200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-insurance companies are crap! Yes, it's better than paying full price, but STILL! *sigh* Pack the good shoes & hike away! Maybe 3-4 Motrin at once?? My Dr lets me take that many for cramps (as strong pain meds & I don't get along, so I suffer a lot). Then rest in between! Don't forget pics! :o) I will have to try the apple cider vinegar too, IF she'll ever let me put her in the tub again & actually SIT in it!

    Kendal-hmm, I forsee a shopping trip on the website in my future! LOL! I stick to my comfy high-cut briefs for most of my panties, though I do have a few special pairs for the hubby-and I guess as I'm outgrowing, well, shrinking out of, some of what I have, an investment in a set would be appropriate. And good luck with the chocolate!! We have a candy dish that has mini-candy bars in it that sits RIGHT BY ME!! But knowing it's about 40 calories for one...I can grab one a day or so & be happy. Do you have a baggie or something, so you eat half the Buddy Bar? ;-)

    missxlaur-awesome running!! I guess I should get myself back to some exercising! Been slacking this week!!

    Manda-yes, we've tried the butt paste too. Unfortunately! She's even allergic to certain brands of diapers and ALL brands of disposable training pants. Makes potty training fun!
    I've been lucky enough now that what I think of as a cheat day is having something bad, but then I end up having under my calories anyway! Tuesday night, we went to Pizza Hut, and I had a salad, 1 breadstick, and I planned for 2 pieces of pizza, I was full after one! I was so surprised! I've gone truly over 3-4 times since I started. I intend to allow myself about once a month, but I keep ending up under, b/c I'll still eat well 2 out of 3 meals so that my "splurge" meal doesn't send me too far over! I know it's a small miracle, but somehow...even my overs are under my mait. cals! My hubs says it's b/c I'm finally at the point where it's just time for me to loose it. And if you haven't noticed, I tend to ramble! LOL! I'm gonna get to work now!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My afternoon has been nuts! My poor Mellie has some major diaper rash! She's going at least once an hour & we can't keep meds on her poor hiney!! Powder, ointment, Aveeno bath... Nothing helping!! She's allergic to creams & I hate hearing her scream like that! Makes me cry! Once we got her in bed though the hubby made me go take a bath & relax, so hoping to get some sleep tonite with no kids in the bed!

    Kristina- will find the blog once on actual computer (on phone now) & bookmark it!

    For all the "newbies" a name in the signature helps bunches!!

    And my thumbs are getting tired, so I'm goin to bed!!

    Have you tried cornstarch? It was the ONLY thing that would work for Gracie. We literally just dumped a ton of it in the her diaper and close it up. By the time we changed her diaper again, the cornstarch was gone and her rash was cleared up SO much.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2902 burned/2102ate/800 deficit. I think this is off but thats what it says. I didn't work out, but after lunch I had to do a whole ton of fast walking around work so it definitely boosted my cals..and when I got home I cleaned the kitchen, did dishes etc...so who knows. I'm just glad to have a deficit.

    Today starts week 5 of P90X. A new work out tonight, looking forward to it. Not sure what it is. Upper body something. Yeay!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Heyo, folks!

    Amy, that sucks about your foot. I hope the docs get it figured out and you can be up and insane again. :wink: I hate jumping through insurance hoops too. We used to have an awesome insurance plan at work that was $25 for all docs appointments and $100 flat for any surgeries, the downside was that you had to get referrals. Now they took that awesome plan away from us, and we have a straight PPO with deductibles. It's still good coverage, but not as awesome as before. Upside is no referrals. But with all my med bills this year, I'd kill to have that old plan back.

    Kendal, I have a major thing for cute panties. Although mine are still pretty much all cotton, but I love the hipster cuts and Gap has awesome undies. Lots of cute prints, lots of little lacey accents, lots of SUPER soft material. Still a Victoria's Secret girl for bras. They have this new one called the Incredible bra and it's seriously incredible. It's the most comfy bra I've ever had, thick to cover the headlights, and boosts up my tiny teetas like nobody's business. I seriously recommend to anyone.

    Laura, woohoo on your run in the rain! I'm impressed. I don't even like walking the dog outside right now.

    As for me, still stuck in mushy food land, although I'm going to try some grilled chicken at lunch and see how that goes. Scale isn't fluctuating at all which is both good and bad. Good because I've been eating a lot of soft things like enchiladas and pasta and what not, but bad because I want that sucker to go down!

    Have my pre-op appointment with the ENT today. Have to pay the cost of the surgery, so not looking forward to that. Then they're going to send me to the hospital to do the preadmit stuff there. UGH. Credit cards will be used.
  • TanyaDL
    TanyaDL Posts: 54
    Thanks Kendal!!!!!! I live in Seattle, WA and I'm currently working overnight (3rd shift) as a Quality Assurance Analyst..so in English that means I sit on my butt and listen to calls all night! No relationship at this time, last one I had ended 2.5 years ago..
    I'm not really stressed, I'm actually feeling great now that I'm working out and eating properly...I wish my financial situation was better, but I'm happy just to lose weight to feel better about myself...
  • elinger
    elinger Posts: 33
    I would like to Join;

    My current weight as of this morning 243
    I have been overweight for about 19 years and have been on all kinds of diets,but I do not think I realized how bad I have let myself go and how little I really tried, I am definatly on the right track now.
    Final goal 130
    I would also love to go out with my family without feeling embarrased I will weigh in on monday morns if its ok thats best time for me
  • susieoneill
    susieoneill Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to join this challenge if it is not too late. I am 46 years old and feel lilke I have been overweight my whole life. Over the last year I have started changing my approach to weight and have decided it is a journey, with ups and downs. I currently weigh 210 pounds and would like to lose 10.5 pounds. I really want to get below the 200 mark on the scale.

    My other goals are: 1. Exercise at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week
    2. Stay on track on the weekends. (I spend every week recovering calories and pounds from the weekend!)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey-thanks! Her baby powder has cornstarch in it, but it's not pure cornstarch, and we also have Gold Bond's version of baby powder.

    On a good note, apparently my sitter (new one) didn't get the memo that paste doesn't work for Mellie, and she put it on her...SO apparently Mellie has outgrown the allergy or something, b/c it's doing OK this time! THANK GOD!!!!! Happy Dance my baby girl's hiney is healing!! And I'm relieved!! Doesn't mean I'm slappin on regular Desitin yet, but I'll use the paste this time & hope no more poo-poo days (it honestly take Mellie about 10 minutes to get diaper rash, so if you're not RIGHT there when she goes, yeah).

    Welcome to Susie & elinger!! This is a great thread w/a bunch of awesome ladies! This is my 3rd challenge with them! I'm still kind of a newbie to it all myself!! :o)

    Tanya-Katie is also night shift, she'll be glad to have someone to talk to on the thread while we're all sleepin!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556

    I made this to go with turkey reubens with avocado slaw for dinner last night... only things I changed from the original recipe:
    -I used a whole can of reduced sodium black beans
    -I used extra virgin olive oil and only used 1/4 cup
    -Instead of ají amarillo paste (because wtf is that?!) I used San Marcos chipotle peppers in adobe sauce (about 1-2 tablespoons of it)

    IT IS DELICIOUS! Heck yeah I finally found a quinoa recipe that I love. Plus I have a bunch left ofter, so I totally have afternoon snacks premade for a couple days.

    I'll get on here later and reply to everyone - I gotta eat me some lunch!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Rain, rain go away and come back another day!!! I'm not a gluten for punishment and have opted to skip my run!!! I don't even want to run on the treadmill. I wait one more hour hoping the rain stops...
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Ok, here we go:

    Amy: Damn those German holidays and insurance hoops. I'll be praying for faster resolution for your foot so you can get back to life. And, I would say hiking Vesuvius would be happenin' for this girl too, if I was there. Pain or no pain, that's a once in a lifetime deal.

    Victoria: Get out there! A lil' rain never hurt anyone! (I live in Washington. If we don't do stuff in the rain, well, we just don't do stuff.) :D

    Karen: Great job gettin' on top of those rashes. My littlest, Twinkle, had an allergic reaction to a Luv's diaper. It created open wounds on her bum within 20 minutes...then she pooped. As a result, we have been battling boils on her sweet lil' cheeks for almost a year! I think we are finally through it.

    Kerry: YUM!

    Things happenin' here: I gained 3 lb since Sunday. WTH? Iam choosing to ignore it since I started 30 day shred and I am just going to assume it will disappear. My food intake and excercise has been stellar, so I'm not really sure why the gain, but can't let it get me down. (That sounds very mature, but you should have seen my fit this morning. Boy howdy!!)

    I took Wiggle and Twinkle to pick strawberries this morning. 20 lbs of berries in 90 minutes with 2 'helpers.' Phew!! Now for the jam...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sarah (wiggle) - a lot of times people will hold water weight while they are doing weight and resistance training. The good thing is that your clothes will fit better and your body will slim down. The bad thing is that it doesn't always show up on the scale. Try measuring yourself and take some pics to compare to in 30, 60, 90 days etc.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Sarah-poor baby! For a year? Wow! And yeah...what Lacey said! LOL! Don't let it discourage you! I think it's been what's kept me from starting a really HARD core exercise program, I've been kinda floating along, here & there, but it's all gonna be flabby if I don't do something. And soon. *sigh*

    Kerry-sounds yummy! I know the hubby & I would eat it. Think it's too spicy for the kids?

    Victoria-you can do it!! Go!! (I'm one to talk, I know, but I gotta try! ;-))

    OK, off to home now.

    Neat blog I found...may have posted before, but I've been following it for awhile.

  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey girlies, found you again:smile:

    been eating all around me the last 2 days so ive an idea saturdays weigh in is gonna be bad:embarassed:

    Goals for the next 6 weeks

    1. exercise 3 times a week for at least 30mins
    2. Drink at least 1.5litres of water a day
    3. cut down on fizzy drinks
    4. eat less processed food
    5. eat breakfast !!!!!
    6. be 253lbs by the end
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Karen, it really isn't too spicy at all - I will probably throw more peppers in next time to kick it up a notch... I think the kids would love it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Not sure what it is this week...but I am so tired in the afternoons! Sheesh.

    Damn and I forgot I HAVE To go to Target today before I pick up G, so I am outa here. I want to get home and get my new work out in for week 5. Its fend for yourself/left overs night at my house. YEAY! I don't have to cook. I can just concentrate on doing a good work out without worrying that I'm keeping the fam waiting too long to eat (my hang up, not theirs) Ah mothers guilt. What would we do without it. Personally I'd have a half a bottle of red each night. yeah. thats what I'd do. LOL
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Missxlaur: Awesome job!!! :)

    Amy: yeah i try not to have cheat days either... i didnt really plan it, you know? just had a rough day :/ oh well.. im trying to get it back! so sorry about what you're going through with the insurance and all that running around :/ i hope you can hike up that mountain too girl! maybe you can get some pain meds for the trip??? :)

    Psychohope: those are some good goals! i am a little nervous about satuday's weigh in as well... i was really hoping to be down 2 lbs from last week, but not sure :/ had a bad day yesterday and ate enough to gain 5 lbs LOL!

    Kendalbee: that is a good idea about the kitkats.. and you can just break off one bar when you want some chocolate... i dont think i could do that tho.. i'd wind up eating the whole dang thing!! LOL!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    *Peeks out and sheepishly waves* Hi everybody... :embarassed:

    I know I kinda disappeared the last challenge. Lots and lots and lots going on right now and it's hard to focus on any one thing in particular or be able to keep up with anything. My goal this challenge will be simple, because I feel like I tried to do too many things at once the last challenge and got overwhelmed so just gave up. Thanks to those of you who continued to ride my butt until I came back! :wink:

    My goals are only to login and track my food again as well as exercise as often as I'm able. I kinda fell off the logging bandwagon, but I'm hoping to maintain accountability by doing so. *SOMEHOW* I managed to continue dropping weight, even though I've spent the last few weeks eating poorly and rarely exercising.

    Little tidbit into my life - I met someone. :blushing: He's awesome and I'm not investing too much into it yet, but we have our second date coming up on Monday and I'm super excited.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    HEY CRYSTAL!!!! :bigsmile: Glad you finally made it back to us! Congrats on the new fella. Having someone new definitely makes it a lot easier to forget about the last guy. For your goals, instead of saying you HAVE to log in every day, maybe you could set a goal of logging at least 5 days a week. That way, if you miss a day or two, you aren't disappointing yourself. Sometimes the hardest part of weightloss is starting back up after "failing" to follow your own super strict rules. you know what I mean?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wowza that week five day one P90x work out was a freaking killer! For the first 30 of it I kept thinking maybe I wasn't ready for this week yet, maybe I need to go back. But I persevered and by the end was happy. I don't know that if by the end of the 90 days I will be able to do more than five real push ups but if I can get the range of motions on the knees and get down further I'll be cool with that. My whole upper body was shaking by the time I was done. And I stuck out thru the whole AB ripper as well.