charl2712 Member


  • I'm aiming for the same weight loss in the same time frame. Over the last 5 months I've lost also 2 stones, but if I'm honest I was only working out twice, sometimes once a week and also in the last 7 weeks of 2012 due to commitments and things that happened in my life, I only went to the gym twice. My plan is to eat as…
  • I'm aiming for the same weight loss in around the same amount of time. Like yourself over the last 5
  • Oh no, far enough keep everywhere else dirty in the house, but my belief is the kitchen should be clean at all times. Your preparing food in there that's going to enter your body. I would just make an excuse saying I had a really big lunch and don't feel hungry, but I certainly would do everything to avoid eating anything…
  • woo thank you for everyones' responses, it's given me loads of insight into what is quick and convenient, but also healthy!!!
  • I work in healthcare and the normal heart rate is between 60-70 BPM! Anything over 100 BPM at rest is bad and anything below 40 BPM is also not good (unless your super healthy and work out regularly)
  • Amazing job! I'm pretty similar to you. Started on here in late July weighing 179 and now I'm weighing in 150lbs. So happy but still very far off my target of 120lbs, but for me this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change and I can see so many benefits from it already!!!
  • Thanks so much for your advice everyone! ometimes I wish I could have the motivation to get up earlier and work out during the weekdays and I'm probably making excuses but the job I have is very taxing on me physically. I work in an operating theatre and I'm literally on my feet, running around pushing trolleys and…
  • Well usually I hit my daily calorie allowance of 1325-1400 everyday and rarely eat under 1200cals as don't want to go into starvation mode (Even sometimes meaning I'm having to force myself to eat extra calories when not hungry so I don't go into starvation Mode), but it's just a one-off as it's a group of friends I've not…
  • If i know I'm going out and will probably end up drinking, I try and save some of my daily calories, usually around 300 and then I make sure I go to the gym on the day and burn at least 900cals, usually try for 1100 cals, so that I can have a few decent drinks and munchines, but also still have a calorie defecit.
  • I'd love to loose 14 by Christmas time, that would leave me with only another 10lbs to reach before hitting my goal weight.
  • I sautee some onions and garlic in a little bit of olive oil until soft, that add some cherry tomatoes that I cut in half and add the tuna, literally heat it from then add some black pepper and serve with rice. Really simply, but very tasty! x
  • For me I'm 5ft3 and have quite short stubby legs, but I'm able to walk fast at this speed and I usually put it on a gradient aswell. At times I do think I might need to start jogging, but usually I'm able to keep walking fast and feel in control.
  • Definitely count me in. I'm 5ft3 and hit 150lbs around 2 weeks ago. Even though I've been working out and eating healthy, I've not lost anything in the last few weeks and I want to get down to 125lbs, as that's my ideal weight for me. So any motivation I can get from others, is great :)
  • 900-1100 if I really push myself. I usually burn that much as I work horrible unsociable hours and can only get to the gym every 2-3 days a week, so the time I do have there, I really push myself to try and I guess compensate for the other days I couldn't get to gym.
  • I know you feel like people are attacking you, but I know from past experiences that when you lash out at people or make excuses to someone, it's usually because you know they're right. I've done that myself, but one thing you need to realise hun is that people aren't attacking you, we're all trying to help you. Weightloss…
  • I'm celebrating the weekend with cider :)
  • I work as an operating department practitioner in theatres and it's hard on my diet and exercise firstly because there is always someone in the department bringing in cakes. biscuits, sweets to eat and secondly because I work long hours. Most days at the moment while I'm training I work from 8am-6pm during the weekdays,…
  • Prawn Tempura Sushi and Japanese Chicken Katsu Curry!!! Amazing!!!
  • I've actually been doing this for the last 2 weeks and I have dropped alot more weight in these 2 weeks, then I did when I wasn't. It really helps me to stay focussed by planning my meals and stop me from being tempted by that "bit of chocolate" that I'm being offered when at work, as I know that I don't have enough…
  • I love avacado. I either put it in sandwiches or on crispbread with smoked salmon or ham and it makes a yummy snack. Also do like to make guacamole and salsa.
  • I eat only 3 times a day as I'm just not into snacking, as I never feel hungry and I have lost weight. I think it's just whatever works for you. If you feel hungry then eat, if you don't, then don't force yourself to eat, just ensure that your eating enough calories to keep you going and to enable weightloss.
  • See I love an alcoholic drink (not that I'm an alcoholic or anything lol) but I would be having a glass or wine during the weekdays. Even though sometimes after a stressful day at work I really crave a drink, I make sure that as soon as I get through the door from work I have a pint of cold water. Then have my dinner and…
  • I'm 5ft3, currently around 167lbs and my goal weight is 120-125lbs as think that's a healthy weight for me
  • Same thing happened to me! First 2 weeks on here I was on 1200cals and was working out 3-4 times a week for like 90 minutes each session. I lost like 10lbs in the first 2 weeks and then all of a sudden the weightloss just stopped, but I actually then put 3 lbs, even though I was still eating 1200cals. I felt like iving up.…
  • I'm probably no help but I've just recently experienced the same thing. Was doing well for my first 2 weeks, lost around 10lbs then in the last week, it's just slowed and I've actually put on 2lbs now, even though I was sticking to a healthy diet, not drinking fizzy drinks or alcohol and avoiding anything fatty! It's…
  • thanks i'm actually 27, 28 this year :)
  • Hi I'm not really from the Brum area but know that LA Fitness gyms also have pools and believe that they have one in Sutton Coldfield, which is on the outskirts of Birmingham if you want to check that out. There are also David Lloyd gyms you could check out, Fitness First, DW Fitness and JJB Sports and Esportia gyms if you…
  • I've experienced the same thing. From my earliest memory I can remember my cousins and family teasing me about the way I acted, saying I'm trying to be "white", when in fact I was just being me. Because of the way I speak, some people are like "your stuck up and a snob and trying to be white", but my Mum and Dad always…