Anyone eating low carb?



  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I just started today but then after reading this thread I feel as if im not!!! My goal is set to 130g of carbs a day and they only come from certain meats (ex: clams) vegetables and fruit and diary. How in the heck could someone get as low as 25g of carbs a day. How does that happen? There's carbs in almost everything!!!!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
  • cayennepep
    cayennepep Posts: 2 Member
    i don't do traditional low carb but my total carbs per day average between 70 and 100. i aim for about 30% of my days cals from carbs. i eat very little pasta, bread, beans, starches from grains or white potatoes. no fast food and almost no premade stuff. i cook and track everything i eat here. at 30% of my days worth of cals i can still fit in a square of dark chocolate or a small scoop of ice cream a couple times a week. the grains i do eat most often are steel cut oats and quinoa. the protein and fiber helps to offset some of the carbs effects. i eat plenty of lean protein from meat and dairy, nuts, healthy fats, and supplement with lots of produce. almost everything i buy comes from the perimeter of the store. i do not limit fruits or veggies. there are just too many health benefits to fresh produce.

    eating this way and working out 6 days a week that includes cardio all 6 days and a full body strength routine 3 days a week i have been able to lose an average of 2.5 lbs a week. i started this new lifestyle march 2 and am going strong. i don't even miss all the junk i was eating. it was an easy switch because i already was a huge produce person. just be persistent and reasonable and you will make healthy living a lifestyle not a quick fix.
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    I am on my 3rd weeks of low carb and im seeing great success (unofficially doing atkins). ive already lost 15 pounds! I wont go any higher than 25 and try and stay under 20 (net my friends)... anyhow i am always up for support and im real good at encouraging ppl so add me anyone if you would like!
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    I just started today but then after reading this thread I feel as if im not!!! My goal is set to 130g of carbs a day and they only come from certain meats (ex: clams) vegetables and fruit and diary. How in the heck could someone get as low as 25g of carbs a day. How does that happen? There's carbs in almost everything!!!!


    If you do Atkins induction diet (which is only supposed to be for the first two weeks but many people stretch it out longer) then you are only eating meats and some veggies that have low starch (no peas, no lima beans, etc) and this keeps your carbs very low. The idea of that according to Atkins is to get your body into a state of Ketosis - where if you use a pee on tape it shows sugar coming out in your urine. That is a controversial state to have your body in according to some medical people. If they tested you for diabetes at that time and saw sugar levels in your urine, they would diagnose you as diabetic - it is also bad for pregnant women. But according to Atkins, this jump starts your body to begin buring fat. Then after two weeks you add in more veggies, so fruits that don't have high effect on blood sugar levels, and nuts and cheeses. As you raise your carbs level, because as you said, most things have carbs, then you watch and keep the levels low so as to keep your body burning off the fat. That is why fat is ok on Atkins diet - fat burns fat. It allows your body to burn fat because it has fat coming in and doesn't think it needs to store it. over time as you add in more carbs (increased gradually each week or two) then when you reach a state where you stop burning fat, you back off a little and know that is where your carb level is for fat burning. Once you have lost the weight you want, you can add in more carbs to level out and keep as you are. Carbs suggested are more fruits and veggies rather than sugary sweets and breads. But everyone has to make their diet their lifestyle and can give up some things and not others.

    Also, fiber has en effect on carbs, so if you eats something with say 5 carbs but it has 2 fiber grams, you can subtract those 2 fiber grams from the carbs.
    You have to watch the calorie counters on this program though and KNOW your foods, because one day I entered a meat and it showed like 30 carbs - meats have little to no carbs. I found the same meat listed again and it was accurate with only like 1 carb. Get a little pocket carb counter booklet (available at some checkouts at stores where magazines are or at a bookstore) very cheap and more accurate and easy to look up.
  • kimnmia
    kimnmia Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I JUST joined Metabolism Miracle last week. I was going to wait until summer break (I'm a teacher) so I could focus on it, but I just decided to dive right in. Cheated during dinner the first two days, only to find myself feeling horrible the next day.

    In just four days, I've lost a pound. While it might be water weight, it's keeping me motivated to stick with it. I bought some Julian's Bakery Zero Carb bread, and holy cow it was HORRIBLE. I was hoping I could have sandwiches with my family, but it literally tasted like cardboard. I couldn't even finish a piece. It did make me realize that I really don't need or crave bread, pasta, rice, etc.

    I'm glad to see there are others here who are in the same boat! There are lots of naysayers about low-carb, but honestly, eating low-carb has made me crave pastries and sweets less. I need the discipline of low-carb to keep myself focused on quality protein and vegetables, and not always wondering what my starch is going to be with my meal. I'm fuller a LOT longer this way too!
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me..I do low carb and feel great :)
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I stick around 15 net carbs a day (sometimes lower, sometimes higher, I'm not perfect lol.) Either way, feel free to add. I've been doing LC since Dec. 2012 and have been feeling / doing great imo. It's the first diet that has worked for me. Staying in Keto makes me feel full, and I love all the foods I eat (I don't miss breads or pastas at all. There are so many alternatives anyways!)
    It works so well for me that I decided to make it a life style change :)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Been low carb for 14 months and lost 70 lbs doing it. I followed the Slow Carb Diet in Tim Ferris' book The 4 Hour Body. You'll catch a lot of grief on these fora for it. "Carbs aren't the enemy". "You don't need to eliminate entire food types" "You're an idiot and here's why" blah, blah, blah. I ignore it all. Works for me and I don't care if anyone else agrees.

    I have been cycling more carbs back in as I have reached my goal weight and now want to add muscle. But the added carbs are fruit and milk and CarbMaster yogurt from Kroger (awesome stuff, BTW). Just started that last week. Not sure if I will stick with that approach as eating carbs ignites some serious cravings to eat more carbs and that is why I was fat.