blues4miles Member


  • Concur. You won't "bulk up". See:
  • If you consume fewer calories than your body uses every day, you will lose weight. Nothing magic about Vega One. It's just a protein shake for vegans. Probably not a very effective meal substitute, there are better shakes out there. But weight loss comes down to calories, not specific foods.
    in Vega One Comment by blues4miles May 2016
  • The "what are you still doing here" always reminds me of Jim Gaffigan's sketch...
  • Prefer mine hot. I use artificial sweetener still though (equal). I got myself off creamer only slowly over years of accidentally running out of it all the time but not wanting to go without my coffee. I only went over to regular coffee from fancy coffees when I really needed it every day to be awake at work. I don't think…
  • Why would you want to be shorter? You can eat so much more and look thinner at a higher weight which just means you can eat more...sorry I think I'm hungry.
  • Chest straps are really the only reliable way to track your heart rate. Most/all of the wrist based heart rate monitors will be inaccurate in one way or another, some worse than others. Also using heart rate to estimate calories for non-steady state workouts (like yoga, or any of the other gym classes you mention) is…
  • Uninstall/reinstall the MFP app? I had an issue where mine was not passing on all my workouts (they only showed up on my phone, but not on the website). Uninstall/reinstall of the phone app fixed that, though for the record I "lost" all of that workout info that had been on my phone, so keep in mind losing historical data…
  • This is a helpful thread and has gotten me thinking about certain things. I live in a pricey coastal city, so no my prices don't match the OP's. But also my fast food is probably slightly more expensive as well. It is definitely cheaper to cook at home than eat out. I spend a staggering amount on fast food. I could care…
  • But most people did keep most of the weight off...I feel like people's expectations are skewed. If someone went from Class II obese to Class I obese that's still an improvement. If someone went from obese to overweight that's an improvement. I couldn't find the original study the article is based on though so I have no…
  • You should probably see your doctor if you think your metabolism has slowed to a crawl. In fact, heavier people tend to have higher BMRs/TDEEs than lighter folks, assuming you don't have a thyroid issue. Even then, the difference is pretty minimal.
  • Are you following a structured program? Yes it can take a long time. I think just stick with it, it's obvious you made progress. Some of the guys on here or folks on might have suggestions for particular things you could try. But you should be really proud of how far you've come and what you've…
  • What's the half marathon you are going to run have available? You won't want to change anything on race day, so you'll either need to bring food with you that you are used to, or train using what the race will have. However, I agree with the person a couple posts above. I never needed more than water on runs up to the two…
  • Stop checking it every day ;)
  • OP are you using a food scale? Are you eating back exercise calories?
  • If you've been off for a year, there's no way it's still affecting you. If you think you have a medical issue, like a thyroid issue, you should see your doctor and get tested. Most likely you are eating more than you think. Maybe it seems "easy" to blame on a pill you took a long time ago, I think it's even easier to…
  • It's possible it's a normal plateau, these things happen. As you get closer to a healthy weight it can definitely be more difficult, your body can only metabolize so much fat at one time. Do you eat 2300 calories each and every day or are you eating back exercise calories in addition? Do you use a food scale? I ran some…
  • Because you are running more, are you showering/washing your hair more? Brushing your hair more? I lose a lot of hair all the time, it doesn't seem to be thinning though. It's more obvious when I'm doing stuff with it or showering.
  • I forgot how mirrors work and was trying to figure out where your tattoo went...I'll just be over here...
  • Well they said a total of an hour throughout the day...and they weigh 280 I don't think 500 calories is completely out of the realm of possibility...plenty of cyclists/runners on here report pretty high numbers and say they work for them. Obviously a desk cycler is probably less productive than a real bike, but…
  • As you lose body fat your muscles become more pronounced. Also, after weight lifting (probably when you are paying most attention) you get a muscle pump effect where your muscles will appear larger for several hours or longer. More visible muscle, and even strength gains, do not mean you gained muscle mass.
  • Many folks on here have lost weight successfully with chronic pain issues. Being sedentary is probably way less important than what that person is eating, and being accurate in their logging. If you are concerned you can start your own thread and I'm sure people will offer helpful suggestions. Generally you would be asked…
  • Up and down by a pound for the "trend" seems like quite a bit of variation. I dislike that the default setting for Libra is 7 days. I use 21 smoothing days and 14 forecast days. I think more people would benefit from longer trends for the smoothing, especially if you are maintaining. A shorter forecast timeline could give…
  • This is what I was thinking. I was thinking water retention for you might be a lot worse than someone at a smaller size, because you are going to actually have a LOT of muscle. If you just increased/changed what you did, that could easily account for a "gain" (in water) of several pounds, which would be masking any fat…
  • What? I know you are quite a bit taller than me, but you can WALK a 12 min/mile? Are you sure? Have you verified distances with your car or on I just can't comprehend.
  • This is accurate, but nothing wrong with walking. For me, it's important for my mental health. I walk 5x a week no matter what. If I'm tired I cut back on distance or just walk really slow that day.
  • Treadmill should be more accurate for distance...unless it's in the basement of an apartment gym than who knows. I have a fitness tracker that consistently overestimates my distance compared to known, real life distances. It will give me .5 for what is really .4 miles, or 3.5 miles for what is really 3 miles. I don't use…
  • How did you calculate that 1500 calories? Do you weigh and measure your food? Do you use a food scale? How did you calculate calories burned from the exercise?
  • Without knowing how much you have to lose still it's difficult to speculate. But probably your body can only metabolize so much fat at a time. The closer you are to goal, the less fat stores you have, the more it has to take from other sources, like your muscle. The more it can't use your fat stores for energy, the less…
  • Why you need to weigh your food:
  • I agree, you gotta do what you enjoy! Like many others on here, I love my walks at lunch at work with my podcasts and audiobooks. My head is so much more clear when I get back, it eases my anxiety and I am less easily frustrated about work things. But sounds like if you enjoyed cheer in the past, maybe a group exercise…