Anyone eat a tray of brownies today?



  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    What if you had the black bean brownies? More trays? Less calories per tray? I wouldn't be able to ration a tray of brownies through a day though....I would scarf them like Garfield with a lasagna!
  • Maddi_InBetweenDays
    Hate to admit it, but I've done that with pizza lol!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    ...depends on the brownies....

    (gives you that look)


    LOL omfg. I'm with you on this one ;D

    I'd definitely have to "taste" them, then have a couple more to ensure they were really good and then, much later, I'd probably just want even more to munch on...... I hope it's a BIG tray....:wink:
  • deineira
    deineira Posts: 75 Member
    I have never done this but I have a friend who does that with things like brownies and cake, and it makes her happy, so whatever. She only does it once or twice a year, and she does it and still stays within a reasonable amount of calories. You only live once...
  • Commander6666
    Commander6666 Posts: 24 Member
    I am in. Do you deliver?
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    i'll probably get lip for this..but i agree to an extent that pregnancy doesnt mean you can just "do as you please". you have to make good choices for the child you're carrying, also-there is a thing called gestational diabetes that a mother can carry on even AFTER giving birth.."food" for though hmm? :huh:

    now with that being said, im not perfect. hell i gained about 60lbs with my son, my first and only pregnancy. did i eat whatever i wanted? not really...but i worked a lot still and long hours and ate WHEN i could and didn't do ANY exercising at ALL. sometimes i would eat junk but i rarely had a true craving. (cravings are said to be from a diffeciency somewhere in your body, something you're body is missing and you begin to crave it). i refused to let the thought of "you're eating for two" run my life because i'm sorry, but eating for two would consist of eating for two people..a growing fetus is NOT an ENTIRE person so they need nutrients yes, but not NEAR as many and that's where prenatals come in.

    again, no one is perfect, pregnant women are gonna do whatever the hell they please, but i agree that it's not really an excuse to go "crazy" IMHO
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    This why i dont bake brownies..but wait it could be under calorie goal..and its got milk and eggs so its healthy..hmm add some protein powder and i might have a new diet plan
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    If you are talking about the standard 8 X 8 pan, I haven't done that in decades.. but yep, I could did eat a whole plan of brownies one particularly dismal saturday about a year after I graduated from college. With vanilla ice cream.

    Work up with hangover like symptoms and have not done it since.
  • ddyirishgrl
    yummy. i could do that today!
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    Maybe not a whole tray of brownies, but maybe a whole pizza! Or a whole container of ice cream! Or all the cookies in the box! But thank goodness, it was not today! However, we have all been there! Don't beat yourself up!
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I ate two cupcakes, some zuchinni bread and slice of a pumpkin roll. It was my Dad 80th and I allowed myself to
    go a little nuts. I stayed away from pasta and potato salads, hamburger and hotdogs, but I planned on eating
    whatever I wanted. No harm no foul. No weight gain.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Pan of brownies as your only food for the day isn't something I'm endorsing..
    But thought this might be a good place to mention the "no pudge" brownies?
    I believe they go by a different name now ( I think they changed the name after they removed the pink piggy from the box).
    They are at Trader Joes and I've seen them in the "natural" food sections of a typical grocery store.
    You mix them with nonfat yogurt. And thats it.
    They taste SO good!!
    The last time I made them, well, the brownies didn't last more than a couple days. And then I joined this site.:laugh:
    BUT you can make an individual serving in the microwave

    Oh, here's a link to the nutritional label (shocker, high in sugar!)
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Nope, but I had calories that I could still use this evening and I had forbidden ice cream. With caramel sauce.

    Not as much as I'd have had eight months ago, but I had some and I still enjoy it.
  • dg5155
    dg5155 Posts: 13 Member
    I did that with pot brownies once, but it was purely medicinal.
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Not a healthy way to eat even if keeping below your calorie limit for the day. It sounds close to a binge and if I opened the door to eating that way it may lead to more excessive and unhealthy eating. But we all need days where we indulge in things that we love and aren't particularly healthy. If it was a one day thing - you did it - move on. Tomorrow is another day and you can start fresh with eating better. I wouldn't plan it once a week though.
  • AliasSha
    AliasSha Posts: 46 Member
    Today, as a nervous wreck I didn't eat before a surgery I was going to have, even though it was super minor. Then afterwards, I was tired, hungry and ate so much dominos to the point of being sick.

    So some regrets there.

  • lelupa1
    lelupa1 Posts: 11
    I have done that with cookie dough. Gawd I love cookie dough. If anyone that has been overweight is honest....we have all done something like this. It is a binge without the extra food lol.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Yes, I have done that in the past with various foods, but my body just can't handle that anymore. I feel so awful physically that it isn't worth it. That question did make me a little bit hungry, though,. 8D
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I did that once with a bag of kettle corn. It was glorious excess, but I didn't feel very energized during the day. Sugar crash over...and over...and over....
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Not that this was your intention, but I am so happy you posted this topic! I was NOT hungry after coming home from my workout just now but my NET calories for the day is under 100 and I was dreading dinner...

    Now that I've read this, I'm looking forward to eating! I wish it were a tray of brownies...that'd be awesome! But I'll settle for two oreo cookies when I'm done with my dinner. Yummy! :bigsmile: