Anyone eating low carb?



  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Recently, I did a NO carb diet (except the carbs in fruits and veggies) for 1 week and dropped lbs like crazy! This ended last friday. Now, I am on a low carb diet, because after that experience, I just felt so good but i knew it wasn't a realistic goal for myself to completely stop eating carbs. I have been looking up recipes like a mad lady because, just like you, I dont want to get tired of eating the same stuff, thus making it easier to not succeed. But feel free to add me, I am willing to share ideas, support, and motivate others, and Lord knows I need the support as well!

    But you WERE eating carbs - in the fruits and veggies. And I think that is reasonable to do for quite a while. But when I have done it for long term in the past, I allowed myself one cheat meal per week. That is when I had the pasta meal, or burger with a bun and fries, and dessert, or whatever. Allowing yourself one meal of "whatever" makes you not feel restricted, and you end up planning and looking forward to it, but one meal doesn't mess your whole week up - and you can still lose. Atkins bars help me with resisting sweet treats too. Give that a try and see if those things work for you.
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    All I can say is I am for no processed or fake food. carbs not my issue because I fruits all the time. I do typically ignore breads. I love sandwiches and this can be hard when others re ordering around me, but I do not care. I am actually more happy with a fruit bowl and side salad and feel better all afternoon.

    "Carbs" are truly not the enemy...processed breads and foods are. Their is a big difference. I will never tell you to not eat an apple because it has too much sugar and carbs...please. That is just stupid.

    A few days without pasta or bread and you wont care :)
  • PDXHollyD
    PDXHollyD Posts: 21 Member
    Honestly, this isn't a great place for low carb. Look for /r/keto on reddit, or if you want real help and information. You'll get a lot of people around here who kind of half-assedly do it for a while, but then go back to the low fat/low calorie diet because they "just can't live without pasta/bread/cake" or "fruits are soooo healthy" or "I need to cheat and eat some sugary crap once a week" etc. You'll see person after person here who lost a bunch of weight doing low carb but then quit it and gained all the weight back and somehow blames low carb for their bad decisions. And this gets supported by the calorie in / calorie out crowd. If you're serious about it, do some googling.
  • allijoy13
    allijoy13 Posts: 66 Member
    I try my best, but I eat a lot of veggies and fruit, so that can make it tough. But I stay away from refined carbs as best I can. I will send you a friend request.

  • PDXHollyD
    PDXHollyD Posts: 21 Member
    nsaglian, I'm sorry, but come on. Atkins induction is under 20 grams of carbohydrate a day, not 125. That's not remotely close. You may be eating well under what you ate before, in which case, bravo, but you are not on a ketogenic diet at 125. So when you don't get the amazing appetite suppression and quick weight loss, please don't blame Atkins. If you drop your carbs down under 20, the magic will happen. You are not going to get that at 125.
  • mel3491
    mel3491 Posts: 31
    Would love to share/swap ideas! I started the beginning of March and am down 30 lbs. Am happy but too have a long way to go. I do either eggs or a protein shake for breakfast, hummus with veges or salad or lunch meat rolled up with cheese for lunch and chicken or hamburger or fish for dinner. Best of all- I really enjoy the adkins line of bars and shakes. This is the treat i look forward to at the end of the day. Can't wait to hear ideas!
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    such negativity PDXHolly - This is not an "Atkins" thread, it's just low carb - and there are many ways to low carb. Don't slam people for doing what works for them. We come on here to get and give support, not have people put us down. You do it your way, we'll do it ours. And if we can help someone else in the process, then that's why we're here. Lighten up!
  • fitkemi
    fitkemi Posts: 10 Member
    That sounds like a good idea to me. I might try the one cheat meal a week but still try to make that cheat meal as healthy a possible. I'll look into those Atkins bars, as well... thanks
  • Can you post some favourite low-carb meal recipes please (I am so sick of spinach salad but I feel soooo much better when I lower my carb intake).
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I just started low carb after realizing how carb sensitive I am -- trying to stay under 40 but giving myself wiggle room-- under no circumstances do want to go over 75-100, and I too like seeing peoples recipes, sent you a friend request best of luck!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I was recommended the book "Metabolism Miracle" by my health care provider, there is also a cookbook by the same author.
    Both were very helpful in helping me change my diet and restoring my health.

    I started a very low glycemic diet 18 months ago, the very low carb period lasted 8 weeks, gradually re-introduced low-glycemic carbs into diet, to control insulin production.

    Total weight loss so far is 33 lbs, not counting calories at all, just carb counting.

    I joined MFP to count calories and get more weight off.

    I try to eat the majority of my calories in vegetables and fruits, some lean protein and dairy, a very few whole grain carbs, some olive oil and as little processed foods as humanly possible, which can be challenging at times.

    Feel free to add me and look at my food diary, its open :)

    is that your hamster? that is the cutest thing ever
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Me! :)
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Hell no!
  • I eat low carb because of my type 2 diabetes and to lose weight . Add me :smile:
  • carrieir
    carrieir Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to add some new friends as well that are doing low carb!

  • earth2283
    earth2283 Posts: 2 Member
    i am doing the keto diet....25g or less of carbs per day. i have lost 17lbs in 6 weeks. i feel better than i have in all my life. is a phenomenal resource. add me :)
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Can you post some favourite low-carb meal recipes please (I am so sick of spinach salad but I feel soooo much better when I lower my carb intake).

    Oh my gosh - there is sooo much you can eat when doing low carb. Instead of a spinach salad, I make chicken or turkey salad, with onions and celery and then throw some slivered almonds in there =- that makes it so good. Then take some cut up veggies on the side to munch like sliced cucumbers and pepper slices (I like the colored peppers). That's a good lunch.

    For other meals you can eat any meat, side of a cooked veggie, I have learned that to keep it interesting you need to try new spices - that helps alot from getting tired of the same foods. Have a fish with a lemon pepper seasoning one time, and use a cajun seasoning another time. I have montreal steak seasoning, but also chicago steak seasoning, and then sometimes I use Old Bay on different things (thats good on shrimp, fish, and even chicken for a different taste). I make cajun chicken, make ground turkey or beef with a taco type seasoning and then use that on a taco salad - you can still have the black olives, peppers, onions, even some salsa if you want, and even sour cream. You just don't have the chips. but with all that on it, I don't miss them.

    Keep some Atkins bars and shakes around for variety or when you are having a sweet tooth attack. I use string cheese, peanuts or pistachios in the shell for snacking at night - becasuse you won't eat as many if you have to deshell them first. Takes longer. And I pull the string cheese off in little strings and eat it slowly like that.

    I make all kinds of eggs with stuff in it - sometimes mexican style, sometimes cheesy scrambled eggs, sometimes a western omelet, and then others just sunny side up with a meat on the side. You can add meats, veggies cheeses. I even make a quiche and you don't need to use a crust. If you pour all thoses eggs and cheese and other ingredients into a pie pan, the eggs cook well enough that you can scoop it out like a slice. You can all kinds of things to it.

    oh - and I love hollandaise sauce - can put it on a nicely baked piece of salmon, on my version of eggs benedict which is using the meat on the bottom instead of bread, then the eggs, then the hollandaise.

    i could go on and on. Just use your imagination!!! Also try to spaghetti squash. I like it with just some butter and parmesean cheese, but I know some people eat it like regular spaghetti with sauce and meat.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes, I have been doing low carb for the last 4+ months, and the results are great! I started at 353 lbs (I am 57yrs old male 5'9" with Type II Diabetes) and now I weigh 306lbs. I have drastically improved my diabetes control, with better physiological control of the risk factors caused by Type II. All of my doctors are astonished at my rapid improvement in my health. The secret is to avoid ALL starchy carb food including bread, rice corn, peas, ect. My diet profile is 125gm of carbs a day, total calories 2020 Cal. There are low carb breads and wraps that you can use that are high fiber, so you can make a sandwich or breakfast burrito (my favorites). Save your carbs for the green and cruciform vegetables. And there is little hunger, or not feeling satisfied. Be sure to check the lables, and fiber correct some foods, since they count total carbs, which include fiber carbs that you CAN NOT address. I also get about 2000 Cal/week of moderate exercise, treadmill walking and resistance machines. TRY IT, STICK TO IT, USE MPL to track what you eat and you will loose.

    That's great......your doing so well.....keep it up!!!
  • losingw8now: that was an awesome reply, thank you for taking the time out to share your ideas. would you consider starting a thread for low-carb recipes, and if so, please show the link here somewhere. :)
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Just saw your post. We'll see - busy time for me but I will let you know if I do.