6 year olds and iPads...



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Honestly, I get the mentality behind it...but an iPad? No.

    Maybe the LeapFrog learning tablet. It's designed to stand up to kids, and a 6 year old isn't going to accidentally see porn on it

    porn is not usually accidently found...but you can put parental supervision on the internet.

    My biggest concern is what parental controls can't stop. The statistics on children being approached online are staggering. And much of this happens in "kid friendly" places.

    Parents can stop that. Just don't allow them on forums or games with forums until they're much older and even then monitor they're stuff. My daughter's fb account goes through one of my e-mail addresses, so I know what she's up to. The info is out there, parents are just lazy
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you can afford an iPad for your child, if you can purchase the insurance in case something happens to it, and you supervise the use of it, what's the big deal?

    So, our children are growing up in an age of technology that we didn't. Personally, I would rather my daughter work on her iPad than play in the dark around the neighborhood like I did when I was her age. Times have changed.

    My child playing outside in the dark would be a million times worse than playing on an iPad!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    An ipad...no. But I am getting my 5 year old a andriod tablet for Christmas.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I bet little miss 5 year olds shouldn't have an ipad doesn't want to know what age I was when got my first shotgun. :bigsmile:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Weren't available when my kids were that age. However, if they were available, I wouldn't have asked for support from strangers on the issue. Nor would I be so bold as to tell someone what they should or shouldn't purchase for their child. As long as it's not illegal or wrong, it's nobody's business.
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    Books do still exist. They are cheaper and better because they don't break !
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I have a new iPad with all the bells and whistles and my kids are using it 90 % of the. One of them was just awarded student of the month too.....so this idea of it being the cause of laziness doesn't really makes sense to me. Oh ya, he also scored 16 points in his last basketball game, he's 7:) Lazy isn't part of my kids lifestyle.........

    If you want one for your kids...........don't bother asking anyone else for permission or validation.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Schools are going in this direction. Get them ready.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'd say....get the child a leap pad. It's more educational.

    Maybe in some cases, but not for my child. She was never into anything that was too childlike. We bought her several leap pad systems, but they just weren't enough for her. She got bored quickly with them, and they were just too childish for her. But every child is different.

    Same here, LeapPad was too restrictive for my kid. Not enough to explore and way more expensive with all the add ons. Plus, they grow out of that too quickly.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I have a new iPad with all the bells and whistles and my kids are using it 90 % of the. One of them was just awarded student of the month too.....so this idea of it being the cause of laziness doesn't really makes sense to me. Oh ya, he also scored 16 points in his last basketball game, he's 7:) Lazy isn't part of my kids lifestyle.........

    If you want one for your kids...........don't bother asking anyone else for permission or validation.

    that reminds me, we downloaded a game called stack the states (I guess its exclusive fore apple because I can't get it on my droid) and she knows where every state is.. .and now.. so do I.. haha
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    How bout you get your kids to do what I did as a child?

    Send them off on the streets, tell them to make some friends, go to the playground and come home when it turns dark. Best childhood I could think of - **** technology!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    My cousin recently got her three kids an ipad to share. They're 6, 4, and 3. At first I thought she was nuts, but there are educational games and apps for all three of them. Even the 3 year old knows how to use it. And as someone who works in the education field, I can see that is where things are headed...
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    3 yo cousin can unlock/use/play on an iPad but doesn't know how to use the potty. Blows my mind.

  • erikapereira
    I think is an excellent tool! I got one for me and for my 3 yo. He loves it and he has learned tons! plus all the appl I download are free!

    I want to add that my son attends special ed classroom and all his teachers and mentors recomend it.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    I have one, but my 3yr old uses it more than I do. I bought the Kid Mode puzzles app, he does Dora puzzles on it. He loves puzzles! Bonus, we haven't lost a puzzle piece yet! I do not see how there is anything wrong with that, and I don't understand why people are so judgmental about children using technology. I think it's amazing.

    my now 3yr old has been using an iPad since he was 2. we bought it for all our overseas travels. we live in switzerland and travel to california about 4 times a year. it's a lifesaver. wanna know who's kid is practically silent on the plane? most well behaved? doesn't throw tantrums and fits? MINE! trust me...you do not want to be stuck on a 12 hour flight with a screaming child.

    however the iPad is not solely his. it's a family iPad. we are, however, going to purchase him an iPad mini. yes, we are THOSE kind of parents. we like gadgets. and if we have the means to buy, then we will buy.

    p.s. i will also add that the iPad is pretty darn durable and sturdy. we have a pretty good protector/cover/case for it and it's had it's fair share of being dropped by accident. it's still holding up just fine.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Whether it is a learning tool or not, the other distractions on it outweigh the learning tool. There are games, movies, etc that they'll get addicted to and it'll spoil them into thinking that they can get whatever they want. I strongly disagree with giving young kids these technologies, I understand sometimes it's easier to just shut them up with these but it's better to teach them to hard way.
  • NocturnalGirl
    3 yo cousin can unlock/use/play on an iPad but doesn't know how to use the potty. Blows my mind.


    Kids these days...
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    Everyone will have conflicting views on the subject depending on your lifestyles, finances, childhood etc. I am not a parent so I am just giving my opinion as someone reflecting on my childhood. As great as all this technology is, a part of me is glad that there were no ipad's/mobiles/internet when I was a child. Each to their own. I may change my mind when I have kids,
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    My boys have been using their grandparents iPads for years and they are 4 1/2 and 8. We just bought our 8 year old one for his birthday. He is on the A-b honor roll, in second grade and reading at a 4th grade level in the accelerated reader program. Plays baseball and soccer year round. Gets plenty of exercise outside. He has chores which include clearing the table and loading the dishwasher, making his bed and he does his laundry and put it away. (No, I'm not a mean mom, I believe in teaching kids they have responsibilities)

    I have no problem with him having one. (They use them at school in computer lab anyway) it doesn't interfere with him being a kid and its very educational. It also teaches him reaponsibility and consequences. We've had no issues so far and he often will choose to play outside over using it...

    As for your decision if you ex isn't paying bills or supporting your child then no, you shouldn't be splitting the bill with him.
    I see 3 and 4 year olds with DS's and Gameboys ... those you have to buy games for and they're not cheap ... but they are ok? Why? What's the difference? Other than the initial outlay of $$$'s ... over time the iPad will offer apps that they can play that you don't have to buy that they inevitably LOSE (trust me, been there done that). I think it's a smart move. Anyway, anyone that can give a 6 year old a bit of a leg up in technology is doing them a favor in the long run ... I don't see why someone shouldn't get their child an iPad if they want to.. That's not bad parenting, that good planning ahead. Even if the child doesn't use it right now, they will pick it up in a year or so.