is anyone else thinking that even at goal weight, they still

is anyone else thinking that even at goal weight, they still won't look good naked?

i'm pretty sure i'll never get to wear a bikini to the pool. not that i necessarily want to, but it'd be nice to have the option. lol. even though i am currently a size four in jeans, i have extra skin (i had it even 30 pounds heavier because of my pregnancies) and stretch marks. i still have ten pounds to lose, and i don't see the extra skin situation getting any better.


edited to add: i do love myself at any weight/size/shape. i'm just venting.


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Yep. I came to terms with that a long time ago and I'm ok with it to a certain point. I'm not too pressed to get the surgery but of course once I reach goal that might change.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    same here... i have the c-section pooch to deal with as well =( not to mention the hundreds of stretch marks my pregnancy with twins gave me .....
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Yep, that's me!! I have the stretch marks, bad......some of them are pretty wide. I will never have a bikini body, but my goal it to feel comfortable with myself naked. That doesn't necessarily mean that I will look good, but as long as I am's ok. Besides that, I have a pool for the back yard and very few neighbors, so I wear the bikini anyways.....just hope the poor neighbors don't happen to come out :happy:
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    : ( Im not looking forward to that part. I would get a tummy tuck if i had the money
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Same boat here...people can even say you don't look like you need to lose anymore weight but that skin is still just theree and sure doesn't make the tummy look thin! I'm hoping that if I keep this up for several years it may eventually tighten up at least some?! IDK?
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I too feel your pain. By heredity I have tons of stretchmarks and extra skin. I have a lil bit of low self esteem because of it and I try and just let it go. I am not for surgery at all unless it was a huge 200 lb weight gain or something. My stretchmarks are simply because of pregnancy and I have to accept that in my eyes. I personally dont want to wear a bikini either so i guess thats where we differ. Just know you arent alone!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    As soon as I get to goal, surgery is next thing on my list of things to do. I know for a fact I won't look the way I want without a tummy tuck and breast lift so for sure those 2 things will be getting done.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Me! I do not see that pouch going anywhere no matter how much I lose. I guess 3 kids will do that to you.
  • flutterqueen04
    Have you thought maybe about switching to more toning than cardio? (not sure what you do now.) I have the dreaded extra skin pouch from pregnancy too. All my research I've done to get rid of it is to blast the fat away and then tone up, as in core workouts. Right now I am still working on the cardio part with some strength training but my plan is to start doing more of the core training once I am within 10lbs of goal weight. I am considering Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6 Pack. I have my goal weight in mind but I am thinking I might have to do a few extra pounds over in order to reduce that belly pouch as much as possible, but I will wait and assess that situation when that time comes. Right now I am using skin firming lotion in that area. I just started using it a few days ago so I can't see results yet, but hopefully soon. So, yeah, this is what my plan is. If someone else has better advice I would be super glad to hear it as well. Hang in there, we'll get this figured out :)
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I got to 150 last summer and told myself, 'screw the stretch marks, I'm buying a bikini!' so I did and I trotted it all up and down the beach, stretch marks and all and you know what, not a single person stared or said anything or even cared what I looked like. That's when I realized that I'm the one that has to like my body - not someone else. I was a size 8, I'd lost 90 lbs and THAT was something to be proud of!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Yes, I do feel that way, but I also came to terms with this already. I would rather have the loose skin instead of continuing to live an unhealthy lifestyle, at least I will look way better with clothes on :laugh: If I can never wear a bikini, that's OK.

    I have considered surgery once I reach and maintain my goal weight, but not totally decided on it. The stretch marks I have are ALL over (mostly from my pregnancies) and I don't think any amount of surgery could get rid of them, so even after a tummy tuck I might not have a bikini-worthy body. I'm cool with it, and love myself, regardless.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I think all you ladies should be proud of what you have accomplished and who you are, including your bodies. NO ONE is "perfect" and I think it's unfortunate that so many women feel that they can't wear a bikini or look good naked unless they have that "perfect" bikini body. Perfection doesn't exist - and some stretch marks or extra skin does not make someone unattractive. Any guy/person who makes you think otherwise isn't worth it... :flowerforyou:
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Nothing wrong with stretch marks.

  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Yup, me! I'm almost at goal weight, wearing a size 2 in jeans and am still not happy.
    I also have the two-c-section pooch not to mention that my almost 10_lb baby did some heavy damage. If I had the money I would probably get a tummy tuck too; I'm vain like that.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I have a lot of weight to lose...and I'm going to try really hard to firm up and give my skin time to recover and hopefully the elasticity of it will improve.

    I have mentioned to my husband that when I get to my goal, I may want some sort of surgery.

    But to be honest....1) I probably can't afford it and 2) I'll probably be so happy to be a healthy size again that I'll have no problem wearing a 1 piece bathing suit....cuz God knows I haven't been caught in even that in many years!
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I definitely agree with you, between having 2 kids, a c-section, and deep stretch marks I'll never wear a bikini. I've come to terms with that. But I don't think that's what it's all about. Being healthy, strong, and feeling good is the long-term goal I want. Great job on your weight loss!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I got to 150 last summer and told myself, 'screw the stretch marks, I'm buying a bikini!' so I did and I trotted it all up and down the beach, stretch marks and all and you know what, not a single person stared or said anything or even cared what I looked like. That's when I realized that I'm the one that has to like my body - not someone else. I was a size 8, I'd lost 90 lbs and THAT was something to be proud of!

    Good for you! I think it is a lot about attitude. The sexiest thing a person can wear is confidence. Love yourselves ladies, we are all babes!
  • fontaine3b
    Stretch marks and sagging skin suck!! However, in my eyes they are seen as the "war wounds" of pregnancy and are worth it!!! I gave birth to 3 9lb boys and wouldn't take back any of the tell tale signs that they were once part of my wonderous body and I was given the honor of carrying them and bringing them into this world!!

    Each wrinkle, scar, strech mark or any other indication that I am a mother is alright in my book!! Besides, bikinis are overrated!!! You should try to protect the skin from the sun not expose it more!!! lol

    Great job to all on the progress you have already made and wishing much sucess as your continue this journey!! :smile:
  • elinger
    elinger Posts: 33
    Well, this is how I feel. Even when I was 120 lbs and smoking hot I did not wear a bikini, Im not big on wearing something so small. But kudos to all who choose to wear one be proud of all your achievments. I have always had stretch marks and a bad scar from my gall bladder surgery but When I was smaller I did wear a two piece I didn't care about scar or stretch marks, but I do have the concern of the extra hanging skin, I spoke with my spouse about this and he said something very smart, he said "deal with that when you get there and if you have to or want to have surgery do it, but whatever happens you will be healthier and feel better about your life" soooo true. Good luck to all of you and love yourself no matter what. :happy:
  • arussell53
    arussell53 Posts: 15 Member
    If a man(or woman) has gotten you naked to the point of seeing stretchmarks or c-section scars I can almost guarantee that's the last thing on their mind.

    I have news for you girls (and boys). We are all imperfect. We all wear our fat weird, have scars, stretch marks, moles, dark patches of skin, stubborn hair, saggy boobs, different sized boobs,.. ect.

    That is just part of being human. Though the media (yes, I'm going there) would have you believe otherwise. We are sold this idea of impractical, perfect beauty that nearly no human can obtain.

    So, stop obsessing about it and just enjoy your body for what it is. Does it work right? Then you are super lucky and you should be grateful just for that. =)