flynnfinn Member


  • look...if it helps any, don't log in your exercise in MFP. it will screw up your totals because MFP is designed so that you SHOULD eat back your exercise calories. MFP doesn't use the TDEE method. so...just eat a straight 1600 calories a day and don't log in your exercise. no need to make this complicated. or if you choose…
  • no...both your suggestions are wrong. TDEE is your TOTAL daily energy expenditure. TOTAL meaning your BMR plus any activity you do. so the idea behind TDEE-20% is that your exercise is already factored into the TDEE amount. so eat 1600 and don't eat back exercise calories because it is already factored in. i'm sure someone…
  • keeps me busy and out of the kitchen where temptation lies waiting for me! it's is also mind-boggingly interesting knowing the composition of the food i eat. and i also like to spit out food facts to people as they eat to make them think twice...i know this is mean but at the same time, i am tired of hearing people around…
  • i'm sorry but we are all really trying to help you here and it just seems like you don't want the help. it seems as if you are set on just estimating calories and doing it your way. that's up to you. if you are going to give it half-a** effort, you are going to get half-a** results. it's as simple as that.
  • because we don't know how much you are really eating! it's hard to know what to do because you don't have an exact idea of how much you really eat.
  • i would REALLY REALLY REALLY consider logging in every single bite of food you eat. you would be surprised at how many calories you actually consume. you very well may be eating more than you think (in terms of calories) therefore negating any exercise you do. measure everything. i made the mistake of eyeballing vegetables…
  • do you have internet access? maybe bring your laptop or other device with internet access and do 30DS through youtube? all 3 levels are on youtube. 6w6p is also on youtube. vimeo has JM's banish fat, boost metabolism. i have a tendency to go crazy on vacation. the only time i didn't blow it was when i brought my scale.…
  • sugar-free gum spices (but i only use salt, garlic powder, black pepper and paprika) water (although i keep track of my water intake because i drink three to five 0.75L bottles a day) green tea but everything else, i log. and i used to be a spoon-licker while cooking...NOPE! not anymore! i realized that i was adding at…
  • right there with you. for me, i have trigger foods...which are usually carbs, sweets, etc. once i get started, it's the like the floodgates have opened and WHOOOSH! like a tsunami of food washes over me. the only way i can control my binges is to stay away from my trigger foods. i also do intermittent fasting which seems…
  • what's in your turkey soup? 90g of carbs per serving???? even a muffin from starbucks has less carbs than that!! my body likes a low carb/moderate protein/high fat diet. that's what works for me. i keep my carbs under 50g per day...BUT THAT IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME. everyone is different. i like high fat (lots of nuts, cheese,…
  • maybe cut back on the bacon? do full fat dairy instead of low fat...the process of removing fat from dairy freaks me out and i'm convinced it has to be worse than just eating the regular stuff. and can you try to eat REAL food? what's with all the pre-packaged, canned stuff? i've followed low carb/primal for YEARS! it…
  • as a 6w6p veteran, here's a few tips ladies: 1) it's cardio-based ab work. i find that i get a pretty decent calorie burn (based on my HRM) just doing 6w6p alone. 2) you're supposed to do 21 days of level 1 then 21 days of level 2. not sure how you want to split that up but i took my time. i pretty much ended up doing…
  • my favorite at home DVD workout/routine is the first 2-3 circuits from "banish fat, boost metabolism" (jillian michaels) followed by the entire "no more trouble zones" (also jillian michaels). in total, it's about 70 minutes and i burn a good 500+ calories according to my heart rate monitor.
  • 30DS is fairly least in my opinion. BFBM is difficult if you are a beginner/novice with working out. BFBM is almost 50 minutes of high intensity cardio. i've heard that BFBM is supposed to be used in combination with no more trouble zones (another JM dvd). i fnished 30DS 2 months ago and the only results i had…
  • wow! are you really 58kg? you look much smaller in your profile pic!! i have the exact same measurements as you. i'm looking to lose 2kg too but have not gotten anywhere with that despite all my efforts. i am weight training, circuit training, doing minimal cardio and eating at a reasonable deficit. however, i have toned…
  • here! from OC (fullerton, irvine, buena park) and now living in switzerland!! once a cali girl always a cali girl!!
  • totally agree! or that if a child has an iPad, they must spend every waking hour of the day on the damn thing! our iPad is at arm's reach from my son. he can have it any given time of the day as he pleases. but he really only wants to play with it an hour out of the day at the most. most of the time, he is digging in his…
  • nope, you are correct. absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your opinion. i'm just saying...when you have your own children, you may be singing a different tune. and not just on this topic but several other facets of life. that's all.
  • i'm going to point out one thing here: for those of you who responded and have NO CHILDREN, just bite your tongue now. we'll meet again when you have your OWN kids and see where you stand on the matter. i was the person, who before i had children, had all sorts of ideas and "fantasies" about how i was going to raise my…
  • my now 3yr old has been using an iPad since he was 2. we bought it for all our overseas travels. we live in switzerland and travel to california about 4 times a year. it's a lifesaver. wanna know who's kid is practically silent on the plane? most well behaved? doesn't throw tantrums and fits? MINE! trust do not…
  • i like her. i like her style of pushing and motivating. i prefer to be yelled obscenities to in order to squeeze out one last push-up/sit-up/10 more seconds on my plank...whatever. but that is me. i know there are people out there who like yoga and breathing techniques and calming the soul and whatnot which all drives me…
  • jillian michaels' 30 day shred is available on youtube. all 3 levels. if you are a beginner at exercise, this may be tough. not impossible though...just challenging. all 3 levels are in that one link. hope that helps!
  • i love planks! i am working my way with side planks...they are difficult. but i will say...since i've been doing them, there's been a dramatic improvement on my oblique muscles and all that other good stuff running down the sides of my body. (see profile pic)
  • i completely agree with this. in the 85 days i've been here logging religiously and dedicating myself to exercise, i haven't lost 1lb. my clothes do feel just a tiny bit looser but i haven't dropped a size. i am however significantly stronger than when i began with weight lifting. i highly doubt i have gained any muscle…
  • i'm a mother of 1 via c-section! perhaps you need to eat more? 60 minutes on the elliptical could easily be anywhere from 300-600+ calories depending on how hard you push. and you're set at 1200 calories a day. i think you log in your exercise calories and it seems like you are eating them back. try figuring out your TDEE…
  • this is me! this is where i'm at! see profile pic. i'm looking to gain muscle definition and lose some inches here and there. not much really. just wanna look TIGHT! feel free to add me!
  • i'm 36, SAHM to a 3 year old little boy. looking to lose inches or lbs...but not much. just a few vanity lbs so that my clothes fit better. feel free to add me!!