft=1&Mstor=7000&Mpg=SEARCH%2BNAV&Mrsaa=*&Mcatn=view+all&Mcatpn=bras&Mcatg=category_root&Mcatp=cat_15023%407000&Mcat=17299%407000

    Hailie- That is FLIPPIN' nuts! What is their reasoning?

    Tammy- Congrats! I'm right there at the same weight range with you! :) WOO HOO!

    So lately I have been craving red meat like crazy. We are talking STEAK! I normally am good if I eat it like 2x a year! I have had it twice in the past 3 weeks! This is totally nuts for me and I don't understand it.

    Also, hubby and I have been talking and as it is time for me to go to my yearly appointment, I think I am going to go back on birth control (NuvaRing). When I was on it before it regulated me (which is what I need) but it also helped my cravings for things and therefore lost weight easier. We really want to have kids but since it is so haphazard that I have a TOM, I need it to be regular. Need to find a new gyn in the new town and get it all set up.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I don't think it's weird at all that you smell the sheets. The Hubbs has been gone 3 weeks now and I purposely didn't wash his pillow case just so I could sleep with his pillow and smell him....stoopid military.

    Jenn: Be careful about birth control. I was on the pill, was obese, not a smoker, not over 35, no other warning signs for blood clots when I got blood clots in BOTH legs that broke off and landed in my lungs and came within a hair's breadth of killing me. The docs said it had to have been the pills as I had no clotting gene (apparently there's a gene that makes you predisposed to blood clots but I don't have it) and no other warning signs. Just make sure to get all the info on side effects of anything you choose. Death by blood clot is not fun.

    Nava: Enjoy Oxford! I LOVE England.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I took measurements and pics...you can't see much diff in the pics but I lost an inch off my chest and waist, and about half an inch off my hips if I remember right. Nothing off my arms.
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    check in for this week 266lbs:embarassed: :grumble:
    have tomorrow and tuesday off then off from thursday night till the following sat, going to the gym or maybe for a swim tomorrow, its so hot and humid here today that all i can do if lounge around the house work was boiling not brezze and the warm weather brought out the idiots:huh:
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    My weigh-in this morning *drum rolls* 256.0! WHOOOOPPPP!!!! :)

    Amy: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited to go to London and Paris! I'm so excited to see The Lourve! I'll be going there second semester (sooooooooooooo, January until next May) IF my school gets their issues together so I can study aboard. This fall I'll be a junior in college because I went to The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities my junior and senior years of high school. I'm going to college for a major in Social Work and Spanish. I'll be in Spain when I study aboard but I have six weeks to travel "freely" wherever I please.

    People who asked about my diploma: I'm ticked. Originally they told me I didn't have to take the MCA's because I wasn't a student at the high school. The MCA's test how the teachers are teaching the students and "reflects" their progress. I double and triple checked I didn't have to take the tests because they're a graduation standard. NOW they are telling me I needed to take it! URGH!!!!!!!! *punches hole in wall*

    Ok, I feel better. :)

    NSV: This morning, I could wrap the towel around me without anything showing through! Ha, I hope that made sense! Before I was too big so when I would twist the towel on the top (so I wouldn't have to hold it around my body with my hands) you could see my stomach and crotch. Ha. Sorry, TMI. :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- I totally know what you mean about a towel wrapping all the way around. That's why I use big beach towels at home all the time. I use the normal "bath size" towels to wrap my hair lol
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I did it! My first good eating day!! *Happy dance* It's been a number of weeks now since I've stayed within my calories so it feels good to have finally had the self-control to be back to it. :happy:
    1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?

    1. Well, I used to cope with emotional eating by just eating... :tongue: Now that I'm making this lifestyle change, I attempt to distract myself from thinking too much about whatever is bothering me or eating. Taking my daughter to the park, taking the dog for a walk, anything that keeps me moving because sitting in front of the computer or tv only makes it worse.

    2. I look forward to spending time with my daughter every day. Ok... Almost every day... :laugh:

    3. The most important change I've made is my mentality. That food isn't the problem, moderation is.

    4. I would have to say that one of my biggest strengths is my ability to put myself completely into something. Unfortunately, it's also my weakness because I throw myself into something and eventually lose the motivation to continue because I have set unrealistically high goals for myself that I can achieve, but have trouble maintaining. (Sound familiar, anyone? Lol.)

    5. My bff will be the first person I call when I reach my goal weight. Heck, she's been getting by-the-pound updates as it is, lmao.

    So... I get home from work on Saturday and my mom tells me Charlotte hasn't been feeling well... Take her temperature and she's at 103. Not only that but my mom says she has barely eaten all day and had diarrhea (which later turned into bloody diarrhea) so this weekend has been a blast...not. *eyeroll*
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Kerry - Way to go on the 5k run!

    Amy - Sorry to hear about the "bike butt." I have that problem in spin class. Ok, what is a Beachbody coach? BTW I'm beginning to really love your son.

    Lacey - I was going to suggest thecalcium supplements the are chocolate flavored chews, but I'm with Amy.

    Jenn (GonnaDoIt) - Yay for the 20 lbs lost!! I'm a bit red meat eater. Since I started back in January I don't eat it nearly like I used to, but I usually have to have a steak during my TOM. Good luck finding a gym you like.

    Karen - Fingers crossed for the car. I LOVE that Zumba was too much for your 7 yr old!

    Cynthia - Keep up the good work! I hope that you are able to create a workable schedule, life (and weight loss) are less overwhelming when you have a manageable schedule.

    Kendal - I'm with you on bras shouldn't dig into anything. However, I've always been of the mindset that bras are like socks and shoes, they come off as soon as I get in the door.

    Sarah (wigglentwink) - Way to go on the NSVs!!!!

    Ashley - Nepal would be cool! How long are you planning to be there? I, too, would like to do some world traveling some day and I think being thinner AND healthier physically would be extremely beneficial.

    Allie - I love questionnaires!! I know... I'm a dorky, nerdy geek and proud of it.
    1) Emotional eating wasn't a HUGE problem for me, mostly boredom eating, but I find stopping myself and trying to figure out if I am genuinely hungry a big help. If I'm having some emotions that I don't like I try to figure out what is causing it and focus on what I can do to improve the situation or extract myself from it (if possible). If that doesn't work, I try to get my mind off of it with something else, like a funny movie, crocheting, reading, etc... Exercise is also good. Yeah, that should have been my first answer.
    2) I look forward to spending time with my wife, but sometimes I just look forward to my bed.
    3) The most important change I've made was what started this whole journey for me. My therapist and I realized that I thought me being fat and being unhealthy was a punishment I deserved for being an inadequate person. (Yeah, I have other issues I'm working on as well.) Something just clicked in my head during that session and I immediately started my weight loss journey.
    4) I guess my driving force or internal strength is my desire to finally start living my life. At 32, I feel like I've spent my entire adult life just 'going through the motions.' My career is on hold right now for family/financial reasons, so I'm focusing this time on becoming the person I want to be mentally, emotionally and physically.
    5) The wife.

    Victoria - The calorie burn is AMAZING!!!! BTW, I tried the elliptical on Saturday without shoes and I didn't get the burning feeling, but I was getting more of numbing feeling than when I was wearing the shoes. I'm remembering that the numbing was why I didn't start my running back up.

    Nava - Yay for England!

    Hope - Long time no see. I'm sorry to hear about the idiots. My town has more than it's fair per capita of severely stupid, so I get it.

    Hailie - That just blows about the diploma. I've had similar type problems in the past with different organizations and I've learned to get things in writing, e-mail is great for that. By chance, did you ever correspond with someone via e-mail, that you mind be able to find for proof? Totally cool about the study abroad and the towel thing!!! I'm getting closer with the towel myself.

    Crystal - Way to go on the eating! Sorry to hear about Charlotte. I hope it's nothing serious and that she feels better soon.

    Check-in for Saturday... 2760 burned / 1531 consumed / 1229 deficit - Exercise - strength training, 60 min elliptical, 45 min stationary bike. I accidentally left my cord at home so I can't check my calories for Sunday.

    I'm really proud of myself and the wife. On Saturday we both wanted pizza, but I was already at around 1200 calories for the day. Getting a pizza was DEFINITELY going to put me over and I didn't want to eat back all the work I had done at the gym earlier. She gave up Pizza Hut so I wouldn't go over and we made individual pizzas at home. I was able to eat my entire pizza AND an ice cream bar!

    In the last week, I've realized that I could be at my initial goal weight by my birthday next June AND I'm no longer upset about that fact. I've known about this probable time line since I started, but it has always seemed so far away and I've been bummed that it will take that long. I'm not quite sure what has happened in the past few days, but for the first time I'm EXCITED that I could be 170 by June of 2012. It's possible that it's because it's only 11 months away now, but I think my frame of mind has changed slightly and I want to be easier on myself about the weight loss. Whatever the case may be, I'm feeling much less pressure being applied by my slightly neurotic self.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Sunday: 2529 calories burned (I guess I was more slug-like than I thought despite the exercise)/ 1865 calories eaten/ 664 calorie deficit

    Katie: Great job on the homemade pizza!! I find that homemade has less calories and you can eat more of it so it's more satisfying. Being a coach just means that I get a discount on their products (super cool cuz I plan to buy P90X2 and any other Insanity: Asylum programs that come out as well as their meal replacement shakes) but I can also hook anyone else up with those products if they're so inclined (not really my main focus, though).

    Crystal: I know what you mean about looking forward to spending time with your daughter...almost every day. Yesterday was a rough day with Gabe. He cried and didn't want to sleep in his bed. It took an hour for him to fall asleep and then he woke up for an hour around midnight and wanted water and had a stomach ache and still didn't want to sleep in his bed. I kept hearing Samuel L. Jackson's reading of Go the F*** to Sleep in my head.

    Kendal: I have a particular love of "bath sheets" for the same reason.

    Hailie: It's super exciting to spend time in Europe and you'll love Spain! Where will you be in Spain? I hope that the diploma thing can get straightened out fast.

    Hope: It's hot & humid here too. I'm actually looking forward to the rain that's due at the end of the week.

    Lacey: Woo Hoo for inches lost!!!!!! WTG!

    T-Minus 7 days until Naples!!! I might be coming back with a new tattoo. The Hubbs is looking for a place that might be able to do the hibiscus flower I've been wanting for a year. I did Ab Ripper X yesterday and my abs are soooo sore.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sunday check-in 2989 burned with no real exercise but lots of yardwork. Sorry I didn't find the time to reply to all. It's all I can do to keep up with reading the posts. My thoughts are with you...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! So, I'm currently in North Carolina on vacation. Drove down Friday, and have had a busy weekend! I'm working remotely today and tomorrow, so will probably have some time to check in here. I did promise to continue to do the weigh in charts (which are always a bit daunting the first couple of weeks with all the new people).

    So, i want to do my Monday morning call out. I had like 5 pages of posts to wade through, so there's a potential I missed someone. So I'm going to write down whose weight I have and whose I don't. If I don't have your name at all, I someone missed your initial check in.:

    I have your weekly check in:

    These are the ones who i DO NOT have their weigh-ins (get those in by the end of the day!!):
    mrslrichard (Laura)
    mommajj92 (laura)

    whew! I think that's everyone.
  • elinger
    elinger Posts: 33
    Good morning so my weight this morning was 241.2 Im happy with that :wink: