2 week of exercise 5 days/week & nothing happens!



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    FUEL YOUR BODY!!!!!!! :noway: If you are working out 5 days a week on 1200 calories your body is going to store fat not lose it. You also state you eat the same thing everyday, switch it up.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    1. Are you weighing yourself first thing in the morning, right after you pee and before you eat or drink, wearing nothing but underwear, on an accurate scale?
    2. Are your 1200-1400 calories good healthy food? tons of fruits, veggies, lean protein and whole grains?
    3. Are you getting enough high intensity cardio exercise?
    4. Are you about to start your period? Maybe you are bloated, retaining water because it is the week before your period?
    5. Are you drinking enough water?

    I had the same problem. I went about one month and had only lost 1 pound. I was so frustrated I had a brownie binge session (at least they were no fudge pudge brownies.. but still bad....). Anyway, then I decided to make a few more changes and see if that helped. I started going to bed earlier and waking up earlier and doing atleast 15 minutes of exercise in the morning to jump start the metabolism(5 minutes yoga and a 10 minute walk). I also started eating only fruit for breakfast (but a lot of it!). I also started drinking tons and tons and tons of water, about 10 big glasses a day with lemon or cucumber in it. I also tried eating a larger lunch and limiting the carbs at dinner. Finally, I started doing higher intensity cardio exercise (jogging or Jillian Michael's Shred DVD). Within two days I lost 3 pounds... but I also started my period in those 3 days so I don't know if it is because of that or because of all the changes I made. However, I do feel fantastic with so much more energy. I really feel like the morning exercise, water, and cardio has picked up the weight loss and my mood. Whatever you do, do not give up! I don't think the problem is not enough calories... I'd try making other changes before bumping up the calorie intake or atleast give it a month and a half to account for horomone changes that could be the culprit.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    If you have lost 29 lbs eating the same as you do now, exercising, you definitely ave to increase your calories.
    You want to fuel your workouts! What you do, is the opposite!
    Eat enough food to support your workouts!
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    You really need to start logging and tracking your intake. Most everything is in the food database and once you get it into your diary it's right there for easy access
    When you mention nuts and fruit those are very high calorie foods, albeit very good for you.
    I'm a nut addict too! and 1 oz of roasted peanuts is around 180 calories, I could eat a whole jar of planters roasted peanuts in a day but that would be all I could eat.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    FUEL YOUR BODY!!!!!!! :noway: If you are working out 5 days a week on 1200 calories your body is going to store fat not lose it. You also state you eat the same thing everyday, switch it up.

    Some say I should fuel it by eating more and some think I'm over my calorie outflow.. Hard to know what to do.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    FUEL YOUR BODY!!!!!!! :noway: If you are working out 5 days a week on 1200 calories your body is going to store fat not lose it. You also state you eat the same thing everyday, switch it up.

    Some say I should fuel it by eating more and some think I'm over my calorie outflow.. Hard to know what to do.

    because we don't know how much you are really eating! it's hard to know what to do because you don't have an exact idea of how much you really eat.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    1. Are you weighing yourself first thing in the morning, right after you pee and before you eat or drink, wearing nothing but underwear, on an accurate scale?
    2. Are your 1200-1400 calories good healthy food? tons of fruits, veggies, lean protein and whole grains?
    3. Are you getting enough high intensity cardio exercise?
    4. Are you about to start your period? Maybe you are bloated, retaining water because it is the week before your period?
    5. Are you drinking enough water?

    I had the same problem. I went about one month and had only lost 1 pound. I was so frustrated I had a brownie binge session (at least they were no fudge pudge brownies.. but still bad....). Anyway, then I decided to make a few more changes and see if that helped. I started going to bed earlier and waking up earlier and doing atleast 15 minutes of exercise in the morning to jump start the metabolism(5 minutes yoga and a 10 minute walk). I also started eating only fruit for breakfast (but a lot of it!). I also started drinking tons and tons and tons of water, about 10 big glasses a day with lemon or cucumber in it. I also tried eating a larger lunch and limiting the carbs at dinner. Finally, I started doing higher intensity cardio exercise (jogging or Jillian Michael's Shred DVD). Within two days I lost 3 pounds... but I also started my period in those 3 days so I don't know if it is because of that or because of all the changes I made. However, I do feel fantastic with so much more energy. I really feel like the morning exercise, water, and cardio has picked up the weight loss and my mood. Whatever you do, do not give up! I don't think the problem is not enough calories... I'd try making other changes before bumping up the calorie intake or atleast give it a month and a half to account for horomone changes that could be the culprit.

    1. Well, I don't have a scale at home so I only weigh myself when I visit my mom so that's usually after breakfast and lunch and wearing clothes. Not the ideal situation I know.
    2. I consider my food as healthy although maybe not very varying. Although I eat different dinners but mostly the same breakfast and lunch. I don't know I like eating the same lol. I live by myself so it's not fun to cook for myself. In the weekends I eat with my family though so that switches up my routine.
    3. I would say so. This exercise that I do leave me soaking in sweat and panting and with a nice soreness the next day. When I'm starting to get used to it I will go for the highest activity level called Intensive.
    4. Hmm, I didn't think of that, but it turns out I'm almost in the middle of it.
    5. I drink a lot and pee a lot so I think yes.

    Thank you for your input. This makes me more sure that I shouldn't eat more. I also thought that if I ate too little I would feel dizzy and weak while working out, but I don't. Maybe my body is just used to it, hard to know. I will actually switch my dinner and lunch. Before I always ate the cooked meal for dinner but I'm going to have it for lunch and then a smaller meal in the evening with less carbs. Thanks! :-)
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    FUEL YOUR BODY!!!!!!! :noway: If you are working out 5 days a week on 1200 calories your body is going to store fat not lose it. You also state you eat the same thing everyday, switch it up.

    Some say I should fuel it by eating more and some think I'm over my calorie outflow.. Hard to know what to do.

    because we don't know how much you are really eating! it's hard to know what to do because you don't have an exact idea of how much you really eat.

    I understand. Well, when I counted calories for my breakfast & dinner they're 350 cals each and that's me exaggerating. What I eat for dinner is usually lower in cals than that and when I snack on nuts I eat max 1 dl. That and once piece of fruit. So I can't imagine how that could exceed 1,200 cals/day.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I read that some say you should eat more but I figured that a low calorie intake and a high calorie outflow will get me to my goal faster

    And that's what everyone else thinks with similar experiences to you.


    Also, don't estimate. Count calories or nobody can really help you. You can't even help yourself as estimates are usually out by over 50%.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    eating fat burns fat.. broscience!
  • Sproutlady135
    I went on a 7 day juice fast, mostly vegetables and water. I did not exercise that week. It gave my internal organs a rest and allowed them to detox. Fasting is an ancient practice and common in almost all religions. I used the following book:

    Juice Fasting & Detoxification by Steve Meyerowitz

    Good Luck
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    So I started exercising a little over 2 weeks ago, at least 5 days a week (my goals is 6) for 1 hour. I don't really count calories but my estimate is that I eat around 1200-1400. I'm not losing any cms or kgs and it's really frustrating! I can feel my body getting harder but no other change.
    What am I doing wrong? I read that some say you should eat more but I figured that a low calorie intake and a high calorie outflow will get me to my goal faster, plus I don't feel hungry. If I do, I eat.
    Should I up my calorie intake?
    How long should I continue with this regime before I know it's not working?

    my advice would be to track and count calories. Just guessing can be wildly inaccurate and so it's really hard to give advice. If you're overestimating your calorie intake, then your real intake could be as low as 800 cals/day, and if that's the case then you definitely need to eat more..... if you're underestimating it could be as high as 2000 cals/day....if that's the case then depending on your height and frame size, you might actually be at maintenance and the advice would be to lower your calories to get a moderate deficit

    try weighing and recording your food for two weeks, find out how much you're actually eating, and then that should give you a better idea of where you are and what's happening, and you can then give yourself a calorie goal to get you the results you want, and track your food intake so you can stick to that goal
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    "This is a dilemma because I don't really want to start counting everything because I know it will be an obsession and I couldn't stop. That's why I try to just eat what is healthy and in a moderate amount. I eat the same as when I was losing my 29 lbs but now I added the exercise. So now I'm really confused if I should eat less or more. Different people, different advice.."

    I work and live outside of the United States or England. The database is huge, and when I can't find it I add it to My Foods or in My Recipes.
    Weighting what you eat is not an obsession, it is absolutely necessary because you REALLY can't guess without previous experience. Try doing it and see how wrong you are..
    As a matter of fact, it sets you free from fixed and boring menus.
    There is no other way you can remotely guess how many cals you are eating.
    My guess: you are overdoing it.. Meaning, thinking you are consuming 1200-1400 cals and consuming much less, and exercising much more (6 times a day, 1 hour).
    Sadly, you are making too much sacrifices eating nothing, getting tired and no results at this particular time of your fitness program.
    This is a lifestyle of exercise and eating. you can have what you like with moderation, and exercise will help you have a nice lifestyle..
    It's a marathon and not a 100 mts race. I see you have lost 29 lbs which is great. Now it will be harder without counting cals.
    Hope I can be of use..
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    i'm sorry but we are all really trying to help you here and it just seems like you don't want the help. it seems as if you are set on just estimating calories and doing it your way. that's up to you.

    if you are going to give it half-a** effort, you are going to get half-a** results. it's as simple as that.
  • Stanski21
    There's lots of advice here and I imagine you're finding it difficult to decide what's best to do.

    I don't want to make it more difficult for you, but here's my two cents:
    Your body will react at first to a change in diet/exercise regime by doing... absolutely nothing. I've found that whenever I've switched up something, I lose nothing or very little for the first couple of weeks. But then the body gets used to it and the lbs start dropping off. I like to think that the body simply doesn't like change so tries to keep itself where it's at as long as possible. (I know that's not scientifically true, but it makes sense) :D

    My advice is to keep hold of all these little titbits of sound, valid ideas, but just keep doing what you're doing for a couple more weeks. If you find it's not working, or not working in the way you're hoping, then try something else.

    For what it's worth, logging ALL your food is probably a good start.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    i'm sorry but we are all really trying to help you here and it just seems like you don't want the help. it seems as if you are set on just estimating calories and doing it your way. that's up to you.

    if you are going to give it half-a** effort, you are going to get half-a** results. it's as simple as that.

    Of course I take advice or I wouldn't ask for it. I just hoped I could still lose without counting religiously, like some people do, but I guess I came to the wrong community for that.
    Here in Sweden it's not very popular to count calories as it's considered as old-fashioned and out of date, but I will try.
    I just don't have any previous experience of this which makes it hard. How do you count calories in food you don't cook yourself? Like when I eat dinner with my family..
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    There's lots of advice here and I imagine you're finding it difficult to decide what's best to do.

    I don't want to make it more difficult for you, but here's my two cents:
    Your body will react at first to a change in diet/exercise regime by doing... absolutely nothing. I've found that whenever I've switched up something, I lose nothing or very little for the first couple of weeks. But then the body gets used to it and the lbs start dropping off. I like to think that the body simply doesn't like change so tries to keep itself where it's at as long as possible. (I know that's not scientifically true, but it makes sense) :D

    My advice is to keep hold of all these little titbits of sound, valid ideas, but just keep doing what you're doing for a couple more weeks. If you find it's not working, or not working in the way you're hoping, then try something else.

    For what it's worth, logging ALL your food is probably a good start.

    Yes, I appreciate all the different advices I've received. It's another thing to choose what to do next. I think your advice is a good one. I will probably give it another two weeks and see what happens. I know it'll be harder now when I don't have much left to lose. I never weighed less than what I do now in my adult life.
    If I still don't notice any change in those two weeks then I will start counting calories as a last resolve. :-)
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    So I started exercising a little over 2 weeks ago, at least 5 days a week (my goals is 6) for 1 hour. I don't really count calories but my estimate is that I eat around 1200-1400. I'm not losing any cms or kgs and it's really frustrating! I can feel my body getting harder but no other change.
    What am I doing wrong? I read that some say you should eat more but I figured that a low calorie intake and a high calorie outflow will get me to my goal faster, plus I don't feel hungry. If I do, I eat.
    Should I up my calorie intake?
    How long should I continue with this regime before I know it's not working?

    I think it's a good idea to evaluate your estimation by counting cals for many days, then you can know if it's accurate or not.......then the seconde is to add more supportive friends ( Like me :bigsmile: ) .....then you will stay ( AhlaWhada )
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Also, the problem with not logging is that it's not very scientific so you can't make subtle adjustments. Which means you either cut your eating by half or your exercise by half or double your eating or double your exercise and see what happens in 3 months of sticking to one plan.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    It does sound like you're not eating enough. I exercise 1-4 hours a week, and I eat 2000-2200 calories a day, and I'm maintaining at 146lbs.
    Either slow your exercise, or eat some more. Seriously.