LizaArg Member


  • Check out, you can request a bag (for free) and they will buy some of your clothes and donate or return the rest (for a small fee for returns).
  • I'm 42, will be 43 in September. I have a 2 year old daughter and loving husband. Would love to lose the spare tire. Feel like I've been struggling with same 10-20 lbs forever. I'm 5'1" so it shows up easily. I really want to do this and maintain. I was on MFP last summer, lost weight/felt great, then totally fell off the…
  • I'm 5' 1/2" - currently about 118 but flabby...would love to get to 105 ish.
  • Hi Hope, Welcome! Not sure that my answers are 100% correct or anything but re: Calcuim, I think many leafy greens like spinach or kale have a good source of calcium. If you are medically required to take supplements then feel free to continue taking them. Otherwise, you probably will be ok for 30 days. For salad dressing…
  • Im feeling pretty good but like I said last week, I did slip and had some rice last week. I also had a salad at restuarant and used their salad dressing - so I probably had some sugar. I think it's been rougher with the weather turning clder I'm craving heavier food. All in all I'm hanging in there but just feel so tired…
  • Hi everyone! Wow, this has been very rough...and work hasn't helped. I slipped and had some brown rice last night because I felt so stressed. I think the combination of the weather getting cooler and a larger workload has made me more susceptible to cravings this time around. August was much easier. Ugh. Well, no one said…
  • I think it's ok to eat when you're hungry. As long as you don't go way under your calories for days in a row it should be ok. I tend to be less hungry when I eat this way, the protein and fats really satiate me.
  • I haven't logged my food for a week or so because I've been too busy to do so, but I did still track things during the last whole 30. I found that it could be a bit harder to get enough calories since all the veggies are pretty low cal. I made up for it by adding good fats and eating avocados lol. I do avoid the scale,…
  • Hi! Don't mean to be MIA but I have been pooped out too and barely able to get any work done for lack of focus which is really not a good thing. I'm hanging in there but I'm not having the best week - not to mention that I've been having more insomnia then usual. I'm really hoping this passes, I definitely have to say I'm…
  • Interesting...yeah, Sunday was a full moon I think... I haven't been sleeping as well either... and getting up to use the bathroom a lot - if I didn't know any better I'd think I was pregnant (I'm definitely not lol). Not sure what it is but hope it passes. We are in that phase where the carb flu, etc., hits so this could…
    in Sleeping Comment by LizaArg October 2012
  • Another thing I do is bake up a bunch of chicken legs. They are one of the least expensive organic chicken parts you can buy and since eating the skin is ok, it makes for an easy guilt free snack
  • OMG, I'm glad you are ok, so sorry to hear that!
  • Yesterday went ok, honestly, it was a bit rough but I made it through. Today I'm doing a bit better but like others have said, I'm worried I'm not eating enough calories. I also have been so stressed at work (eventhough I work from home I know hard to believe but true) that I'm just relying on salad right now and I'm going…
  • Avocado and some nuts really help me a lot when I need a snack and can't get too creative lol... of course, you don't want to overdo nuts because they are calorie dense but it really can take the edge off. I also snack on shredded coconut sometimes too.
  • Yes, I am an avocado fanatic as well - I eat at least one a day an still not sick of 'em. My daughter loves them too!
  • I plan to do the Jillian Michaels 30DS and Rin30 workouts - different levels depending on how I feel that day. I enjoy how fun and fast the workouts go and can usually squeeze it in on weekdays when my daughter is at daycare. I try to go for 4-5 workouts a week. I did Rin30 last time I tried Whole 30 - it was a good match.…
  • These ideas are great! I often make the boiled eggs and chicken breasts - they are easy to grab as needed. I also relied on nuts A LOT last time - maybe more then I should have but it worked out ok. I always have pre-washed salad greens in the fridge and try to have some protein that is cooked already, along with homemade…
  • I'm going to have a boring Day 1. LOL. Made pork loin yesterday while hubby was at work because I could put it in the oven and forget about it. I find that I do tend to rely on baked chicken a lot too - it's easy and hard to mess up. And then I make a few side veggies. I'd love to get more creative this time... we'll see.…
  • Yep, have enough to get me started today! Just had coffee with coconut milk... lol... about to have some... eggs!! Surprise! (not!) Last night we made pork loin so I'll probably have that for lunch with salad. I had a crazy busy weekend since hubby worked and I had Emma on my own. So that's the exciting food I made. I have…
  • I understand how you feel - I'm not looking forward to potential plans with friends this month where I have to say I can't eat or drink something. Because a few friends have said "let's get together" and I know I will have to tell them something. I figure I will play it by ear because nothing definite has been planned so…
  • Thanks so much for sharing resources like Big Oven, etc., we'll definitely have to create a topic for fave recipes, etc. Another person mentioned NomNom Paleo which is another great website for recipes. I definitely will want to get more creative with recipes this time around - I did get bored last time because I was too…
  • Awesome, looks like we have a great group of people to work with ;)!!
  • Hi Desmonema - welcome & certainly jump in when you can - totally understandable re: visiting BF. I love my protein powder too - not looking forward to giving it up since it's so easy and doesn't involve cooking lol... so I'm with you there! I use egg white protein powder so I'm hoping maybe I can just eat a lot of egg…
  • Hi Kelly/Merci! My birthday month is September too lol... (I'm 9/20 nubby is 9/15) - I understand what you mean. Many times friends and family want to take us to eat, etc., it's totally understandable! That's what happened for me and why I felt like I wanted to try this again. I think I added you as a friend but I'm not…
  • Hi everyone! I created the group this morning and invited everyone who seemed interested (hopefully those invites will come through your account, if not feel free to email me or search for us in Groups as Whole 30 for October 2012). I am doing this half awake before my baby wakes up so if I missed anyone it was not…
  • PS. By the way, I'm fine if you want to make personal adjustments to the program. I'm definitely not planning to police or make anyone wrong for eating certain items. I think the main thing is that you have to be willing to give up processed food and grains, etc. The program itself is quite strict in that you are asked to…
  • Hi again! Excuse me for not posting again yesterday - I had to catch up on my work & didn't get to check my own post again - sorry about that! Typically I will be able to check in at least once a day even more, so please bear with me. Ok, so what I'm going to do is I will create a group and then invite those of you who…
  • Amazing - congratulations!!!!
  • Yes, you need to make sure you eat back your exercise calories. Although it seems counter-intuitive, your body willlet go of fat easier. There's a whole slew of posts in the community about people who lost more weight once they started to eat more. Of course, go for nutrient dense foods, not empty calories. You'd be…