Whart0603 Member


  • SL might be somewhat similar to the hypertrophy and strength portions of NROL but not the fat loss portion. I'm starting the fat loss program next week. Welcome to the group!
  • I'm in, please! :-D
  • That is sweet! Hows the search for an M60 going? How's it run?
  • Club Fitness, St. Peters.
  • I'm 5'8" also at 145 lbs and am around 14% BF.
  • There are a lot of things you can do with Greek Yogurt. For example, I use non-fat, plain greek yogurt as a base for ranch dip for veggies. Two cups of Plain Greek Yogurt and a packet of ranch seasoning and you have a low fat, low calorie dip. :)
  • Thanks again for the suggestions. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I feel like the break in program is a waste of time. I'm doing it, but other than the squats/deadlifts, I'm not getting much from the rest. might go into fat loss or straight to hypertrophy, haven't decided which yet.
  • I feel like i'm stealing this thread from stphnstevey, I apologize. So far I didn't have to follow a "cutting" diet because at 60 pounds heavier, weight came off fairly easily eating anything but at a deficit. Seems though, to get below 15%, I'm going to have to switch to a cutting type philosophy which is what attracted…
  • Forget my last question. Lets get your opinion on this. I googled bodybuilding cutting diet and the following page came up: http://www.simplyshredded.com/layne-norton-the-most-effective-cutting-diet.html Without going into all the math, by his suggestion, my macros should be as follows: Pro: 180g - 46% fat: 50g - 29% carb:…
  • @ Foxy and Wolf - Agents aside, what does a bodybuilders cutting diet look like? What do they eat that allows them to lose so much BF in 9 - 12 weeks? I'm assuming very high protein, what do they do with fats/carbs?
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I am new to lifting. The squat and deadlift I googled and seem to have the form down pretty good. I will make sure to do that for the other lifts as I advance.
  • Bombshell - Powerman5000
  • My main goal the past year has been weight loss. Went from 204 to 144. I'm just now starting to transition into a muscle oriented goal but also want to start from a good base. I want to get down to 10% so that when I start eating at a surplus, I'm not in the 20's for BF. I'd like to get to 10, then bulk up to 15 to 20,…
  • I hear that. I've been stuck somewhere in the 14% BF range for quite a while and it doesn't seem to want to go lower. Got through 2 months of Insanity and it didn't really change a whole lot. Wasn't eating horrible but could have ate better I'm sure. Moved onto lifting and changed my diet up a bit this week. We'll see how…
  • Looks like you have your calories set at 1200. I'm in the neighborhood of 1800 a day and still losing weight. I'm 5'8", 145lbs. Increase your calories and i'll bet your weight will continue downward.
  • I must be one of the odd ones who don't really care for almond milk. I got some and got through the container, giving it a fair chance. It just never grew on me I guess.
  • During the fat loss phases, focus on eating at a small deficit and hitting the weights. Once the fat loss phase is done, move onto hypertrophy. This is where you will start eating at a surplus and hitting the weights harder for building muscle. Since beginners tend to be able to build muscle and lose fat at the same time,…
  • I just finished the New Rules of Lifting for Men. She most likely is following the authors routines and is in the fat loss phase. The reason for the high reps isn't for hypertrophy or strength but for fat loss. Hypertrophy and strength come next which is much more closely in line with what all of you are telling her. I…
  • Anybody from the 8-13 group finish this week? I didn't lose inches but am leaner. It feels good to have finished and am ready to move onto something else.
  • I'm in the same boat you are. Looking forward to some advice.
  • Interested in opinions also. Bump.
  • I guess they are thinking the only red meat is a big juicy ribeye steak. That'll get your saturated fat up there quick. I agree though, the two do not need to be put together.
  • You'll want to calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE. Since you have very little to lose, I would subtract 250 or so calories from your calculated TDEE and start there. You don't want to create too big of a deficit with how much your looking to lose.
  • BMR is what your body would burn, calorie wise, if you were in a coma. So energy needed for normal bodily activity. (ie. breathing, pumping blood, etc.) TDEE is your daily expenditure. So in addition to your BMR, walking, lifting, anything extra your body needs energy for. You want to base your calorie deficit off of TDEE.…
  • x2. Losing weight doesn't require special foods, cutting out food groups, etc. You just have to know how much your eating and eat less than your body uses everyday. You don't even need to eat "good" foods as long as your under your calorie expenditure. It is definitely advisable to eat the "good", healthier foods though.…
  • My wife made a big batch of chicken noodle soup last Saturday night. I didn't account for evaporation, I just added everything she put in there into the MFP recipe tool and use what it gave me. Had to make an educated guess as to serving sizes but it seems to be coming out pretty close.
  • LOL If you like dips, you could try veggies and hummus or salsa instead of the dips.
  • Started phase 2 on Monday of this week. I thought I was done being sore! lol