staubng Member


  • Remember, this is how we started as a country while exiting Europe. But I too am curious about foreign opinion on this topic. Please share!
  • change all your to lower case and be sure to have a space between the bracket and the http://.....jpg. :drinker:
  • Free Info for all. Keep posting those pics! Create an account on photobucket. Its free. Upload your photos. Edit your photo and resize to maximum width of 500, save without replacing original. Take the url (everything from the http:// through .jpg) and before it in your forum of choice, type [ img ] without spaces in the…
  • You're cute. :) I love face pics too.
  • It won't be too long before America takes on a similar attitude. Many if not most of the atheists in this country identify because they grew away from a previously theistic upbringing. It will only be a matter of time that as these first gen atheists raise their children to be wise in their skepticism and exploration will…
  • You look great either way, but woowee! What work you've done!
  • This is a journey that takes more or less time depending on so many factors, part of the mindset to get rid of is the comparative one. We compare our "value" by our health or our likelihood to survive (articles like 'people who do this are 40 percent more or less likely to die sooner rather than later" abound), and we…
  • I hadn't realized that. Day three today, I'm sore, but I am really excited to strengthen this month and slim up next. :)
    in Insanity Comment by staubng April 2013
  • Don't let yourself get obsessed because your clearly conscious, constructive approach to determining your mental battles show you've got a great head on your shoulders. You'll continue to have success and failure, all of which are temporary, but you've established that after each round, you're ready to go again. Appreciate…
  • I just started with video one yesterday, felt great and started my video journal with pics. Please do the same and I'll be posting with you in 60 days.
    in Insanity Comment by staubng April 2013
  • EXACTLY. Hey, look. There's two of us out there, by our line of reasoning in a reality of probabilities, that means there are many more. We can only lead by example how to approach life positively, yet inquisitively skeptical. It really comes down to laziness. I often find myself wondering "Do you argue what you do because…
  • Yeah, I figure I'll leave this up for a while, if there's interest in me to go on, I will, otherwise, it leaves it open and it makes for an interesting afternoon read. It got a lot longer than I anticipated, but then it often occurs to me, it took much thought and education for me to claim atheism, its not something I took…
  • Thanks all, I will be getting down to 175 this year, focusing more on basic weight lifting, but I don't want to have to go crazy on weights. Just get down to a healthy weight for my age and have a bit of muscle tone. Then, just maintenance for the rest of my life. :)
  • Good question, it's a matter of different amounts for different people depending on their biology and physiology. I started July 27th at 272 on MFP. I plugged in for a sedentry lifestyle and had it calculate for 2lb loss per week and then it was about 4 months of trial and error and looking over all my data to see where my…
  • I like to think I am. When I confront my issues of commitment, I want them to be separate from my weight. One feeds the other so viciously for many of us, yet I think they're symptoms of each other, not causes. My self worth, my sense of self preservation, my adaptability to change - These have been my focuses over four…
  • You're telling me! haha. :)
  • Thoughts? Drop the garbage Fox News station for starters. In the deeper issue, however, while this is slightly sensationalized by design, none of us can dictate what is offensive to someone else. Period. We should never allow ourselves to cross the ego over to telling someone they are or are not offended. The offensive…
  • Goatee is hiding the chin, but there's only one of em there now. :) 117 lbs difference between the two.
  • I weigh myself daily, and log every time I go down to the next lb. This makes an accurate chart of loss over time and shows where my plateaus are and average length of time it takes to break them. I wouldn't put a weight gain unless it seems to stick for more than a week. Fluctuations in hydration and more or less work on…
  • I was going to respond similarly, but I think Kennkaru did a great job. Frustration comes with conflict of any ideology of any level because perspective of the individual is based on the individual's life experiences and influences. As a former religious follower, I felt the hostility of non-'believers'. As an atheist, I…
  • By all means.
  • Mike Tyson would think the last two lines are the same, me thinks. I don't think I could explain it to him, either...
  • Feel free. :)
  • Right? For my fanatical bretheren, it doesn't take the powers that be to lose weight. Unless that's power level 9 that you keep letting be on the treadmill.
  • Thanks for that. Note, I dropped only 12 pounds with that work, but the inches are really what were noticeable. That same Tool shirt (I love it as much as a measuring device as a great tribute to Maynard and his awesomness) is now loose fitting. I'm surprised I used to wear it in public based off the old pics. But the…
  • Wow, thanks for all the responses. Just this morning I reached 266.2, which is .8 pounds less than I've been since somewhere around 2004. :) I just wanted people to get a chance to see that you've got to tackle your problem in stages, just like everything else in life. Emotions, relationships, self affirmation and habits…
  • My hips have degenerated from years of carrying a large frame. That and I was in an auto accident last year which makes my back touchy. Though my back has gotten much better as I've dropped the 40 lbs and strengthened the muscles to support it, my hips pop in and out even on 4.5 mph brisk walks. It's manageable when I'm…
  • Both of those last responses were beautifully written. A message, that if anything else we needn't drop if only for a time, is that there is understanding in like kind. It makes the former soul, as interpreted, feel a kin with fellow kind. I love it. There is eloquence in science, there is beauty in understanding, if only,…
  • It's all in the evolution, baby! Note, you ask a deep question, it better have a nice, deep answer...which takes time to explain, so let this be a continuing conversation, please! ;) Here's the thing. The first ringing in my mind of importance and purpose started when thinking about, of all things, insects. When we kill an…