losingw8now Member


  • So this was how many weeks of a weight loss? That seems high for one week.
  • Wow - you guys are doing terrific!!!! I was proud of my 3 lbs - but you guys have put me to shame!! Congrats!!
  • Congrats - I even see a little of the "6-pack" around the mid abs. Good work - and good for you for losing before you got older when it is harder!!
  • I can tell you because I just did it last month. Bills! Bills that are more than my income/paycheck - so basically - stress!! I had been feeling fine all night - still full from dinner actually - and then I worked on my bills right before bed. Found myself prowling the kitchen looking in cabinets and fridge - finally chose…
  • I would like to join you all in losing 25 lbs by Christmas but was wondering = why all the rules about how we have to do it? I have just "restarted" about 3 wks ago and weigh in this morning showed me down about 11 lbs (10.8 to be precise). I have just found what works for me, and would like to continue on it.
  • So glad to see that reading a magazine is not so old school it's extinct. I consider getting one of those and indulging in it a "treat". Also go to the movies or rent a movie (redbox is great!) as something special. But since we are emotional eaters. these things may or may not keep us from eating. Usually there is…
  • There is a big different between Extreme Makeover, weight loss edition and The Biggest Loser. The Extreme weight loss edition I watch and it is very motivating. Of course, because they have the personal trainer with them, living with them, the first 3 months, helping them workout and eat right and stay under calories, and…
  • person who came up with that must not have big boobs! lol
  • I know you started this challenge, but I think most people know what they do wrong - and beat themselves up about it. I think people on here usually need more positive comments - what they did well, or something gentle like you did 4 glasses of water, yeah! Now see if you can do 5 tomorrow!! Just my 2 cents... And then we…
  • Just saw your post. We'll see - busy time for me but I will let you know if I do.
  • Well I just joined and was on line 456! I think you went well over 100! I did better when I joined a challenge last summer, but my recent challenge last month went out the door. Hopefully this one will be better. I am used to weighing in on Mondays though, so remembering on Fridays will be a challenge for me.
  • How have people lost weight already by day 1? I thought starting weight means - start of the challenge. This is not going to be accurate to show who lost the most by the end of the month if people are starting off with a bunch of weight lost already. Am I just not getting this challenge?
    in Day 1 Comment by losingw8now June 2013
  • I am thinking about changing to granny panties for everyday use - my abdomen is really large (had some surgeries that cut my muscles, and that's the first place my weight goes) and any type of panty that I wear recently that only goes across the belly rolls down to below my tummy as I walk and makes like a thick band right…
  • I am thinking positive today and taking a new outlook. Nothing MAKES me overeat - I allow myself to use excuses to overeat. That ends today. I will only eat when I choose what I choose. (I say this heading into a new week of work and internship and already behind on things around the house and bills....) gotta keep this…
  • Oh my gosh - there is sooo much you can eat when doing low carb. Instead of a spinach salad, I make chicken or turkey salad, with onions and celery and then throw some slivered almonds in there =- that makes it so good. Then take some cut up veggies on the side to munch like sliced cucumbers and pepper slices (I like the…
  • What I get from the story and the study they did is - one thing or another is going to kill you - eat what you love!! Bacon bacon bacon bacon!!!
  • such negativity PDXHolly - This is not an "Atkins" thread, it's just low carb - and there are many ways to low carb. Don't slam people for doing what works for them. We come on here to get and give support, not have people put us down. You do it your way, we'll do it ours. And if we can help someone else in the process,…
  • But you WERE eating carbs - in the fruits and veggies. And I think that is reasonable to do for quite a while. But when I have done it for long term in the past, I allowed myself one cheat meal per week. That is when I had the pasta meal, or burger with a bun and fries, and dessert, or whatever. Allowing yourself one meal…
  • I've heard of some other people who have gotten headaches on it. Honestly, I always feel better on it. I wonder it you are being too restrictive. The initial phase is only supposed to be for the first 2 weeks, then add in more veggie carbs and maybe some fruits like berries. Also, it is good to take supplements with it -…
  • Never heard of that! Interesting though. I might like to look into that more. I am doing a modified low carb diet - have done it seriously in the past, but I believe that all fruits and veggies have good things for us, and going into summer - I just can't resist all of those yummy ones that are best and available in the…
  • I agree with you and I like the way you put it. Good for me to keep it in my mind too.
  • I never heard about a problem with them - love the non-stick surface and will keep using them unless good evidence to the contrary - I have lived through the "eggs are bad for you - they are full of cholesterol" to the "we were wrong, eggs aren't really bad for you!" and many many more, so I don't scare at the first…
  • Many people said it - you have to change your thinking. You see yourself as having an addiction, so in recovery, you have to change your "stinkin thinkin" - the thinking that "I've ruined my diet today anyway, I might as well just throw in the towel and binge" is the stinkin thinkin and I have had that and done that for…
  • good for you!!! I hope I get there -= one day I am and the next I'm not. Depends on.....my emotions at the time!!
  • It has been said but I think it needs to be repeated - many of you have missed the point of the original post and are bringing up things about your saving up calories for your normally off limit foods like pizza, etc. but you earned them and are still losing - that is NOT what she was talking about. She was mentioning…
  • I have had the same problem - did Zumba today. If we don't already own a HRM and it may be a bit before we get one - how do we log our exercise? I see other people have things like Zumba and Curves come up on theirs but I don't see them in the database.
  • Great idea! I may adopt it - because I still tend to think of food rewards - like yesterday when I had lost 13 lbs when I went back to my doctors office than the previous time, and that was more than my scale showed, I rewarded myself by letting myself have an alcoholic beverage that evening. Stayed within calories, but…
  • Not a healthy way to eat even if keeping below your calorie limit for the day. It sounds close to a binge and if I opened the door to eating that way it may lead to more excessive and unhealthy eating. But we all need days where we indulge in things that we love and aren't particularly healthy. If it was a one day thing -…
  • This post is an example of why vegans provoke me. And I am talking about vegans I encounter in all walks of life - this is the superior high and mighty stuff that comes out of their mouths. And if they restrain from saying it until you ask why they don't want an extra hard boiled egg you have in your lunch when they didn't…