veggibus Member


  • My surgeon allows me to take Alieve as long as I am also taking my Pepcid. I had a bypass. I haven't taken advantage of this yet - have only taken tylenol since my surgery. But it is nice to know that the option is available.
  • Now when mixed with things. I haven't tried it plain (that might be pushing it...). Also, if you live where there are Stop & Shops, I found coconut sugar in the natural foods section.
  • I wish I was in the middle of a 100-115° heatwave. :) Here is tonight's forecast in Boston -> Low of 9F with a windchill as low as 1F. Other than that, I wish that losing weight will eliminate my chronic pain so that I can start acting like a 30-year-old again. :)
  • I've been really bad at taking my vitamins. So, my first goal for the new year (and specifically for this week) is to get back on track with taking my vitamins daily and on schedule.
  • If anyone is curious, I had some and it didn't make me sick. Win!
  • I didn't end up getting an endoscopy - I went in for fluoroscope imagining (the same as right after my surgery). Turns out my intestines are perfect... my surgeon was actually a little giddy looking at my pouch. :) So, we were back to the pain being a mystery. My surgeon asked me again to show her where I felt the pain, so…
  • Hi Mae, I've gotten a lot of ideas from EggFace - haven't tried her baked ricotta though. I'm not actually a huge fan of ricotta cheese, but I do like tofu. I should substitute in tofu instead of the ricotta. I could also add some sweet potato or butternut squash - essentially make a tufo/squash lasagna without the…
  • Turtles, I felt the same way after my all liquid diet. My biggest complain during that stage was that I really wanted something savory, but all I had was protein shakes, jello, pudding, yogurt, and propel. Thankfully, I was only on that for 2 weeks. Now, I'm on the mushy food diet for about 5 weeks. I really shouldn't…
  • Hi Kay, I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble eating week 6 foods. :( I've been very very fortunate that I've had no problems tolerating food. I suppose I should be thankful for that and stop whining. :) Good luck to you too! We'll be enjoying food again in no time, I'm sure of it.
  • I'm 4 weeks out and had the same problem. I went to my Chiropractor and my back adjusted a LOT during his treatment but it still didn't relieve the pain. I asked my surgeon about it and she said that it was from the weight loss and my muscles readjusting. I got a pedicure and focused the massage chair on my mid back - for…
  • It's good to hear that everything went well and that you are home and recovering nicely. Enjoy your time off and rest (I certainly didn't do enough of that)! I can't believe that it has been almost a month since my surgery - I'm still in disbelief that I'm going back to work on Monday. :)
  • There are many many things that I could write, but a big (and fun!) one for me is a goal for this summer. Background - two summers ago, my husband and I went to Cedar Park with a group of friends and I couldn't ride the two newest/biggest/fastest/best/etc. roller coasters because I couldn't latch the seat belt. This…
  • I fall into the mid-late November category... I had my RNY this past Monday, November 19th. So far, so good. :)
  • Yikes! I'm sorry to hear that. It was my nutritionist that recommended Unjury unflavored to me. Maybe your nutritionist can recommend a brand of unflavored protein powder that is available in Canada. Good luck!
  • I buy my Unjury products online: However, I'm not in Canada, so I'm not sure what their international shipping policies are... :(
  • I've been adding unflavored protein powder (the Unjury brand is good) to soups, oatmeal, yogurt, etc. It adds a little bit of a grainy texture to creamy soups (i.e. I noticed the difference in Amy's Organic Tomato soup), but when I add it to oatmeal or foods that already have some texture, I don't notice it. Give it a try!
  • A plastic surgeon presented at a support group meeting that I went to last week. She said that she won't operate unless you've plateaued for at least 6 months. Also, my program says that you should generally wait until ~18 months post-op before considering surgery. I'm sure many programs and surgeons have different…
  • I'm just starting this journey and am still pre-op... but the mental image of losing 10 dozen large eggs is pretty awesome. :) Thanks for posting and congrats to all!
  • I have also been instructed to take 2 multivitamins a day just to double my iron intake. I'd think about checking again with your surgeon. Sorry to hear about your IV experience. That must have been horrible!
  • I own the Ultra and love it. Moving more becomes subconscious - I don't realize it until I'm doing it that I've chosen to take the stairs instead of the elevator just to get more points. :) Plus, I love the sleep tracking of the Ultra. Sadly, the Zip doesn't have that... but I'd still recommend any Fitbit product. If you…
  • Thanks for sharing! This blog looks great. :)
  • I sent the article to my dietician and asked her a few questions about the points brought up. She agreed that she does recommend her patients first try adult multivitamins (she highly recommends the Centrum Chewables) - however, she also said that the Flintstones are completely fine. Here are some of her comments about the…
  • Thanks for the link Laura - and everyone else for the heads up. I sent the link to my nutritionist with a few questions on points from the article. I was planning on shopping around for other brands of multivitamins anyway (since I've been told that my tastes may change post-surgery) - now I have some better guidelines in…
  • Interesting... I met with my dietician this past Thursday and told her about the Flinstones multi-vitamin. She actually said that she loves them and completely recommends taking them. Granted, I'm taking 2 a day to get enough iron... Either way, I'm open to trying some other brands too. I actually ordered a multi-vitamin…
  • I've been taking 1 Flinstone every morning. I found a B12 liquid at GNC that is pretty good - it is cherry flavored and a dose is one medicine dropper.
  • The gummies haven't given you any problems? My nutritionist told me to avoid gummies. :(