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flynnfinn Member


  • 20:4 or any other combination (16:8, 18:6, etc) is intermittent fasting. you fast for 20 hours and eat within a 4 hour window. you do this everyday. i'm not the expert but the concept is the same. all of it comes down to calorie deficits. how you make that calorie deficit is up to you. this is just a way of eating. in the…
  • i do 20:4 intermittent fasting. love it! trying to shed the last 5-6lbs but it is getting tough now. i also follow a ketogenic diet (high fat/mod protein/low carb). for maintenance i plan to switch to 5:2 fasting and slowly add "slow" carbs back. intermittent fasting works great for me because i have an "all or nothing"…
  • one cheat day for me equates to a minimum 3lb gain which takes about 4-5 days to sort itself out. multiple cheat days in a row are just disastrous for me...i can gain 8-10lbs with a good 3-4 day cheat fest! i had a major cheat day last sunday and i stayed away from the scale until wednesday and even then, i was still up by…
  • i like your approach. i do intermittent fasting so it's as if i'm eating one big meal. i fast 17-20 hours and my eating window is anywhere from 4-7 hours. sometimes it's like i'm just eating for 4 hours straight. 1400-1500 calories in a 4 hour window is tough but a crapton of coconut butter, nuts, cheese, fatty cuts of…
  • must be mother's day wherever you are as it is not mother's day where i am and i still managed to get off track today. way off track. how do i plan to get back on the wagon? well, i'm going to pull up one of my best days of logging food and follow what i ate that day for a few days next week. definitely staying off the…
  • hi there! we're already friends on MFP and we have similar weight loss goals...meaning less than 10lbs. i started end of january by really cleaning up my diet. i got serious about intermittent fasting and following a ketogenic diet. i've lost 4kg (about 9lbs) and only have about 5-6lbs left to go. you can look at my…
  • anything by jillian michaels. i recommend: 30 day shred ripped in 30 (all levels) banish fat boost metabolism (major calorie burner, all cardio with some really high intensity periods) no more trouble zones extreme shed & shred yoga meltdown i've done all of them and have increased strength, endurance and overall…
  • i don't know if 1200 is too low for you...try it and see how you feel. but losing 10lbs in a month considering you are already at a healthy weight is going to be tough. it just won't come off as fast as it would on someone that is actually overweight. i am 6lbs away from my goal (i'm 5'6" 126lbs) and the weight is coming…
  • this depends on how you have your macros set up. i follow a ketogenic diet while intermittent fasting. so my macros are 65fat/15carbs/20protein. my diet consists of copious amounts of coconut butter, nuts and peanut butter, full fat dairy, and fatty cuts of meat. i get my carbs from green leafy vegetables, cauliflower,…
  • i do full fat dairy products daily...multiple times a day even. greek yogurt, heavy cream in my coffee and cheese, cheese, cheese. i do intermittent fasting along with a ketogenic diet (65fat/15carbs/25protein) and have lost 8+ lbs since i started IF/ketogenic dieting 4 weeks ago. i lost the first 6lbs in the first two…
  • because it is a personal decision. what works for others may not work for you. there are several paths to get to the end result here...the end result being weight loss. which path you choose is up to you. hopefully you choose a path that is sensible, that you will stick to until the end and that will allow you to maintain…
  • absolutely correct about gross calories burned! must subtract the calories you would have burned anyway for that hour of exercise if you were not exercising. and while yes, HRMs are the most accurate, there is still margin for error. it uses a formula based on estimates. i personally still subtract 25% off whatever number…
  • me too! the further along i was, the smaller my food portions became. i also gave birth on vacation in italy!! emergency c-section nonetheless. and i gained a total of 20lbs during pregnancy and was back to my hiking routine (with baby strapped onto me in baby bjorn carrier) less than two weeks after my c-section. not all…
  • oh yes! every time i go back home to los angeles, i swear, southern california people think the world revolves around them.
  • originally from los angeles, california and have been living in switzerland since 2007. wouldn't change a thing! love it here...love the change in seasons, love the quality of the food, the diversity of the culture and the fact that driving any which way for about 2hours will lead you to another country (france, germany,…
  • i come from a family that believes that when you are pregnant, GO TO TOWN! eat for two, indulge, splurge...it's all going to come off when you breastfeed! i do not believe that this is the way to go while preggers. my mom gained 40-60lbs with each of her 3 pregnancies. my sister gained 60+ with each of her 4 pregnancies.…
  • i've done 6w6p and no, i did not end up with a 6-pack. i did level 1 for 6 weeks. i could not stand level 2 as it was mostly cardio. level 2 didn't work my core whatsoever. so i just kept on going with level 1. i don't know what the magic formula for getting ripped abs would be. my guess is you have to hit all targets. 1)…
  • i agree...the above should be required reading and everyone should do their own calculations. with that said, based on the IPOARM method, i was set to eat a straight 1800 calories without eating any exercise calories back. i tried that method for a good 4 months and gained a considerable amount of weight (8lbs!!!). i don't…
  • that is wonderful! good for you! and i'm sure you feel better truly knowing that you are really consuming 1200-1400 calories per your guesstimate. now you know. moving forward, if you experience a stall or any sort of setback, you can always go back to your food diary and see what could have caused that. that's the best…
  • there was another post about someone here on MFP who used her HRM while cleaning/vaccuuming around the house and she was astounded that she burned 400+ calories in 45 minutes. to that post, i replied that HRM are only for use during steady state cardio (as you stated above) and that her numbers could be inaccurate. then…
  • fair enough. i apologize. i was only trying to give you the realistic side of HRMs. i just see a lot of people here with crazy amounts for calories burned and then eating back those calories and then wondering why there is no weight loss. once again, i apologize.
  • in order for me (5'6", 36yo female, 130lbs) to burn 400+ calories, i need to run for 60 minutes straight at a speed of 8mph. and trust me, running at that pace is a lot tougher than cleaning the house.
  • i totally understand but another factor you are not considering is you were not doing STEADY STATE cardio/aerobic exercise. you did not hold your heart rate at a constant elevated number for an extended period of time. HRMs use formulas and estimates and if you were at 135bpm for 5 minutes then 155bpm for 7 minutes then…
  • i hate to be the party pooper here but a heart rate monitor is not designed to measure caloric burn at periods of rest or activity that is not aerobic. The number you get by doing that won't be very accurate. The relationship between heart rate and energy expenditure isn't the same when you're at rest as it is when you're…
  • i follow a ketogenic diet with 60% fat, 15% carbs and 25% protein. i also do intermittent fasting. i followed 40c/30p/30f for a long time and saw ZERO results. now i am finally losing weight! it is slow going but that's ok. i'll take slow and steady any day. i get my fats from olive oil, butter, full fat greek yogurt, nut…
  • i could not agree with the above more. i have a heart rate monitor and while it does track my calories burned, i only use it to monitor my heart rate and to make my workouts more effective. i workout not necessarily to burn calories but rather to become fit and to focus on my fitness. calorie burn is secondary. i think a…
  • LYRA (or mel because i know you!!)... we have the same body shape! i have "built" legs and i hate them! what i would give to have skinny model legs and those razor sharp knobby knees that they all have! i always say "oh the things i would wear if i had (insert model name here)'s legs!" but alas...i can't change what i was…
  • you are referring to the homeopathic sublingual drops of HCG...if you say your version has no hormones. can't stop you from doing what you're going to do but i'll give you input anyway. i myself have done 2 rounds of homeopathic HCG. both successful in losing the weight but both times unsuccessful in keeping it off. it…
  • i do something similar to the above after a big calorie day. what i do is called a steak day though...i learned this from some other crazy fad diet i did in the past (don't ask) but point is it gets me results. i basically fast from 10pm (or whenever i decide to stop stuffing my face) until 6pm the next day. i only drink…
  • MFP recommends 1200 because you've set your weight loss goals to 2lbs a week. if you only have 10lbs to lose, set your weight loss goals to 0.5lbs a week. slower is better. as far as going out to eat...you can always look up the menu online before you go (if it's a bigger restaurant with their info published on the…