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12lbs gained!!

Last Friday I weighed in at 130lbs, 5lbs away from my ultimate goal.
I had a few days of crap eating, four days to be exact, and very little exercise. About 90% of the foods that I eat are raw vegan, vegetarian 100% of the time, that's to clear up the idea that "crap eating" isn't always McDonald's and Burger King.
I have been vegan for over a year, lost 40lbs from counting calories and exercising. My health is in good condition, great condition to be exact.
Last night, I weighed in at 137.0, this morning it was at 139.0, and now I'm a hefty 142.5, which is where I was two months ago.
How could this happen??
I drink plenty of water (2L of water, and about 1L of green tea each day).
I couldn't have gained so much from bloat/water weight.
Please calm me down.
What could this be?
Thanks xx


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Suggest checking on another scale.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I've gained 10 pounds in four days from crap eating and going over in calories by a fair amount each day. But I'm not sure what crap you've been eating as a vegetarian and mostly raw vegan eater. What was your consumption like for those four days?

    Honestly, the cleaner/better I eat, the more crappy eating affects me as far as bloat and false weight gain. So since you are normally such an extremely strict eater, it may not have taken much to tip the scales, so to speak.

    I wouldn't recommend using a different scale, because all scales will be different. But if you have a digital scale, when was the last time you checked the battery? I get weird readings from mine when the battery is dying.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    first off, i would sugggest not weighing yourself so often.
    second, check the batteries in the scale.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Give yourself 1 week and weigh again. I gained 4 lbs last week for no apparent reason - no changes in food, sodium, carbs, exercise, and I drink a gallon of water a day - couldn't be explained. This week I'm down 5+ lbs. You may have to accept it, take it and set it aside, breathe, learn from it and move on.

    And I KNOW it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we're here for the long run, and there's nothing else to be done about it.
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    Give yourself 1 week and weigh again. I gained 4 lbs last week for no apparent reason - no changes in food, sodium, carbs, exercise, and I drink a gallon of water a day - couldn't be explained. This week I'm down 5+ lbs. You may have to accept it, take it and set it aside, breathe, learn from it and move on.

    And I KNOW it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we're here for the long run, and there's nothing else to be done about it.
    totally agree with this quote
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    If you are such a strict eater normally, then I should imagine 4 days of moderately 'rubbish' eating is going to bloat you out immensely.

    There's no way you've gained 12lb of fat in that amount of time. It will be water retention.

    Suck it up, go back to how you were and in a few days time things will have settled down.
  • The same thing has happened to me the past few days. I have to be on Prednisone (a steroid) for the next couple days per my doctor, and it makes me want to eat everything in sight, plus retain more sodium. I have swelled up like a balloon! I was the same as you, about 130, maybe a little less last week, and I am super muscular and in great shape. But now I'm at about 138 - in four days!! So I feel you, and don't worry about it - logically, you could have only gained 2-3 pounds of true weight in 4 days, and that's if you're eating around 4000 calories average. The rest is water/sodium retention and bloating. Just get back to your normal eating and exercising when you can - my record is 10 in a week, but the next week I lost 9 when I started going back to normal. I wouldn't worry about it too much, and don't beat yourself up.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    those kinda of daily fluctuations don't mean much. it could be the sodium from your less-than-optimal food choices. It could be physical food still in your system that hasn't been digested and excreted yet... and really, when you are talking about a 24 hour time frame, it doesn't matter. Look for trends over a period of time. Day to day doesn't mean much.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    That is what my body does the minute I consume wheat or anything refined or processed...boom 10 lbs of bloatiing back on and it takes me 2 weeks to get it back off. It's just how my body reacts to that kind of food....it doesn't even have to be crap just refined or processed :(

    Clean the old diet right back up and give it a week and you should be right back down.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    sleep more.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Step away from the scale. How are your clothes fitting? is it that time of the month? have you eaten alot of sodium?

    There are a lot of things that can make this happen, I doubt its actual fat that you have gained - unless you were eating an awful lot of caloires every day.

    I say... go take a poop, relax and don't stress over the scale, eat healthy, work out, and come back in a week and see what happens.

    Edited for spelling
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Your scale is off or it's water. And yes you can gain that much. How are your rings and ankles?

    It can't be fat.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    our bodies can fluctuate up to 5 lbs in a single day. don't weigh so often. and this is going to sound like a throw-away answer, but it's not, give yourself a few days to poo out the bad days. srsly, next week should be fine. up your water and make sure you're getting your probiotics.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    one cheat day for me equates to a minimum 3lb gain which takes about 4-5 days to sort itself out. multiple cheat days in a row are just disastrous for me...i can gain 8-10lbs with a good 3-4 day cheat fest! i had a major cheat day last sunday and i stayed away from the scale until wednesday and even then, i was still up by about half a pound. and i swear, even my clothes were fitting a little tighter the first few days after my cheat day.

    the idea is that these things are going to happen. ups and downs...that's life. important thing is to keep going, keep marching on and in the grand scheme of things, you'll see an overall loss.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    PMS, sodium, bloated from different food, weighed in afternoon or evening, instead of morning, scale needs recalibrating.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I heard this great stuff about body wraps....

    Kidding... Just get consistent and get off the scale.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Give yourself 1 week and weigh again. I gained 4 lbs last week for no apparent reason - no changes in food, sodium, carbs, exercise, and I drink a gallon of water a day - couldn't be explained. This week I'm down 5+ lbs. You may have to accept it, take it and set it aside, breathe, learn from it and move on.

    And I KNOW it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we're here for the long run, and there's nothing else to be done about it.

    ^^^ THIS^^^
    Breathe... YOU DID NOT GAIN 12 lbs in a manner of days.
  • editress
    editress Posts: 25 Member
    Take a deep breath because it is impoossible to gain 12 pounds of fat in 4 days or even a week! You are going to weigh more at night then during the day because of all the food and liquids you have digested and day to day fluctuation because of water weight. Pick a day and same time to weigh in once a week. I weigh in Friday mornings before I eat and drink anything and naked. Also how are you clothes fitting? I would let that be the judge more then a scale.

    Also read "Why The Scale Lies." http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm

    Oh and I remember one week gaining 5 pound for no reason and down 7 the next week.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    CALM DOWN!! Its only a few pounds, its just not worth getting that upset over.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT weigh yourself in the am and then again in the afternoon. You are setting yourself up for upset and failure. I weigh myself daily, but if I were to weigh myself in the afternoon, I will ALWAYS be up from the am.

    You will not get accurate readings if you weigh yourself at inaccurate times of the day. Always do it in the am. Do it every day if you have to, but at roughly the same time.